This is it! We’re now in the last month of the year 2021. Every time I look back to all what happened this year, I always feel overwhelm and happy remembering the memories I’d experienced. There are times that I end up crying not because of sadness but the feeling of being proud that I was able to surpass all the challenges this year. I feel so thankful that I still have a chance to achieve all my goals and tell my story to others. I may not yet there, but knowing that I’m still continuing my journey right now, it’s more than enough for me to feel blessed.
One thing that I also feel grateful for, is this blog. Gladly I made the right choice to start this since it became my inspiration to achieve everything that I planned. The more I blog about the progress of my target goals and the things that I look forward in the future, the more I feel the fire within me. This blog became my foundation which I can always look back and I can also share to others.
For the last month of this year, I will slowly analyze all my progress and current status of my goals. I will also work on establishing my plans for the next year so I can thoroughly decide what will be my priorities. Now going back in this month of November, here are the things that I realized:

Learning should be a continuous process. We need to see every day as an opportunity to grow and a chance to have a step closer to our goals. The only thing that can make our goals possible is when we put our heart into it. The dedication will follow through as long as we set out heart and mind into something that we’d been dreaming. Now for the rest of my goals, here’s a review of each and the status I’m in after eleven months of pursuing it.
From financial up to personal goals, everything will all be reviewed here hoping that it will inspire you to do the same.

My 2021 Financial Goals

For the month of November, I’d spent more than my expense budget since I paid my existing debt. Since I planned to start this year without any liabilities, I decided to settled it right away. Another sad thing is that, the one who borrowed money from me failed to settle it due to some issues in his company. Because of that, my plan which is not to use my debit card for purchase failed since I’m expecting the cash that he’ll pay back to me. This is quite sad but I realized a lot of things out of this experience. Now I will consider myself first before giving help to anybody.
As I recalculate all of my expense, gladly my business fund which is my priority wasn’t affected. Since the year 2022 will be the period which I put my savings into investment, I need to prioritized this saving above all. Now I only have one more month to save for all my financial goals. As of now, I can say that I’m still on track and my savings are all going well.
Here’s the illustration below on where my money goes for this month:

For this year, I already save the payment for my insurance and investment. The amount I put in this fund will be good until July 2022, so all I need to do is to ready again my savings for next year. Since I already made a financial budget for 2022 and I added my SSS premium payment, what all left is to save money for each of my financial goals.
As I look forward in this upcoming year, I can see how busy it will be for me and my funds. As I officially start building my passive income stream, I need to strengthen my finances so that I can always be ready in any challenges in 2022. One thing that I also need to work on is to aim for a higher income stream which can be made possible by having a promotion or a change of job.
As I can see, there will be a chance for me to grow by using this current opportunity that I have. I just need to be more active in sharing my ideas and work on to exceed everyone’s expectation. If it failed in the end, I can always look for an opportunity somewhere else. I will not give up and I will make this year as my breakthrough of my life. As of now, here’s the current status of my long-term savings funds:

As of this month of November, I achieved the amount that I planned for my business fund. Now I have one more month to secure and reach my target amount which is P195,000. In regards with the updates for the construction, my parents are currently looking for someone to work with us. We are also done deciding with the design which is a simple and practical one which can also be appropriate for its target monthly rental which is P6,000.00.
These first five years of building my passive income will greatly help me especially my future. The more I can build multiple streams of income, the more I can be secured. This will be a big sacrifice but it will be worth it in the end. All I need to do is to work on it slowly and plan my years very well.
May God help me to achieve this goal!

For building my emergency fund, I’m still in the process of saving more amount for it. Since I believe that as long as I have extra amount for emergency, the more I can prevent myself on using my savings. Having this fund helped me in so many ways especially during the pandemic. While reviewing my expenses this year, I wasn’t able to control it very well specifically in providing needs for my family. The emergency fund that I built in the start of the year became my support throughout this period. Even though I used all of the amount in this fund and start in zero again, I had realized the importance of this savings which I considered now as a pre-requirement that one should consider.
As of this month of November, I was able to saved 1000 qar which is around P13,500. As I can foresee my two months savings and expenses, I know that I will fail to reach my target amount of Emergency fund which is 5,000 qar. This is due to the sudden emergency needs of my family, the debts I settled and also the borrowed amount which is 3,640 qar.
The amount borrowed to me will be my means to pay my joint account fund and budget expense for the month of March. At least now, I already settled one financial responsibility that I have for the next year.

As of now, the amount in my local bank account is only my business fund & emergency fund. Since I’d settled my savings for my joint account fund and at the same time will start to build my passive income through the use of my business fund, I can now start to get rid of three of my financial responsibilities in the end of year 2022. Those are the Joint Account Fund, SSS Fund, Family Assistance Expense. As long as I can push myself to build at least two incomes stream this year, I will surely have a great year in the start of 2023.

In this table you can see the summary of amounts I save and spent for the month of November. As of this month, I can say that my savings are all doing well except my emergency fund which I need to focus on in these coming months.
In this table you can see the summary of amounts I save and spent for the month of October. As of this month, I can say that my savings are all doing well except my emergency fund which I need to focus on in these coming months.

For this month of November, I was able to develop how to manage my time efficiently. It took me awhile to get used to it but since I’m eager to be consistent, I was able to continue these good habits that I just planned before. I found my days very productive now compare to what I’m used to in the past. Every week of mine are piled up with task and activities that covers all aspects of my life from spiritual, physical, mental and emotional. I always see to it that my days will be filled with tasks that will help me to develop myself more.
One good thing out of these habits is I was able to influence the people around me to do the same. My workmate started doing her own to do list, ideal routine and an early morning workout. I feel so happy just by looking on her progress. With the conversations that we have every single day, she was able to apply it in her life choices. It was last week ago when she shared to me that she’s currently saving for her emergency fund, and planned to have an insurance starting this upcoming year. Amazing right?
With this experienced, I realized that it is very effective to have someone who’s supporting you in your goals. The one who’s willing to listen and share things that can make the other one grow. Now, we are both setting ups our goals and looking forward in this upcoming year with a bright and positive approach.
Here below is my self-care routine for the month of November:

Let’s now see if I was able to accomplished all of the short-term goals I did for myself and at the same time what I had planned for this month of November.

By doing these simple goals, it helped me to manage my time and to set priorities on things that I must do. I know that the small steps I’m doing right now will mean so much to me when the time comes. I just need to have more patience and trust the process that I’m going through right now. All the things that I learned throughout this journey will be my guide in every decision that I will choose. I need to put my heart in everything that I started so that I can achieved all that I hope for. Within that period, this blog will be my witness for every progress that I’ll be going through. I’ll make sure that I’ll be able to share my story hoping that it would touch people’s heart and inspire them as well.
Now for us to review all my accomplishments in this month, here are the activities I did for my self-development.
Now let’s go back to my personal goals progress.

Since I already reached my target certifications and Diploma for this year 2021, what I did in these couple of months is to plan the trainings that I will do for the next year. I started looking for websites that I can have my online training since I planned to focus on management certifications which I need to earn credentials for the position that I’m aiming for 2022. Here below are certifications that I did for this year.
- Food Safety and Hygiene in the Catering Industry
- Hospitality Management – Health and Safety in Food Service – Revised
- ISO 22000:2018 – Elements of Food Safety Management System (FSMS)
- Diploma in Events Management
- Micros Opera- Reservation
- Diploma in Operations Management
To sum it up, I’d done four training certifications and two diploma certifications for this year. Hopefully I can achieve my target position this year so that I can at least save more and be step closer to my dream job which is to become a “Director”.

For this month of November, I’d been waking up early to do some of the tasks I have for the day. By doing this, I became more productive and make used of the time efficiently. Since I also reached my target weight, what I did is just do some light exercises every morning and incorporate walking exercise within the day. I’m currently focusing in strengthening my core by doing cardio exercises and eating nutritious food in my diet. Together with my friend, we both find ourselves dedicated to do it since we both have the same target which is to live a healthy lifestyle.
To give you a glimpse of what I did this November, here below my workout plan for that month:

Here’s my current progress of my workout + meal plan routines.

For December, I’ll still focus on maintaining my weight and engage in cardio exercises and yoga. I will also start to eat more protein rich foods to support my cardio workout. I just need to be more consistent about this so that it will be easy for me to plan something for the next year.
1st Workout Plan (Hard Exercise)
30 Minutes Walking Exercise
20-30 Minutes HIIT/Cardio Exercise
Target Exercise
2nd Workout Plan (Soft Exercise)
Dedication plays a big role in defining oneself. Within this period of reaching my targets, I came to know myself more. Who would have thought that after a challenging year caused by the pandemic, there’s still good things that came out from it? It has been a journey of realizations that now became my strength to reach all of my goals.
It was a challenging year indeed for everyone but I hope that all of us regain our strength back and continue to soar higher than we used to be.
I hope that my workout progress will inspire the rest to continue what they started. Let’s look forward in this upcoming year with full of physical activities for us to achieve the ideal healthy lifestyle that we’re aiming for so long!

Even though I ended my low-calorie diet last September, I still follow a certain calorie count every day to maintain my weight right now. This is for me to manage my eating habits and cut down unhealthy food practices. In the course of starting my workout and diet plan, I became more discipline in taking care of my health. Upon doing these activities with someone who have the same goal, it became easier to both of us to work on it. We always see to it that we’ll reach our target goal and be consistent on taking care of our health.
2021 became the most active year that I have. I was able to lose 5-6 kg by doing workout from March up to this day. Now I am very consistent to have a healthy lifestyle and see to it that I will always make time for my physical activity every single day. Here below is the meal plan that I’m doing for your reference:
Below is my meal plan for the first four months:
- 16/8 Intermittent Fasting – 10am to 6pm (Eating Period)
- First Meal- One type of fruit, Boiled Egg (Only Egg Whites) and Laban
- Second Meal (Lunch)- Coffee, two pieces breads and, Boiled Egg (Only Egg Whites)
- Third Meal (Dinner)- 3 Tbsp rice and Vegetable Dish
- Friday- Cheat Day
Below is my updated meal plan in this coming month:
Recommended Daily Intake
- Breakfast (9:00)- Boiled Egg/Fruits/Muesli
- Lunch (12:00)- Coffee, One Piece bread
- Snack (15:00)- Fruits
- Dinner (before 19:00)- I cup rice and Vegetable /Meat Dish
- Friday- Cheat Day
Daily Average Intake: 1222 KCAL

For this month of November, I successfully uploaded another travel blog which is about Katara Cultural Village. It was last October when me and my cousin went there, but since we went on the last week of that month, it took me awhile to create a blog about it. You can check my blog by clicking the link below:
EXPLORE QATAR: Kata Cultural Village

Travelling became one of my goals this year, but due to the pandemic restrictions which was lifted just recently, it became hard for us to discover places and blog about it. As I continue to keep more memories wherever I go, I will make use of the time that I have right now to discover the beauty of this world. Pandemic may give us a challenging period, but one thing we can learned from it is that Life is too short to worry about, make memories and travel as much as you can! Hopefully, in this coming year, I’ll be able to explore more and share it in this blog.

Aiming for a productive day requires effort and time management. Given the things that I prioritized, I find it hard to manage my social media accounts at the same time. In a day, I only have a total of an hour and a half to post an update for all of my social media accounts. Because of this, I need to schedule all of the post for each social media accounts in advance. I know that I need to double my effort in updating so that I can consistently engage more audience. This will help me to establish my followers especially that me and my partner is planning to make a YouTube account.
This last month of the year will surely be busy because I need to ready all of the plans and goals that I have for the next year. Same goes for my social media accounts, I need to look for strategies that can help me to increase my audience engagements. Now, let’s take a look of all of my social media accounts and its current progress!

For the month of November, I succeeded on posting a total of six blogs which is I think more than enough for this month. Although this is quite less than the usual number of blogs that I posted, it’s still ok since for me quality is more important than quantity. For me this is my digital story that I can share to my future kids. Everything that I blogged tells about my wonderful journey in achieving my goals which can be an inspiration for someone out there. Here below are the blogs I posted for this month:
For this month also, I was able to reach double of my viewers than my last October blogs. This is because of the DIY Plants and Pots Blogs that I posted which I also linked in my Pinterest account. By doing that, it helped me to drive audience from all over the world in my website. I can slowly see the growth of my viewers from last year and this year and this is all started when I shared everything in my social media accounts. Now, to give you a glimpse of my website insights for this year, here below is the details of my total visits and views:

In this month of November, I can say that I was able to make time for this social media account. Since I have a lot of pictures taken from my recent travels, I can consistently upload photos for my Instagram. One aspect that I just need to work on is to actively upload story in this account. Given the timeframe that I have in a day, I need to double my effort so I can make sure that by next year, I already reached 1000+ followers. As of November 30, here’s the insights and content interaction of my Instagram account:
Content & Insights Summary

You can check my posts and reels by clicking this link <leapearl_14>.

For this month, I successfully shared a total of five post together with a photo upload of my travel. Since I’d been pre-occupied with the rest of my social media accounts, I need to balance everything out so that I can make sure that I can reach my target viewers for this year. Especially now that I planned to work on growing followers, I really need to work on bringing quality post for each of my social media accounts not only in Facebook.
As of November 20, the total followers I have is 1,211 with a total of five uploaded posts from my blog.
One thing that I planned to do this last month of the year is to make a page which is connected to me and my partner’s YouTube account. This is for us to slowly develop followers for our vlogs and at the same time to build a consistent viewer of our activities. By doing this, it will greatly help us in the future if ever we planned to build any business since there’s an existing market that we already built. By making this page, we can also be able to share our journey and inspire the people digitally. This will be our online story that aims to inspire and motivate a couple like us.
Now, all that I need to do is to prepare the whole page and at the same time the kind of post that we’ll be uploading. This page will also serve as a linked of my blogs so that I can engage more traffic in my website. This plan truly needs an effort and patience to make it successful. Regardless of the result, I will still continue to start this plan in hopes that it will blossom in the future.

My Pinterest account has been one of the most used application for this month. Since this is where I get some of my ideas for my blogs, it greatly helps me in developing quality post for all of my social media accounts. One thing that I feel so proud in this month is when people started to save my pin post. I received saved pin post almost every day and I feel more motivated because of that. As of November 24, I received positive increase for all aspects such as Interactions, Clicks, audience and engagements. Although I’m still yet to gain more followers, I still feel happy that others find my pins interesting.
Now I need to push myself in updating this account so I can drive traffic for my other social media accounts. Let’s do it!
You can check my Pinterest account here <Lea Pearl Manongdo>

My Tiktok account has been doing great since I started to be active two months ago. Now I have a minimum of 100 views for each tiktok vids and I think that’s a good thing considering it was just few months since I upload here. This month also I was able to upload travel videos that helped me to gain 1000+ views in one post. This helped my account to have a broader audience that can drive traffic to my uploads. All I need to do is to keep posting more Tiktok so I can attract consistent viewers. Now, here are the top post for this month of November:
@leapearl_14 𝐍𝐨𝐭𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐒𝐞𝐥𝐟: 𝙸’𝚖 𝚐𝚘𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚝𝚘 𝚖𝚊𝚔𝚎 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚜𝚘 𝚙𝚛𝚘𝚞𝚍! #foryou #travelgoals #livingherownlife #katarahills #katara #tiktokqatar #tiktok
♬ Pretty Girls (feat. Travie McCoy) – Iyaz
@leapearl_14 Make yourself proud. #fypシ #travel #tiktokqatar🇶🇦 #katara #Qatar #trending #livingherownlife
♬ original sound – Dylan Page
Content & Insights Summary

As of this month of November, we had already scheduled one video which we took in Msheireb Downtown Doha on January 2022 and a second video which is currently on editing process. I planned to have at least three scheduled videos in advance so we can upload consistently on our YouTube Channel. Upon starting this, we came to realized how hard it is to plan and to make videos. Although I have a lot of things in mind, it is still hard to work on it given that me and my partner is both working full time. As of now the three videos that I’m planning to schedule for the month of January are the following:
- EXPLORE QATAR: Msheireb Downtown Doha
- HIS POV: My Roller Skate Journey
- THEIR POV: Celebrating Christmas & New Year in Qatar
Hopefully I can ready all the three videos schedule at the end of this month so I can rest assured to work on advance videos for the rest of 2022!

As we reached the last month of the year 2021, I feel so grateful for all the things I realized and experienced this year. I can say that I became more mature in making decisions in my life. The days won’t be always perfect, but as I focus on practicing positive mindset, I was able to surpass all the challenges in this year. I came to know myself more and develop things that I thought I can’t. Now, there will be no more restriction for me. I will continuously built myself and make it complete, so that, I’ll be resilient in any highs and lows that I’ll experienced in the future.
I will make all of my goals possible by doing something today. Even it will take time, I will continue to do my best while trusting the process. Like what they always say, “Good things take time.“, I should not rush things and just focus on what I can control.
We don’t know yet what will happen in this coming year, but one thing for sure is that I’ll be consistent on the things that I started. I believe that the only way to make use of the law of attraction is when you build yourself first and give your best in everything that you do. Someone out there will acknowledge everything that you’re doing, so you don’t need to feel bad if your actions won’t be reciprocated. Just continue to strive hard and let the right time comes.