There’s a lot of things that surely happened in this year. I met a lot of people who made me realized the essence of life and how we should live with it, I experienced failures and mistake that made me learned not to give up, and I came to know the importance of taking care of one self and put is a top priority. Even though there’s a lot of challenges present in this year, I’m proud that we were able to surpass it and get a chance to welcome this year with a positive mindset.

In this year also I saw the people around me grow and find their own happiness in life. Others became a business owner, some are promoted, and the rest had tied the knot with their chosen one. I feel so happy and proud that we were slowly achieving the goals that we planned before. Their success helps me to be more inspired to do my best in everything that I do. Although I failed to reach some of my planned goals, I believe that I can eventually make it happen in this coming year.

Now, here below are the things that I planned to achieve this year. I made it more specific unlike my goals last year so it will be easier for me to attain it.

As you can see, it is more detailed and specific. It consists of personal development, travel goals, Financial Goals, Fitness Goals, Career, Spiritual and Family goals. During the year of 2021, I realized that the more specific your goals are, the more it will be attainable for you. Oftentimes, we used to look for a broad goal that can makes us feel impossible to achieve. So, if ever you’re planning to set a target for this upcoming year, you need to be very concise. You can check my blog regarding steps on deciding your goals so you’ll know the things you need to consider before making one.

7 Ways to Practice Self Love this 2022!

For me to be able to assess myself easily every month, I prepared a diagram for each goal so I can be aware of its status. I believe that assessment plays a vital role in planning for your goals. Without it, you won’t be aware of the things that you need to work on and what you’d done.

Now let’s carefully discuss each goal that I have for this year and the steps that I will do for me to achieve it.

In this goal, I want to focus more on building myself as I reach two years in my company. Since for the year 2021 I gained a total of six certifications and Diplomas, I planned to continue it for this year so that I can confidently achieved the position that I am aiming for. I also decided to focus on food & beverage and hospitality path so that I can gain more experienced in the industry. I believe that continuous learning is a must for everyone. We should always be eager to know more and experience things that will help us to develop ourselves.

For this upcoming year also, I wanted to pursue one goal that I failed to do last year which is to start reading a book. I wanted to indulge in books rather than spending most of my time in my mobile. I think that this will be a good strategy for me to attain more knowledge and have a well balance and productive day. I’m also looking forward to different expos and seminars that I can join for this year. Gladly one of my colleagues has the same mindset, so we decided to both go for it in this upcoming year.

Personal Development plays a big role in our lives. The more we focus on developing ourselves, the more we can grow as an individual. As long as we equipped ourselves with the learnings and credentials that we need, we can confidently aim for anything that we are dreaming of. All we need to do is to put emphasis in the importance of it and make use of the time to work for it.

This upcoming year will be the busiest period for my finances. This is because after the months that I saved for my business fund, now I’ll make use of it so I can officially start my first house rental. With the use of the existing property of my parents, I decided to just renovate it so that I can save time in acquiring my funds for a new home. We came up in a decision regarding the share of profits which I also mentioned in my previous blog about my budget for the next year.

In regards with my other savings fund, I planned to continue what I did last year and at the same time strengthen it by saving more amount for each fund. With all the troubles I’d experience last year in my funds, I came to realized the importance of securing more than the amount of my target. By doing that, I can see to it that I’ll be more financially secured whatever happen. Since not all of my insurance and investments are enrolled in an auto debit, it is hard for me to save money for all of those three funds since I need to settle it separately. Hopefully for the next year I can settle everything so that it will be easier on my part.

One thing that I also need to secure is my leisure/vacation fund. Since I started to build my dream business now, surely my budget will be very tight. Due to that, I need to secure more savings so that I can also enjoy this period at the same time. Although I still don’t have yet a concrete plan if I’ll go for a vacation this year, I decided to at least prepare my fund for just in case I decided to go.

Travel for me is a way to destress and fill yourself with positive energy. Due to the restrictions of the pandemic for the past couple of years, it inhibits us to travel and discover places around us. Because of that I learned the importance of taking the chance that we have right now and use it efficiently. We should not necessarily spend a lot of money in travelling, we can simply look for the activities and good places near us that doesn’t require large sum of money. Making a leisure fund can also help you to manage your budget for your travels. Like what I do, there’s a certain amount I reserve monthly for it.

For this year, I decided to go for activities that I’d been wanting to do. These activities are those that I really look forward on doing and been planning to pursue since last year. Now as the pandemic situation is getting better, I decided to make it all happen for the year 2022. Just by looking into this list, I can feel the growing excitement inside of me. I feel so excited to welcome this year knowing that I’ll be able to do those activities. Regardless of the tight budget that I have for this year, I’ll really push myself to make these goals possible.

I also planned to share my experiences here in this blog so that it can serves as my digital memories of those activities for the year 2022. It will be published in my Travel Diaries so that I can also attached pictures that I took from those. Hopefully I can also buy a camera for me this upcoming year so I can share more quality pictures to all of my social media accounts.

We are all getting older. The things that we can do are getting limited as well. Because of this, we should be very cautious on our self and get rid of our unhealthy habits. For this year, I decided to continue what I had started for the year 2021. Since I already reached the ideal weight that I planned, I decided to maintain it this year by consistently do my workout routine.

For me to ensure that I’ll be able to do these goals, I need to incorporate it in my daily routine. I need to plan my day ahead so my body can be used to it. I am aware that by doing this, I really need to make use of the time productively. Knowing that I have a daily eight hours job, it will be really hard for me to to manage all of the things that I need to do. Nevertheless, I will see to it that this year, I will still prioritize my health. I believe that by doing something with someone who also have the same goal, it will be easier for anyone to make it possible. As long as you both motivate and cheer each other, the more ideal it will be to finish a certain task.

One thing that I also have in my mind is to vlog all of the healthy meals I will prepare. I’m currently in the course of reviewing some aesthetic cooking videos in the internet which I can use as a reference if ever I’ll do it. Just by thinking of it, I really feel so excited in this upcoming year.

Since I’m about to reach my second year in my current company, I’m slowly preparing myself to gain more credentials for my next step. It’s been my strategy when I first started my job to have a two years period of experience for a certain position. Upon completing that, I need to prepare myself for a higher position so I will gain continuous progress in my career. Although it’s hard to make it happen since I need to be confident in the bigger responsibility that I’m about to take, I need to take it as a great challenge for me to grow and develop.

I’m getting older and I’m aware of the responsibilities that I need to shoulder. From planning a family, taking care of kids and having enough resources if ever I’ll be unemployed, I really need to push myself by doing my best in the career that I’d chosen. I need to make use of the time to invest on myself and nurture my skills so I can achieve the career goals that I’d been aiming. I know that I can only make this happen if I continuously built myself. I should not rely on my comfort zone but to continue challenge myself to its limit.

I believe that time will come that all of these plans will be granted. I will make sure that it will happen and even it will take time, I will never give up but continue to do my best in everything that I do. Like what I always think, there will always be an opportunity for everyone. We should continue to be positive and don’t fear the challenges that will be an obstacle for us to reach it. Everything has its own perfect timing. We should trust ourselves and all of His plans for us.

My year won’t be complete without the people who push me to where I am right now. Without them, I am nothing. Even though I’m still in the process of reaching my goals, I would like to give them the appreciation that they deserve. It’s indeed hard to be away from them so my means to make them happy are limited to what I can really give. With these plans, I know that somehow, they’ll feel grateful. It may take time for me to grant each since it also involves means to make it happen, I will make sure that I’ll do it for this year.

Hopefully I can also visit them in this year once the pandemic will get better and no more restrictions will be there. It may sound impossible due to the current situation but who knows? I believe that everything will be ok soon. As long as we keep our faith on Him, He will make a way for us to be regain ourselves again.

Every single day is a chance given to us to develop and nurture ourselves. As we all welcome another year, it is very important that we establish our plans to reach all of our goals. We should not let it settle in a piece of paper and let it JUST stayed as a mere plan. An action is a must for that. The only one who can make it happen is our own selves. So, as long as we have time to do it, we can slowly work for it until we achieved those things.

For this upcoming year, let’s all focus on our self-growth and continue what we had started this 2021. Let’s not put all into waste all the efforts that we exerted for our goals. Every minute and hour count so rather than wasting it in a meaningless thing, we should always aim for productivity.

We still have a long way to go. Now as we build our plans for the next year, let’s promise ourselves that we’ll make it happen. Let’s believe in ourselves and continue to cheer each other! All the best!

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About Me

Hi, I am Lea Pearl

Working employee wherein blogging became my side hobby.
Creator of Living Her Own Life which aims to touch people’s heart and inspire them to achieve their own goals in life.
Writing has been my passion for almost 15 years. Last 2020, I made my very own website where I can share all of my thoughts and stories in life.

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