Once Your End Is Set 

I saw how your eyes pierce in every glances you make,

Together with bitterness and jealousy which added to your mistakes.

How does it feel to live a life by pulling someone else down?

Are you happy now that you forcefully take someone else’s crown?

Tell me, you were never been genuine in the beginning, right?

You saw their flaws as a triumph card to get rid of them from your sight.

You hate them after knowing their negative sides,

And you start to drag them down and joy your own ride.

How does it feel to talk negatively behind their back?

Did you enjoyed it very much knowing each other’s lack?

In every word you said and statements you told,

Clearly define who you are without being unfold.

You’d done a pretty good job building your foundation,

Thinking that nobody can destroy and take your position.

 Without knowing that they’re all aware from the very start,

But they let you since for them it’s a waste to take their part.

Their part in the scheme that you’d been preparing,

In a battlefield where you choose everyone’s ending.

A kind of life where you wanted everyone to revolve around you,

That same kind of life that nobody wanted to participate too.

Hate is the beginning of everything,

Since then, you started to change without even realizing.

You choose to be blinded by the growing hate inside your heart,

And now you totally lost a half of your part.

Before it’s over start to let all the hate be gone,

Start everyday with a smile and be genuinely happy as much as you can.

Don’t do it to please someone but it should be for your own sake,

And this is a kind of change that only you can make.

In this short life choose to be remembered in a good way.

Share love and kindness and be careful in every words you say.

Live your life happily and don’t do something you’ll regret,

Coz you can never change everything once your end is set.

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