Whenever you’re ready Breath in and breath out then close your eyes,
Remember all the things around you then look above the blue skies.
Bring the past behind you and let go the heartaches,
Because this is your time to go and get rid of the fakes.
Regardless of what happened learn to come out stronger,
Because in this battlefield you are in, there’s no room for a loser.
Look them straight in the eyes while building your courage,
Whisper slowly in their ears while saying “I’m not average.”
Believe in yourself and never doubt your strength,
Say to yourself that you will go above your length.
Always remember that no matter how hard your life will ne,
Don’t lose your smile and let everyone see.
Think that you’re capable of something you can never imagined.
And this is the perfect time for you to begin.
Face the world while not letting your guard down,
Because everything will be worth it once you wear your crown.