My 2023 Life Goals 

Hello 2023!

After I completed the year 2022 and accomplished the goals that I set, here comes another target which will be my guide for the whole year. This will serve as my reminder on how I need to spend every single day of my life for 12 months. Last year, I realized how setting goals helped me to achieved everything that I accomplished. By means of blogging everything down, planning out on how to achieve it, reviewing my progress and keeping a tracker of everything, it made my year very memorable. Because of the positive outcome of it, I decided to keep doing it every year. I realized that in order for me to be reminded of my dreams, I need to continuously plan and at the same time take an action. As time goes by, I came to realized how our life can instantly change the moment we choose to go out from our comfort zone. Rather than staying in a familiar place that I’m comfortable with, I want to look for new adventures that I will never forget for the rest of my life. That’s why this year, I want to make most out of my year by starting with big dreams. I want to exceed the things that I think I can only do and once again take a big risk. I know that one day, the future me will be very happy that I made the right choice. For now, I will keep breaking barriers and focus on my goals.

To give you a summary of my targets for this year, here below is the illustration of it where you can find everything that I planned for myself:

Unlike before wherein I will have monthly feedback of my goals, I will do it on a quarterly basis so I can effectively compare the growth I achieve between months. Here’s the schedule of the recap for the whole year:

January – My 2023 Goals

March – 1st Goals/Financial Recap

June – 2nd Goals/Financial Recap

September – 3rd Goals/Financial Recap

December – 4th Goals/Financial Recap

By thoroughly planning my goals and at the same time assessing it after, I believe that all of this will be more effective. It should not just stop by sharing all of my plans for the year but at the same time, reviewing my progress every now and then is a must. Based on what I read before, this is what mostly successful people do in their career. Plan, work & assess. If we consider all of these three aspects in making our goals, we can ensure success at the end of the day.

In this blog, I decided to categorized my goals in order for me to start everything in an organized manner. It consists of goals for myself, career, finances, spiritual, family & social media growth. By doing this, I can easily assess the aspects that I still need to work out based on its category. To give you a glimpse of all my goals, it focuses on the following aspect:

1. Self. In this year, I’ll be focusing on doing new things and at the same time continue nurturing the habits that I developed from last year. I will make sure that I will make time for these goals every single day by means of making an ideal daily routine consist of the goals that I set for the year.

2. Finances. In terms of my finances, this year will be intended for new investment, securing payments for my existing long-term responsibilities and growing my funds. Also, I will be having a recap of my finances like what I did last year but this time, I will be adding different trackers such as Net Worth & Expense.

3. Career Growth. After assessing my new goals and current situation, I decided to look for another opportunity elsewhere in order for me to effectively meet all the financial demands for each of my goals. This year focuses on getting new working environment where there is growth opportunity. I believe that I already reached the limit that I need to achieved in this place and I need to look for something which is in line to my targets this year.

4. Family & Friends. Like what I always tell to myself, my success will be my family’s success. This year, I want to give them a lot of unforgettable experiences same like what we did last year. This will be my means to give the things that they deserve in life after all of the sacrifices they gave for us.

5. Social Media. In this year, I planned to use my platform to inspire others by means of sharing my journey. My aim is to be an inspiration to the rest and be a motivating factor for them to pursue their goals in life. This year. I will be using different platforms to share my journey such as Instagram, Facebook Page, WordPress, Pinterest, YouTube and TikTok.

6. Spiritual Growth. A well-balanced life should include every aspect of my life. That’s why this year I want to make sure that I can be closer to God by means of praying.

With these new set of goals, I hope that I can eventually work it out to achieve a better version of myself this year. I believe that I should focus in continuous growth and make use of all the opportunities present. Rather than letting my fear stop me in doing new things, I like to use that as a sign for me to go after what I really want. This year, I promise not to waste time, stick to my goals, try new opportunities and be fearless. As I start another year, I will make it sure that it will be another period of growth and adventures.

May God guide and protect me and my loved ones throughout the year.

“If you want to be happy, set a goal that commands your thoughts, liberates your energy and inspires your hopes.” —Andrew Carnegie

I started to prioritized myself after what I experienced during the pandemic. That period I realized to value time and give importance to our own self. I’d been neglecting it for quite some time and after that realization, I started to do something beneficial for myself. After I successfully done it last year, I set new targets for this year 2023 which includes activities that will help to nurture myself. I need to use this year as another stepping stone for me to be better. With these new set of targets, I believe that it would help me to be more confident about myself. Other than this, I can also make sure that every single day will be productive knowing that all of these activities will help me positively. Some of these targets are the ones that I failed to do last year and the ones that I started. To be able to be more consistent, I need to stick on the habits that I developed last 2022 and to keep going.

1. Read Books. This is one of the targets that I failed to do last year. I’d been wanting to do this but due to the tight budget that I have last year, it inhibits me to buy books. This time, I wanted to invest on buying books that would help me to grow. My targets are books related to personal growth, mental health, financial management and success stories. With this, I believe that it would help me to open more doors for ideas in which can equipped myself for any decisions I will make.

2. Workout/Yoga Routine.  Like what I’d been consistently doing for the whole year of 2022, I planned to continue doing it this year. Upon starting this routine, I’d seen how my confidence soar high. I learned to value my time and divert my mind into something more meaningful to spend with. Now, working out became a part of my daily life routine. It became a good habit that I was develop through consistent practice. In this year, I will make sure that I will develop this habit by incorporating different workout routine suitable for my needs.

3. Be an Influencer. After gaining a platform to share my stories and inspire people last year, I planned to make use of that in order to influence people in achieving their goals. I want to take this opportunity to spread ideas that I learned through my experiences. I know that not everyone is blessed to get this opportunity so I want to put it in good use. In order for me to be an effective influencer, I need to review on how I can properly do it while taking care of the engagements. There maybe a time when I’ll find it hard to be consistent, so in order to address it I need to have a plan of things beforehand. To be able to do that, I need to know what others do to keep their engagements high and at the same time be consistent on their updates.

4. Yearly Vacation. One thing that I’d been wanting to achieve after having my vacation is to have a yearly vacation. Regardless of the money, it is worth every penny I’ll spend just to be with my family. The only way for me not to be affected financially is I need to seek a benefit package which offers a yearly round trip ticket for myself. This is actually hard to do since I’m still not yet in the managerial level. Some company may offer it, but it will still depend on the country and position you applied for. Although the case will not be applied to me, I will still make sure that I’ll go home on a yearly basis.

5. Travel Local/Overseas. I’d been staying in Qatar for more than six years already. Because of this, I’d been used to the places and their culture already. Now, I want to seek on something new where I can restart my life once again. Just like the first time that I stepped in this country, I want to have the same feeling once again. I know that this will not be in my control and the least thing that I can do is to try it out. Regardless of the results of it, I will keep discovering places & destinations around me.

6. Learn New Activity (Instrument/Sports). In order for me to make most out of my free time, I decided to start something new in this year. Whether it’s learning a new instrument or doing a sport, anything can do as long as I can divert myself out of my usual routine. By doing this, I believe that it would help me to discover more of myself. At the same time, I can also share it to the platform that I have so that others can be inspired to do something new in this year.

Building my finances will always be one of my top priorities in life. Through all the things that I experienced in the past years, I realized how important it is to be financially secured. Growing up, I’d seen how it is hard to manage our living expense especially when three of us are in college. Because of that we ended up borrowing money and used credit card just for us to pay our school fees. Gladly all of us are under scholarship program which guarantees a discount for tuition fee. Without it, we will surely not finish our college education on time. Since then, I’d been managing my finances by means of setting targets based on the amount I save. Like what I do every year, I will again set targets which will serve as my guide to set my priorities. This year, I will be focusing on three things, Financial Growth, Generating Business Ideas and another Real Estate Investment. Since all of these will requires capital, I need to ready all my finances and make sure that my existing savings and expense will be intact. Now, let’s see what will I be up to this year!

1. Secure 250k for Passive Income Investment.  If you remember last year, I made a real estate investment which cost P345,000.00. I saved up that amount for two years and from that, I was able to renovate two house rental which generates a monthly income of P12,000.00. In this year, I decided to save up an amount of P250,000.00 which will I be using for a real estate purchase or a business. As of now, I’m still in the process of reviewing the current status of my funds because as you all know, I’m planning to change my company. Also, I started to reach out on others to get an idea where I can invest my money. The options which I’m currently considering are:

  • Townhouse
  • Agricultural Lot
  • Business

For now, the only thing that I can do is to make a budget and adjust it according to my priorities for the year. Now that this target is already included in my plan, I need now to take an action as early as possible so I can finally start saving base on my new company. 

2. Strengthen Emergency Fund to P80,000. After securing an emergency fund which cost P45,000.00 last year, I planned to strengthen it this year by making that amount double. For me, this fund is my most important fund that I will always look out. After the realization bought by the pandemic, I came to know the importance of having this fund in our life. If ever I will get a good salary package, I will surely save more in this fund so I can feel more secured whatever may happen in the future.

3. Secure Advance Payment that will cover until 2024. Even though I have a lot of expense last year, I am happy that I was still able to secure an advance payment for all of my long-term savings for 2023. I made this happen because in the case of any emergency, I will still have fund to pay for all of my existing investments. In this year, I planned to secure the payment for 2024 so it will serve as my financial security for the whole year. After assigning one bank solely for my investment, this became a lot easier for me to manage it. All I need to do is to send the money which cost P97186.67 in that account then I won’t be worried for 2024.

4. P100,000.00 for Joint Account. Another thing that I will prioritized for this year is the joint account that me and my partner started. This fund is intended for our future plans. Both of us agreed that if we can save as early as possible, we can easily address our needs in the future without looking for means to do it. Like what we always tell to each other, being ready is always be more ideal than regretting the time wasted thinking that there will always be next time.

5. 1 million Net Worth Target. On my blog titled financial recap for the year 2022, I shared there my net worth which cost P806,325.51. In this year, my target is to reach P1,000,000.00 net worth by means of investing more on real estate or in another business. At the same time, I will also take this chance to learn more about financial management which I can apply to my finances. Knowledge is power. The more I know about it, the more I can come up to an ideal decision. Growing up, I need to be very cautious on what I spend and prioritized saving for what I need. By means of completing all of these targets for the whole year, I believe that I can achieve the financial freedom that I’m aiming.

Growth will always be something that I will prioritized. After careful consideration of my current status in the company, I decided that this is the right time for me to level up my career. I need to take a step now and make sure to have a new set of targets which would help me to achieve my career goals in life. At 26, I believe that this is not yet the right time for me to settle in my comfort zone. As long as I have a chance to achieve my dreams, then I will go for it. In reality, we all need to be financially prepared in our future. In order for it to happen, we need to plan and save as early as possible. For me, taking an action now will help me to save time and work on my ideal future. While working on that, I want to achieve my dreams as well. I want to enjoy the whole journey so I won’t regret something that I fail to do. For this year, I will be more aggressive to achieve in these new set of goals.

1. New Company. Now that I believe that it’s time to look for another opportunity, I decided to take another step for my career growth. This year, I planned to achieve a new job which is Food and Beverage Coordinator in a Luxury or Pre-opening Hotel & Resort. I came up with this type of property because it would help me to have a great starting point in F&B department. Since most of my experience are in the culinary field, I need to get in a company which can provide a support for my next endeavor. 

2. Seminars & Training. By having a new company, it would address this target that I set for this year. Since I’d been part of a hotel industry before, I know that they’re offering different seminars and trainings for their staffs. This is their way to increase employee engagements and give them necessary information in line with the current trends. In this year, I planned to gain more seminars and trainings in support to my ultimate goal which is to get a managerial position.

3.Management Diplomas. Like what I did last 2022, I planned to continue taking management diplomas in order for me to be more equipped. Now that I decided to aim for managerial positions, I need to thoroughly look for something that will help me build my career foundation. In this year, I will focus more on managerial seminars/trainings and make use of different platform that provides certifications. Other than that, I hope that I can be a part of a company where it offers learning opportunities to all their staffs. By this way, I can easily look for learning opportunities that they offer. My target this year is to at least have two certifications connected to my current position.

4. Learn New Language (Basic). During the pandemic, I tried to learn Korean Language using an application and by watching tutorials in YouTube. Once I got a job, I became inconsistent in reviewing it and I ended up forgetting everything that I learned before. This year, I planned to restart it again but this time I will be consistent. Rather than spending most of my time using my mobile, I will start to divert my focus on things that will nurture me. I will make use of every single hour to learn new things so I can make most out of my day.

As I go towards my goals, I want to give my family the appreciation that they deserve. I want all the people who nurtured me be with me as I slowly achieve all the things that I dream of. Every step that I’ll take will be for them and I want them to be part of my success. So, even though I’m still in the process of setting targets, I wanted to at least give them anything that I can provide. Last year, I was able to give them an additional passive income which greatly helped them now that my father decided to retire. With that, it inspired me to set new targets for this year and plan something that can give them unforgettable memories. As we all grow older, I realized that it is important to invest on something that will provide a kind of happiness that we can cherish for the rest of our lives. I want to create special moments with them every year by sharing all the blessings that I’m receiving. For this year, we are in the period of preparing for my sister’s wedding. Because of that, we are saving money so we can somehow help her when it comes to the wedding cost. Now to give you the specific information for each target goals, here below are the following details:

1. Sister’s Wedding Gift P25,000.00. When I was on vacation, my mom actually decided to set an amount for each of us so that we can give my sister a cash gift worth of P100,00.00. She planned to have give it as a money cape after she saw it from a news that became viral. As usual, she wanted to have the same and because of that she told us to have at least P25,000.00 each. We all happily oblige because it is for our sister and I even included it on my current target for the next year.

2. Local Tour (Negros Occidental/Palawan). Since my father failed to come with us during our Davao trip, he’s been repeatedly telling us how he wanted to go to Palawan. That actually gave me an idea for our next travel this year 2023. Together with my parents and my partner, we wanted to have our own get together so we can somehow give them time to bond before our wedding. As of now, our current option is Negros Occidental and the other one is Palawan. This will still be subject to change until we finally book our tickets next year. With the help of my sister who will fix our itinerary, I hope that this will a new memorable experience for all of us.

3. Fancy Restaurant Treat. Like what we did this year, I am hoping that we’ll be able to again treat my family in a fancy restaurant. We tried a couple of time the buffet in Manila Hotel, now I am planning to check another restaurant which offers the same thing. Since this will be once or twice in a year only, I’m hoping that we can try out more restaurant in the Philippines.

4. Staycation. Not only a tour, I’m also planning to book a staycation for them. For me, the more experience they have, the more they will feel happy and proud on how they raise us. Together with my siblings, we will carefully plan out things for the next year. If I’ll be given an opportunity where I can have enough money for leisure, I planned to let them experience new things that they’ll surely love.

After my Instagram account engagement soar high last year, I found another opportunity to excel other than doing my usual eight hours job. Everything was actually unexpected and I never imagined that I will get an opportunity to have a platform where I can share my thoughts and experiences in life. At first, I felt overwhelm about it and I didn’t plan what will I do next. That’s when I started to make a research and look for different content creators here in Qatar. After learning from their content, I started to manage my Instagram account and made it more in line with my niche which is travel & lifestyle. After being consistent with that strategy that I started, my engagement increased and I got a minimum of 1500 followers every month. Before the year ends, I think that I can achieved a minimum of 15k followers if I’ll keep making quality post and reels. My target is to be a real content creator so I can attract future collaborations like what mostly content creators I’d seen doing. For me to achieve this, I need to be more specific on what I need to do to make it happen. That’s why I made a thorough research for an effective content creator. Now, let’s carefully check all the targets that I have for this year when it comes to my social media:

1. 20K Instagram Followers.  This number is just a minimum target that I planned to have for this year. If it will be more than that, I’ll be more delighted from it. After I experienced having a challenge when it comes to consistency of post, I decided to make a plan ahead or make a third-party apps that I can use to schedule my post in advance. I actually tried one application but it requires payment If I want to use its scheduled post feature. As of now, here’s the current application that I used for my Instagram account:

  • Lightroom (for editing pictures)
  • Canva (for story layout)
  • Story Lab (for story layout)
  • Graphionica (for story layout)
  • Go Pro Quick (for reels)
  • Capcut (for reels)

Other than these applications, I tried to download more applications for editing until I just decided to keep these. The reason is that it is mostly similar from each other and it just varies on the templates they offered for free. Since I’m already considered as a macro influencer, I believe that it’s now time to review my engagements and use tools to make it easier for me to know my status. I’m now in the mode of reviewing more applications that are recommended by many and the ones that I’m currently considering to use for next year are:

  • Snapseed (for editing pictures)
  • Followers for Instagram (review of follower’s involvement)
  • Instatag (highest trending hashtags)

Setting targets comes with a responsibility. I need to use this platform to voice out my aim which is to inspire and share good vibes. Even though I may consider this as an opportunity for my growth, I still need to be very careful and make it sure that I will put it in good use. For the next year, I hope that I can somehow change someone’s life using this platform.

2. WordPress Blog Subscription. Now that my blog is doing well and I want to make it more professional, I am planning to apply for a subscription before the year 2023 ends. I made that decision because I wanted to have a broader scope and at the same time, I’m about to reach my memory limit which is 3 GB only.  I’m planning to have a personal subscription which cost $4/month or a premium subscription which cost $8/month. Before this, I need to review first its features so I will know that I have enough budget to sustain it. Since this will be my target for next year, I still have time to look for more information for it. For the mean time, I need to fixed first my blog categories so that it will be easier to explore for readers.

3. Facebook Page. One thing that I’m excited to do this year is the face book page for my website “Living Her Own Life”. Last November, I made some templates for Facebook post and cover. To make it more professional and at the same time engaging for all the page visitors, I need to start putting efforts little by little before I finally publish the page. I will also start reviewing different pages so I can get an idea which I can apply to my own page. As of now, I was able to finalized the following:

  • Success Story Template
  • Café Finder Template
  • Restaurant Finder Template
  • Hotel Finder Template
  • Adventure Finder Template
  • Daily Motivation Template

My motif will be pastel and in a shade of brown. Even for the pictures that I’ll use, I planned to use the same editing so that it will be more uniform one I upload it. All of these plans will be taken place next year and I need to make a plan so that I can accomplish all of these before the year ends.

4. Start Podcast. One thing that I’d been planning to do is to start my very own podcast. Although I still didn’t do my research on how to start, it’s been in my head ever since I stumble in one comment that was posted on my blog. The account suggested that it would be really nice to have a podcast of my blog so that it would be available for those who prefer listening than reading. As of now, I’m in the middle of gathering information so that I will know what to do next. Since I need to be consistent on this once I start it, I need to prepare all the things that I need and at the same time plan ahead. What I just set right now are the following details:

  • Theme: Poetry
  • Color Template: Shades of Brown/Cream
  • Upload Timeline: Twice a month

Little but little I will start to prepare all the things I need to finish first before starting the podcast. Rather than being pressured by opening an account, I will take everything slowly yet precisely. I will make sure that by the end of this year, I’ll be able to at least publish my very own poem.

5. Start a Vlog. Before the year 2022 ends, I realized that I should’ve started blogging so I can have a chance to look back on what happened the whole year. Even though I have this blog where I record most of my experience, I think that it would be more ideal to have a stored video memories which I can share to my future family. That’s why, this year once I find a new job which marks a new start of my career, I’m thinking to vlog my whole experience. I will publish it in our existing YouTube Account (Ed-Je & Pearl), and will just make a playlist just for it. I will name that playlist as “Living Her Own Life Ep. 01”.

One thing that I want to strengthen this year is my spiritual growth. As I started to do the holy rosary last year, I decided to start reading the bible. Since I don’t have the physical bible, I will download an application for it and start it from there. By doing this, I believe that I can strengthen my spiritual beliefs and at the same time improve my attitude. I’d seen a lot of vlogs in which they shared how their life change after reading the Bible.  They realized a lot of things, became closer to God afterwards and they started to share the beauty of each word stated in it. Since I don’t have a chance to go on Church, I know that I can still do something for my spiritual growth. In this year, I wanted to make time solely for God and be closer to Him. I’d been very blessed by Him and because of that, I feel so grateful. I know that together with prayers, I can be at ease whatever will happen in the future. I will strengthen my trust and faith for Him, because who I am right now are all thanks to Him.

New year and a new set of goals.

As I’m about to start a new year again, I decided to work on new targets and plans to make another improvement this year.  To be able to continue what I started this year, I need to level up all of my plans and at the same time come up with strategies that can support it.

I know that there will be a lot of things that will happen in this year. Some of my plans may happen while some of it may not work out. Despite of that, this will serve as my guide to set my priorities straight. I believe that in order to work this out, I need to be confident, exert more effort and never give up.

By means of focusing in these aspects of my life, I know I can eventually be a better version of myself before the year ends. With the guidance and protection of our creator, I hope that I can achieve all of these goals for 2023.

“To future Lea Pearl, I hope that your feedback on this blog will be positive. Rest assured that I will do my best in this period and promise to you that I will make you feel proud of what I’d done.”

-Lea Pearl Jan 2023

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About Me

Hi, I am Lea Pearl

Working employee wherein blogging became my side hobby.
Creator of Living Her Own Life which aims to touch people’s heart and inspire them to achieve their own goals in life.
Writing has been my passion for almost 15 years. Last 2020, I made my very own website where I can share all of my thoughts and stories in life.

On the Blog