Proper Wealth Management of People Under 30! 

The most used method that shouldn’t be followed.

If you’d been practicing this kind of lifestyle now, all I can say is stop it now. What you’ll do in these years will determine 30% of your future, why? because this is the period where you’re still physically and mentally active.

Others may say that “Nah! I want to have fun and this is the perfect time of my life.” Well, they’re absolutely right, but isn’t it nice if you’ll be able to have fun and at the same time be responsible to your future as well? If you think that it’s impossible to do it at the same time, then you’re definitely wrong.

You can always do that and nobody can stop or dictates you but you need to have the RIGHT ATTITUDE. If you’re really determine to be a responsible person, you can always be. You can start by changing your mantra to,

“Live in the present but think of your future too.”

To be able to do that, you must think of the things that you need to prioritize. You can start it by identifying your goals.

From setting up a business up to planning one’s life. SMART has been the method widely used by everyone to start up.

Using this method, anyone will be able to have a systematized goals. From identifying up to determining the time frame it will help them to achieve their goals easily. Some may think that this is too formal to use, but rest assured that it help a lot of people in many ways. Even the business owners commonly used this, so why don’t you give it a try and see what it will benefit you.

A sample of financial goals that are categorized by its time frame.

Determining your goals will help you to save your time in many ways. If you’d already identify, define and fix your goals according to what is shown above, years of not knowing what to do will surely end. It will give you a purpose and motivation to do your best to achieve those goals.

Sample time line.

In this time line, you can see a ten to maximum fifteen years plan. Here you’ll be able to know the target years your goals needs to be achieve.

By having this plan earlier, the earlier you’ll have those goals achieve as well. Like what I stated from the very start, if you have right attitude and if your determine on what you’d planned, you can have it no matter what happen.

For sure there will be tons of challenges along the way, but having a plan is an advantage on your part. You may feel down upon having those problems but the sense of security is there because you already work for it before anything happen.

Don’t settle for less. Achieve more as long as you can. Here are some income streams that you can have, if you work for it.

Do you have any idea about the secret of millionaires? Well, simply they don’t settle in one source of income. Their wealth was never an instant. They undergo a lot of challenges as well, but within those time, they learned and made them more responsible individual. For common people, they’ll think of one source of income which is salary, but little did they know that it is only for temporary. If they can’t use it wisely, time will come and they won’t be as productive as before resulting them to be unemployed.

This is the perfect time to think of things you need to prioritize. There’s a lot of ways to be financially literate. Remember, what you’re doing now has a big part on what you’ll be in the future.

Ask yourself what you want to be. Do you choose to plan now and have a meaningful life after? or you prefer to have fun now, and regret everything after?

There’s a lot of ways to be a responsible individual. You just need to push yourself a little and make yourself realize a kind of life you want to live.

Passion, Determination and right attitude is the key!

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