It’s been a year since the pandemic started and It affected a lot of people in many ways. A lot of people were laid offs from their jobs, some students was forced to adapt in online learning, families all over the country hurriedly applied for internet and bought gadgets for their kids study and many more other things.
I was never an exemption from all of those, I had mentioned it in my previous blogs that I was also laid off last April 2020 and been unemployed for six months. In the course of that period, I really felt pressured because I know that all of my plan were put on halt and I need to restart everything again.
Al of us never imagine the effect of this pandemic into our lives. I was guilty for not taking it seriously before and never planned to ready myself in this kind of situation. Until now a lot of people are still thriving to come back in their usual daily lives. Most of them are busy looking for another job, the rest are considering to have their own business and some engaged in social media activities.
Now for the young generation who are still starting to build their career, this is a great challenge for them since business are still coping up from their loss. Until now, there’s still news circling regarding business closure every now and then all over the world.
For sure everyone is still coping up and hoping that everything will be better soon. Now here’s a seven simple tips that you can do to boost your career profile even when it’s lock down. This tips that I’ll share to you are proven based on what I did during that six months being unemployed. Here you go!
1.Make your social media look professional!
“Be careful on what you post.“

Nowadays, human resource staffs are also viewing their aspirants in their social media accounts. This is one of their ways on how they’ll check your background. Although it doesn’t apply for all company, it’s better to be cautious in what you post. Like what my favorite professor always mentioned in our class…
“First impression last.”
So it’s better to be ready rather than regretting it later on. Just remember that whatever company you’ll be and you are right now, it also means that you represent it. So you just need to be mindful on what you do. I remember when I was a part of Marriott, the one thing that our GM and HR told to each of us is wherever we will be, we should be a GOOD AMBASSADOR of our company.
I put those words into my life and whenever I’ll be in the future and whatever company I’ll be working, I’ll keep doing it.
If you find it hard to manage your social media accounts, just always remember that you need to do things accordingly based on what you wanted others to treat you. Simple as that.
2. Make your own linkedin profile
This website really help me in so many ways until now. I remember discovering it when I was in 4th year college. There’s this one seminar where all graduating are required to attend, and that tackles different topics in starting once career, budgeting and many more start up tips for graduates.
While others see that as a requirement for graduation, I took that opportunity to learn a lot of things. From the importance of having an insurance, ways to have your own financial freedom and websites that will help you grow your professional connections, it was all tackled very well.
Once that seminar ended, I hurriedly made an account in linkedin even the only experienced that I put there is my On the job training in Dusit Thani Manila and Balesin Island. I also made a connections there from Hotel General Manager, Directors, HR personnel, Executive Chefs and many more! Until one day, I saw a post from executive chef in Doha that urgently needs staff. I hurriedly passed my CV and the rest is history.
This is my own experienced that I wanted to share to everyone so that they’ll be able to know the importance of considering this in building their career profile.
Until now, I consistently update my profile in this website and continue to make professional connections. I also connected my own website so that any blogs I make will automatically posted there.
Just try to do it, and you’ll never regret it. Promise!
3. Grab this opportunity to ready or revised your CV/Resume
Your CV and Resume are one of the topmost necessity in looking for a job. If you think that your resume is updated and all the information are stated clearly, well enough is never actually enough.
If you want to have an edge once you applied, think of something that will help your resume stand out. For every applications one thing that attracts recruiter is on how you present your resume/CV. So in order for it to be shortlisted, think of a way that will make it different from the rest.
Even before I graduated, I’d been customizing my resume every now and then. Like what my mantra says in applying job (“First Impression last.”), our resume/CV is a good opportunity to get that positive impression on us.

If you don’t have any idea where to start, you can check this website (Resume Builder for 2021) where you can easily choose of any format and just input the needed information.
Just a tip, you don’t need to put a lot of information, the summary and the important things are more than enough. Make is simple but attractive!
4. Make professional connections
I’d been pretty mentioning the importance of having a professional connection in my other blogs. In establishing yourself, you need to make yourself know in that field.
No idea on how to do it? Here are some tips!
- Use your linkedin account and connect yourself to other professionals
- Attending different seminars and training of professionals in the field
- Be an active member of a group (connected to your career)

By doing that, you’ll easily establish connections. Now, once you’re in a company already, you need to make sure that you gave everyone a lasting good impression of you. You need to work hard and be acknowledge by the one who are in the position. You don’t need to be scared because by just doing your best, they’ll know the quality of work that you possess.
Once you separated ways in the future, they can help you in so many ways like simply giving their recommendations, and even hiring you in their new company!
5. Do online training/seminars connected to your chosen career
If you still can’t find a job right now, doing online training and seminars can help you for the mean time. Not only you’ll gain certificates out of it, you’ll also ensure that your lockdown days are productive.
Now, even I’m currently working, I still make sure that every month I’ll gain one training certification. This is to ready my profile in my next target position.
This tip is very ideal for those who are still starting their career and with less job experience. Rather than doing nothing, it is better to engage in productive activities such as this. If you’re in doubt on where to do it, here are some quick links that you can check.
6. Plan your target goal for your first job or next job
Starting your first job without a proper plan and target usually ends up people to be overwhelm in their salary. The more you get used on not managing your finances, the more it will be hard on you to manage it in the future.
Since you’re still in the quest of looking for a job, planning will not take a lot of your time. Remember that the earlier you set your goals, the earlier you’ll achieve it.
Determination is the key!

If you don’t know how to start you can watch inspiring videos from these great motivational teachers. The following people are the ones that my great colleague recommended me to watch. Now I wanted to share it to everyone so we can both be inspired and be motivated!.
- Robert Kiyosaki
- Jim Rohn
- Arvin Orubia (Filipino Entrepreneur)
- John Maxwell
- Myles Monroe
- Robin Sharma
- Marvin Germo (Filipino Influencer)
- Marianne Williamson
- Eric Thomas
7. Do something different that will give you an edge on your application
Being different doesn’t always mean a bad thing. Like I always mentioned, you need to stand out in any way. The more you are different, the more they can easily notice you.
Most of the time, we usually choose to go with the flow and do the same thing like others. But based on my own experience, going against the mantra is sometimes a good idea.
You just need to think out of the box on how to make yourself different. Like for example, if you think that most of the aspirants are having the same job experience like yours, think of something that will attract the employers interest. Some examples are in the below:
- Make them know that you’re actively participating in social welfare activities (Join non- government groups)
- Having an inspirational blog or social media accounts
- Being a speaker of an event
- Having a nice educational background (being part of the Dean’s lister’s and scholars of your school)
- Actively doing something out of your usual activities (Choir member, Financial advisor, Zumba instructor etc.)
I know you’ll feel in doubt from the things stated above because it doesn’t really connected to your job. But you know what, the human resource staffs will think of it differently. It will shows them that you can become a productive staff of them knowing that you are able to do other things out of your job. It also means that you are eager to have a productive day full of activities not only for your company and for yourself as well.
“For the first eight hours you need to work for your job. The rest of your time you need to work for your goals.”
After knowing this motivational statement, I’d been trying really hard to apply it in my daily life. We need to make most out of the day because time will continuously moving. The more you settle for what you do, the more you’ll regret not doing it in the future.
Do something for yourself regardless of what challenges you are facing right now. Even this pandemic brought us a lot of things, I believe we can still be able to do something for ourselves.
There’s no room for excuses.
Remember that you can’t turn back the time, so give yourself a favor to do something productive right now. These seven simple steps is not only for the one’s experiencing career breakdown, it’s for everyone who still feel doubt in their own selves.
I know you can do it.
Starting today, promise yourself that you’ll aim for a productive day. Stop being lazy and work for your dreams. I’ll be cheering here for you.

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