September 2021 Goals Review! 

This month of September made me realized and experienced a lot of things. I made a big decision this month that I think is a good step for me to lessen my stress and worries. For the past months, I’d been suffering from toxic environment and I find it hard to focus on the positive things around me.  I always end up being affected by it that made my days ruined. As I realized it, I decided to step back and stop tolerating things that will negatively affect me.

For me, I will never be successful in taking care of myself if I will be in the same toxic environment that slowly consumes me. I need to put a distance and never be in the same place again so I can focus on my wellness. It was really a hard decision but one thing I know is it was all worth it. I considered losing connections and friends as a healthy option if my own wellness is being compromise. Rather than looking for things to hang on and tolerate everything, it is better to keep a distance so you can wisely spend your time for your own self growth.

Looking back to what happened this month, one thing I can describe it is “Rollercoaster Ride of Emotions”. From friendships, relationships and my own self-discovery, I was able to realize a lot of things that change my outlook in life. Although it will be a big adjustment, I never regret choosing myself first before others. I know it was a good decision after all, since I experienced a peace of mind and freedom to choose what I wanted to do.

As long as God, my family and true friends will be there by my side, I will not fear any decisions I’ll make. To sum up everything this month, here are the list of the things I learned and realized:

Now for the rest of my goals, here’s a review of each and the status I’m in after nine months of working on it. From financial up to personal goals, everything will all be reviewed here hoping that it will inspire you to do the same.

My 2021 Financial Goals

For the month of August, For the month of September, mostly I spent my expense budget for my personal needs. I’d spent it specifically on my travels and my first tattoo which I also don’t regret since I experienced a lot of fun things. Regardless of spending more than what I planned; I will try to adjust my budget for next month so I can make sure that I’ll be able to save more.

Here’s the illustration below on where my money goes in this month:

For this year, I already save the payment for my insurance and investment. The amount I put in this fund will be good until July 2022, so all I need to do is to ready again my savings for next year. For my SSS, I planned to settled it on December this year so I can be cleared from this year’s payment.

As of now, I’m trying to have limited expenses so I can maximize my savings capacity. I’d been spending a lot of stuff these past few months but since my savings funds are all settled, I do think that I’m still in the right track. All I need to do is to be disciplined enough to stick to my budget so I can save more for my emergency fund.

As of now, here’s the current status of my long-term savings funds:

As of this month of September, I had reached the amount I planned for my business fund. Regardless of having other expenses out of the budget, this fund is still secured. Now I have three more months to secure my target amount which is P195,000. Hopefully I can avail a housing next year so I can start to have my first passive income that will help me to focus on my other savings.

It was last month when I mentioned that I need to save up again since I used mostly my emergency fund due to my family needs. For this month, I’m glad that I successfully save some to fill up this fund again. All I need to do is to stick on my Due to the needs of my family, I used most of my emergency fund. Due to that reason, I need to work it on again from the very start so I can be secured in any emergency that may happen. As of this month of September, I was able to save 2086 qar which is around P28,000. I just need to secure around 3000 qar for three more months so I can be cleared in this fund.

As of now, the amount in my local bank account is mostly my business fund & emergency fund. Since I used up my emergency fund, I failed to secure something in my local ban. For this account, I planned to use it as my leisure fund if ever I wanted to travel. Since I decided to have my travel plans in this coming year, I need to save up so that my savings won’t be affected by it.

Hopefully next year once I settled all the savings funds I have, I can start to save in this account. In this table you can see the summary of amounts I save and spent for the month of September. As of this month, I can say that my savings are all doing well except my emergency fund which I need to focus on in these coming months.

In this month, I’d been very consistent in doing my ideal routine so that I can make sure that I managed my time well. From taking care of myself, doing one thing that made this month memorable is when I added a walking routine and a meditation as part of my selfcare goals. What I did is to have a 30 minutes’ walk everyday followed by a 30 minutes cardio exercise. This will give us a total of 1 hour workout on a daily basis.

As much as possible, I wanted to be more productive. I wanted to make use of the time in nurturing and building myself. Rather than being consumed by negativity, I would rather focus on the things that will help me develop. That’s what this month had given me. Every single day of this month are so productive for me that made me feel so grateful for all the simple accomplishments I have because of it.

Now for us to review all my accomplishments in this month, here are the activities I did for my self-development.

Now let’s go back to my personal goals progress.

As of September 2021, I’d officially finished four trainings and two diploma certifications! Isn’t it amazing? The list of all of it are stated below:

  1. Food Safety and Hygiene in the Catering Industry
  2. Hospitality Management – Health and Safety in Food Service – Revised
  3. ISO 22000:2018 – Elements of Food Safety Management System (FSMS)
  4. Diploma in Events Management
  5. Micros Opera- Reservation
  6. Diploma in Operations Management

As I finished the Diploma in Operations Management, I think that this will be a big step for me to achieve a managerial role in the future. This well helped me to be more equipped individual and have a competitive advantage in applying for a job.

All the modules I’d done in this diploma are all stated below:

  1. MODULE 1: Introduction to Operations Management DONE!
  2. MODULE 2: Operations Management and Decision Making DONE!
  3. MODULE 3: Managing Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) DONE!
  4. MODULE 4: First Assessment
  5. MODULE 5: Quality Management
  6. MODULE 6: Supply Chain Management
  7. MODULE 7: Managing Lean Production System
  8. MODULE 8: Second Assessment
  9. MODULE 9: Course Assessment

For this month of September, I started to do add a walking exercise and meditation in m daily routine. Since I’m about to reach my target wight which is 47 kg, I planned to focus on developing more muscles in my hips and arm area. I don’t want to overdo everything and just keep my workout and meal plan consistently.

To give you a glimpse of what I did this September, here’s the workout plan that I did six times a week.

Now for this month of September, I planned to focus on cardio, yoga, walking. Here’s my current progress of my workout + meal plan routines.

Now for this month of October, I planned to focus on maintaining my weight and developing more muscles by doing target exercises.  I also planned to have a healthy breakfast meal so I can lessen my food intake during dinner.

1st Workout Plan (Hard Exercise)

30 Minutes Walking Exercise

20-30 Minutes HIIT/Cardio Exercise

Target Exercise

2nd Workout Plan (Soft Exercise)



As I start doing this workout last March 2021, I never thought that I’ll be so consistent on it. After trying so many times before, I always end up failing due to the void excuses that I always choose to win. Looking back, I can’t help myself to think that “What if I didn’t do these whole things?”, will I still find a way to work on myself? Those are the questions that continuously linger in my mind. I can’t help to feel so grateful that I’d overcome my excuses and be consistent in this journey.

As I become successful in achieving my goal, I hope to inspire others to do the same. I wanted to show my journey on how I started and to share how I became consistent on it up to this day. There will be more days and hopefully others will join me in this journey.

September is my second month in doing my low-calorie diet which was introduced to me by my sister. In the course of doing this, I observe that my body feels light and my food cravings had lessened as well. Since I downloaded an app to track all my meals in take, I can see how my weight had reduced in just one and a half month doing it.

Can you imagine that I already lost almost 2.5 kg? Amazing right? Together with my cardio workouts, these things really did a great job for me to achieve this weight goal. Now what I plan is to do it consistently so that I can easily maintain my body. I will slowly incorporate more workout activities so that I can keep myself active all the time.

Below is my meal plan for the first four months:

  1. 16/8 Intermittent Fasting – 10am to 6pm (Eating Period)
  2. First Meal- One type of fruit, Boiled Egg (Only Egg Whites) and Laban
  3. Second Meal (Lunch)- Coffee, two pieces breads and, Boiled Egg (Only Egg Whites)
  4. Third Meal (Dinner)- 3 Tbsp rice and Vegetable Dish
  5. Friday- Cheat Day

Below is my updated meal plan in this coming month:


Recommended Daily Intake

  1. Breakfast (9:00)- Boiled Egg/Fruits
  2. Lunch (12:00)- Coffee, One Piece bread
  3. Snack (15:00)- Banana
  4. Dinner (before 19:00)- I cup rice and Vegetable /Meat Dish
  5. Friday- Cheat Day

Daily Average Intake: 883 KCAL

For this month of September, the only place that I’d been is Msheireb Downtown Doha. The only catch is since everything is new to me, I find it hard to have the needed pictures for my blog. Since we also shoot some videos for our YouTube account, we end up spending more time doing it.

 Now as I had my first experienced, I know now the next things I will do once I’ll have my next target place. Hopefully I can work on making a better travel blog so I can soon share it to everyone. Well, it’s not bad for a first timer, I still have a lot of chance to make it up for my next travel blogs.

Since I decided to lessen my social media time, I find it hard to update all of my social media accounts. From doing a blog, posting an update and making illustrations for my website, it really requires effort and time to do everything. Despite of that, I know that I’m exerting my efforts pretty well. My social media interactions may not look like what I expected, but I still don’t lose hope that everything will be ok once I’ll put my heart into this.

Since I also decided to go back in Tiktok and take that as an opportunity to grow engagements, I now feel more motivated and inspired to make all my dreams in reality. I know everything will take time but one thing for sure is I won’t get tired achieving my goals.

I’ll make it happen soon!

For the month of September, I succeeded on posting a total of seven blogs which reached my monthly target. I can say that I’m losing my readers despite of sharing it in my Pinterest and Facebook account. I Planned to soon share it in my other social media platforms so I can somehow reach my target readers for this year. Now, here below are the blogs that I shared for this month:

  1. September Goals Review- Life Journey
  2. When to let go?- Unspoken Poetry
  3. Save to be safe: Ideal Budget for you!- Live to Inspire
  4. My Journey: When it all started?- Life Journey
  5. Sa Tamang Panahon– Unspoken Poetry
  6. Explore Qatar: Msheireb Downtown Doha– Travel Diaries
  7. Get rid of your stress by walking!- Live to Inspire

Even though I’m having challenges in my viewers count, I still feel motivated to write and update in this blog. This website is like my outlet of my thoughts where I can share anything and at the same time inspire other. It may take long time this website to grow, all I know is this will serves as my life story that I will always look back in the future.

In this month of September, I can say that I’d been very active in all of my social media accounts. Because of that I feel more confident to share more of my activities unlike before. As of now, I still need to be more active in updating my Instagram feed and Instagram reels. As of September 16, the total content interactions is 291 with a total +1.1% increase of followers. All I need to to is to stick on my planned number of updates and focus on content engagements so I can increase my followers.

You can check my posts and reels by clicking this link <leapearl_14>.

In this month, I’d been quite active in this social media account. Unlike before where I only publish my blogs here, I incorporated uploading pictures of my travels. I find it hard to share it at first because I’m not used to it anymore but gladly, I was able to overcome the anxiety and just share everything here.

As of September 30, the total followers I have is 1,200 with three uploaded posts from my blog and three photo updates.

As I focus myself on gaining interactions, I need to double my efforts in putting quality contents in my Facebook account. Not just being active but at the same time engage more to others. It will be a thorough work but I know I’ll eventually make it happen.

This is my second month in my new Pinterest account. As I published more images and at the same time blogs in this application, I reached almost 2,200 monthly viewers! It was really unexpected and because of that I feel more motivated to share updates in this account. Although I find it hard to edit pictures and at the same time update my blog at first, I learned now the perfect timings for everything. Now I feel more inspired and excited to do everything. It will be very busy in my part but I know everything will all be worth it.

You can check my Pinterest account here <Lea Pearl Manongdo>

After so many months of being inactive in Tiktok, I decided to revive my account. This is due to the reason that as I observe how easy for anyone to grow followers here, it will be a good platform to draw interactions for other of my social media accounts. I planned to invest on making quality dance, travel and workout videos so that I can easily draw viewers and followers.

What I planned to make it happen is to make my day off the time for me to do and edit the videos. Rather than taking it indoor, I prefer to do it outside so I can have more nice quality shoots. I will also start to edit it first in a video editing app before uploading it in Tiktok.

Hopefully I can be very active in this so that I won’t be able to lose a chance in gaining followers!

It was last month when we decided to have a YouTube account. At first, I thought it will be very easy to take videos and to edit everything. As we did it, we find it hard to do everything by just using one camera. Originally, my plan is to purchase one camera so that we can utilize two gadgets to ensure that we can save time. But since I wasn’t able to get the cash that I’m expecting to have, I ended up cancelling it and just purchase it if I already have the means.

Since my partner is currently busy as well in his social media account (Tiktok) which is now gaining a lot of followers, we can’t really make time to edit everything. Despite of that, I’m still looking forward to have our very own YouTube account so that we can somehow have our digital memories which we can always look once we grow old.

The current status of it as of now is all the layout, sample banners and thumbnails for our videos are all done. All we have to do is to focus on having videos as back up so we can consistently upload videos.

Cheer us up and pray for us that we’ll be able to achieve this goal!

This month has been full of blessings. I feel more inspired and dedicated to reach my goals in life. As I discover more of the opportunity around me, I slowly let go of my limitations and explore more of my potentials. I realized that bigger dreams will help you to be more motivated and see every day as an opportunity to step closer to it. 

One must let go of their restrictions in order for them to realized things that they can do. They should own their lives and don’t let others control them. One thing that I also came to know this month, is not everyone around you truly cares. We should be careful enough to leave from toxicity and focus on our wellbeing.  Rather than spending time talking about others, divert it into something productive.

Do yourself a favor to let go of negativity.

Learn to get away from something that restricts your potentials and kill your time. Spend it on things that will help you nurture yourself and can motivate you on whatever goals you’re aiming for. Time is very limited for each and everyone, so we better learn to manage it very well.

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About Me

Hi, I am Lea Pearl

Working employee wherein blogging became my side hobby.
Creator of Living Her Own Life which aims to touch people’s heart and inspire them to achieve their own goals in life.
Writing has been my passion for almost 15 years. Last 2020, I made my very own website where I can share all of my thoughts and stories in life.

On the Blog