Things I’m Grateful for at 25 

Enjoy the little things, for one day you may look back and realize they were the big things.” 

Robert Brault

I know that there are times we usually neglect things that are not worth to be celebrated. We always think that it’s just a petty things compare to the success of others. But one thing I realized based on my experience, is it is very important to appreciate things regardless on how big or small it is.

You will never be proud on who you are right now, if you didn’t acknowledge the path you’d been through. All the hardships, pain, cries and ache that you’d overcome and surpass shall be acknowledged and celebrated even if no one does.

Start it from yourself. Don’t wait for anyone’s acknowledgement. The more you know the worth of your sacrifices, the more you’ll feel grateful about everything.

25 years living in this world I came to realized a lot of things that even now I still continue to do so. For me, everyday is another rare chance that God given to me. I always think that I will never know when is my time. that’s why I need to be grateful in every chances I get.

Now in this path that I’m currently taking, I came to know a lot of things that I’m very grateful to experienced. Some may think that I’m over reacting but like what I said, all of it are worth celebrating for me.


  1. Given a chance to work overseas at the age of 20.

I know that I achieved this because of my efforts to apply even I’m still doing my on the job training. I remember sending almost a hundreds of resume locally and overseas. Even though there’s a lot of requirements (like years of experience), I still passed my CV thinking that if I won’t try it, nothing will happen.

Just give it a try regardless of the circumstances.

2. Promoted after 1 year and 7 months.

This is one of my life achievements that until now I still feel grateful just thinking about it. Knowing that it’s my first work experienced and be acknowledge for less than two years, that’s too much for me already.

Without the people who genuinely supported me and acknowledge my work that time, it will not be possible.

I remember when I started my work in my second company, it was only three months when our Chef de Cuisine brought it up that she wanted me to be a CDP. She even talked and recommend me to our seniors. I was literally caught of guard that time. I know at the back of my mind it won’t be possible since I just started but her acknowledgment means a lot to me already.

Even if you work silently, there will be someone who will acknowledge it. Just be consistent on doing your best.

3. Being able to gather experience in three well known companies.

To be part of a global known company helped me a lot in building my foundation in this industry. It boost my career in a way that I was able to established connections that pave the way for me to have a lot of opportunities until now.

4. Given a chance to represent the company.

This is one of the milestone that I’ll always bring wherever I go. This helped me a lot to have my identity and be known not only in my company but in others as well. This opportunity gave me an edge in applying since I was able to make a lot of professional connections that will surely help me in the future.

5. Given a chance to meet and acknowledge great people that made me more inspired and motivated.

What I always think is it’s fine for me to suffer (work-wise) if I’ll surely learn a lot from that person. I always see things in a positive way and make sure that everyday I’ll learn a lot of things.

That’s how I gained my inspiration to work hard. Without those people who teach me in a hard way, I won’t be that strong enough to handle the future that awaits me.

Who I am now, is all because of them.


  1. Survive from different challenges that our family experienced.

Having family problems while you’re living away from home is surely very hard for someone to experience. I’d been living abroad for four years and God knows how hard it was for me to handle alone every challenges that our family faces.

Unlike them who have someone to lean on, I learned to take everything on my own. I cried alone and never share it to anyone. I remember forcing myself not to cry while working and to tell myself repeatedly that “I can do it!”. I remember those times when I’ll cry in the restroom and come back to work like nothing happened.

Nobody knows the challenges that I faced because I’m used to handle everything alone.

2. Met my first boyfriend after 23 years of being single.

At first I never thought that I’ll have someone since I already fixed my mindset on not to have one, but I know God gave him for me to realized a lot of things. That not all the time I can stand alone. That not all the time I can be strong enough to handle things. That not all the time I can achieve what I want because there’s a better path that God gave me.

You can check it out here in this blog on how our story started.

The Thought of Being Alone for the Rest of my Life.

3. I became more devoted in praying.

One thing I was consistent on doing before but failed when I started to have everything. I know I made a sin of forgetting Him after all this time, but what important is I came to realized everything and have my way back to Him.

I know that I’m already forgiven and I promise to devote the rest of my years as an instrument for Him to reach out to other people.

4. I surpass one of the biggest challenged I’d experienced which is being unemployed for six months.

Although I consider this as one of the biggest challenge that I’d experience, I never regret on being unemployed in this period. Because this is when I realized a lot of things. I was able to correct my mindset to be more eager to achieve my goals.

I started blogging in that period. Here are some of my blogs during that hard times.

5. Being able to reach out and inspire other people.

This is one of the great things that happened to my life. I didn’t know that sharing some things can mean a lot to someone else. My stories and thoughts became an inspiration to someone else. And now I want to continue this passion and be an inspiration at the same time.

I remember receiving a message from someone that they always feel inspired reading the blogs I posted and recommend me to write a book about my experiences. And that made my heart filled with happiness.

I’m so happy that somehow I can share some ideas to them and be an inspiration.


  1. Meet few people that genuinely accepted my whole being.

Base on my experienced, it’s very rare for someone to genuinely accept even your negative side. Those kind of people that are aware of who you really are but choose to stay with you. Even if its few, I learned to give importance on it, because for me, it’s fine to have few real friends than to have a lot of fake ones.

2. Being able to move from the tough kind of love I’d experience.

Before, I read about experiencing three kinds of love. First love, hard love and real love. I can say that I experienced all of it and it’s one of the reason I became stronger than before.

First love is when you usually experience during your childhood days. Your first crush in high school that you thought that you won’t be able to let go. I know that somehow we all experienced that!

Hard love is when you usually learned a lot from it. A kind of love that gave you a lot of pain, cries and sorrow. A kind of love that will always be with you because of the fear of experiencing it again. A kind love that will be the turning point of everything.

Real love is when you never thought of having it, but it seems like everything became fit and perfect. You didn’t ask for it but it comes. You don’t like the idea of it but you learned to fall in love again. A kind of love that happens in the right time.

3. Forgive those people who hurt me in the past.

The things that happened in the past made me who I am today. The way I think and act are all because of it. I made a lot of mistake and I never regret doing that because if it didn’t happen I will never learn from it.

Most of the time, mistakes is an opportunity for someone to grow.

4. Focus on positive things rather than the negative side of people I meet.

I always have this negative thoughts before and I’m guilty about it. But this year, I learned to fixed my mindset and focus on the positive regardless of the bad things that person does.

For me, I learned that we all have our negative side because nobody is perfect. What we can only do is to accept it and at the same time not to focus on it. As long as you’d shared your opinion for it to be right, the decision is still up to him/her. We can’t really do anything about it.

So if you don’t want to be affected, brush it off and don’t think about the bad things. Don’t end up hating a person because you will also start to think negatively regardless of what that certain person does.

5. Learn to share my stories to others and inspire them to never give up on their goals.

When I started this blog and post it in my other social media accounts, I also received feed backs from the people reading it. It may not be a lot but less is fine for me to be more inspired to do it.

For me, writing my thoughts and stories is an outlet and expression on how I truly feels. From sadness to happiness, this blog helped me to have a way to express all of it. I started to enjoy sharing things and became more inspired from the words of encouragement I received.


Looking back from all of what I did, I can’t help to feel happy and bless. I know I have a lot of goals to work on but with the blessing I have right now, I’m confident enough to achieve all of those.

My 25 years of living are surely filled with experiences and learning that I’ll always bring wherever I’ll be in the future. The stories that I’ll tell to my future child. And the life that I’ll always be grateful for to have.

So Happy birthday my dear Self!

I’m so proud of what you are right now.

Keep Inspiring!

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About Me

Hi, I am Lea Pearl

Working employee wherein blogging became my side hobby.
Creator of Living Her Own Life which aims to touch people’s heart and inspire them to achieve their own goals in life.
Writing has been my passion for almost 15 years. Last 2020, I made my very own website where I can share all of my thoughts and stories in life.

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