In this society where money rules the world, people are just mere living things that money is using. What people make them happy today are material things. They rather buy the things that they want rather than the things that they need. They rather spend time in the mall rather than in their home. They rather waste money rather than saving it.
People already had forgotten how to be happy in simple ways. They choose money to rule them. They choose higher status be their destiny thus the true essence of life had completely forgotten.
Now, almost all people want to be wealthy, who doesn’t want it? NONE.
There’s no problem of being wealthy, but when you start to forget the simple things and let money be your life, then that will be a problem. MONEY MUST USE WISELY. It’s just a man made thing, so we must not let it be the center of our life. We need to think and planned how to use it intelligently.
In this world where money dictates your life, we must not completely forget that there are millions of ways to be contented. Let money be the mere thing in our life and think that we’re the one who rule our own life. Let ourselves fix our destiny. Let ourselves seek happiness in everything. That’s the true essence of life.
We are living on our own. No one can dictate our future. We are the one who’s doing our destiny. Money will never be a restriction in anyone’s life.