We all have our own personal prayers specifically for this moment that we have now. Others hope to end this challenges for them to go on again with their lives, others hope to go back on their work since they loss their job, others hopes to rest from the stress that they’re experiencing right now, and many more other reasons.
Everything is too much too handle, people are dying, challenges are continuously arising from different parts of the world, and the future which people supposed to look forward, feels like a burden for everyone right now.
The future is getting scary and as days goes by people can’t help themselves to feel more scared. They’re reaching their limits, cries and breakdowns can be seen everywhere. Rather than expecting for a good news, they settle for the bad one because they’re losing their hopes.
“The weight on their hearts keeps getting heavier, they can’t breath anymore.”
As another day comes, I pray for healing of every single person in the world.
May God calm their raging hearts,
May God give us a bit of hope that no matter what happen it will get better soon,
May God bring peace to His land,
And may God hear our prayers and end His people’s pain.