Let’s close our eyes and enjoy the beauty of our dreams,
Even if no one sees it’s already clear for us though it’s dim.
The joy that it gives us and the feeling that only us can see,
Can make us conclude that we can own it and tell “This is for me”.
Let’s not let the circumstances that we’re in now push us away from it,
We should strive harder and free our own fighting spirit.
We’ll be unstoppable even if we’ll repeatedly fall,
Even scars will cover us we will choose to stand tall.
Let’s choose to live our lives to the fullest and live our regrets as a motivation,
Let’s make every single day more productive and work slowly to build our foundation.
We’ll pick every single broken pieces of us and put it altogether,
And we will continue to walk in this road even if it get’s darker.
We will kiss goodbye to the boundaries that we built.
As we enjoy the night sky and take the courage to stand in this rift.
Let’s cast away the fear that maybe soon it may break,
Because we will continue to bear this weight as long as it takes.
The sunrise is with us as I face the new day again,
This time we will make it full of learnings and there will no be space for pain.
The wind that touches our skin will be our guide to choose the right path,
And we will not let ourselves feel the regrets in this journey’s aftermath.
Let’s sing a lullaby for us not to choose on giving up,
We may take a rest but it doesn’t mean everything will be put to stop.
The chaos that is currently in front us we will face it courageously,
And let’s still choose to smile even if we don’t do it perfectly.
It may not be clear yet but we can now see the light in this dark tunnel,
Shining in front of our eyes telling that this is the end of our long travel.
The smell of the fresh flowers engulf us in every steps we take,
Making it all worth it from all of the pain and ache.
Happiness will welcome us and assure us that everything will be ok,
That we don’t need to worry because we made it despite of what others say.
We can now live freely knowing we made it all possible,
All the things that others told us that “It’s all impossible.”.
Now to be able to enjoy that moment we need to thoroughly work on it,
We should not choose to give up because everything is for our own benefit.
Let’s choose to enjoy this long rough road and make it worth of the experience,
Because I know in then end that all the hardships will all makes sense.
“We can do it” will be our chant every time we feel like giving up,
No matter how many times we’ll fall we’ll still choose to stand up.
“We will.” will be our answer to everyone’s disapproval eyes,
And prayers will be our guide that shows us it’s presence like the blue skies.
Thank you for reading! See you on my next blog!