After I successfully achieved my workout routine starting last April, I developed a habit that helped to be consistent up until this day. The routine that I did from April to June became my guide to make time for my workout. It became a part of my day and without it, I feel so incomplete. I remember those days where I suffer in managing my time just to do my workout, but as I keep doing the same thing more than a month, I was able to cope up with it and now became a part of my daily life. Upon realizing that everything is possible, I can’t hep but to feel regretful from the past years that I didn’t make time for myself. I keep asking myself how I spent my years before because I feel like I just started to live my life to the fullest just recently. Despite of that, I just learned to just focus on the things that I can do today and let go of what I’m used to before. What important is I learned from that experienced and apply those lessons in my life. Today, I am very happy that I now have time to take care of myself more. I think that I’m doing great in prioritizing myself compare to what I’m used to before. I decided to continue living the same way so that I can improve more of myself. I’m pretty sure that by doing this, it will help me to boost my confidence and exceed my limitation.
In these two months, I can conclude that I was able to stick on my routine. Other than that, I also incorporate new workouts and activities for myself. The activities that I chose focuses on strengthening my body and to improve my focus. I found all of those activities from YouTube which I also shared in my Monthly Goals blog. Before I choose a routine, I usually check first the comment section so that I can review how it helps people who already tried it. Also, I set a target for my body which helps me to identify workouts that will help me to address it. I also see a lot of influencers doing the workouts available in YouTube, so I think that It’s a best and credible source for information. The YouTube accounts also that I choose which publishing workout/yoga/meditation videos are certified health coach, so there’s no point of questioning their background in health and wellness. Although I tried before to used an application, I find it more effective to just used YouTube for my reference. I’d been doing it already for five months, and I can prove its effectivity from the positive results that I gained.
For you to try it as well, here are some YouTube channels that I usually source my workouts:
- Juice & Toya
- Madfit
- Self
- Popsugar Fitness
- Yoga with Adrienne
- Pamela Reif
- Yoga with Bird
- Lavendeire
There’s no perfect time for you to do something for yourself. It’s now or never. Based on my experience, everything is a choice. We can always make time for everything if we are really committed to do it. It takes guts and focus to do something possible. The time we spend every single hour of hour day can’t be regained again. The choice is yours. You can choose to be productive, or to waste your time. Regardless of any situation, never let your excuses win over your thoughts. I’d been there before and it’s really hard to set aside those things. That is why to develop a habit, you need to keep doing it over and over again, but if you want to break it, it only takes two- three times to stop it. In our 20’s we need to be very focus on what things that matters. This is the perfect time to invest on ourselves and let go of all our restrictions. We are given a lot of chances to be better, but it’s up to us on how we can take advantage of that opportunity. Everything requires a slow process. There’s no such thing as instant in life. You need to really work hard for everything and one aspect that will greatly help you is time. The earlier you develop the right mindset, the earlier you can be successful.
In order to get rid of your excuses, here some ideas for you to overcome it:
1. Think and act right away. The moment that an idea passes in your mind, go right away and work for it. Don’t let the hype diminished because of our ideas are turned into waste due to the reason that we failed to act right away.
2. Say NO to your excuses. Rather than saying no to your ideas, develop a mindset where you can learn to say no to your excuses. The moment you master it, the more it will be easy for you to work on your goals.
3. Learn to do everything alone. Not all the time you need someone else to do a certain activity. Learn to do things alone because it will help you to conquer your fears.
4. Learn from PRO. Choose the people that will inspire you and not the one who will bring you down. The moment that they say “impossible” is your sign to look for someone who genuinely believes that you can.
5. Choose the right environment. Find a good environment that will support your plans and goals. Get away from people that will discourage and judge you. If you wanted to manifest things in your life, have the kind of people that will positive energy to it.
6. Balance everything well. A balance life means you have time for yourself, family and your work while staying happy at the same time.
In this blog, I will share my experienced and success upon completing the routines that I set for myself. I aim to motivate individuals who’s reading this on how I achieved everything that I target every month. I still have six more months to make time for myself and I will definitely make most out of the moment. I will also share my progress in this blog to keep me posted on things that I still need to work on. So now, let’s see all the things that happened In these two months.
Here below are the summary of my workout plans and measurements for the month of May and June.

“There are no secrets to success. It is the result of preparation, hard work, and learning from failure.” -Colin Powell
May Work Out Progress
Upon starting this month, I first feel so worried because of the limited time that I have right now compare to the month of April. Now that we are back on eight hours duty, I only have a total of four and a half hours to do everything in my routine. So, a week before the month of May started, I did a routine which will help me to manage my time well and to ensure that I’ll be consistent on my workout. Since it helped me a lot last April, I decided to continue making a monthly routine that will serve as my guide not to waste time on unnecessary things. Far from what I expected, I successfully achieved the routine until the end of May. I believe that one of the key factors why I succeeded is that I already develop a habit after a month of consistently doing it. As soon as I reached home, my body automatically know what’s my task ahead which inhibit me to get rid of my usual habit of checking my phone. To give you an insight of the routine that I did in this specific month, here’s the illustration below.

For me to assess myself on how many times I can follow my routine, I update my journal every time I achieved all the task I have for the day (including my workout). By doing this, it really helped me a lot to push myself on the priorities I needed to do. Unlike before when I spent most of my time on my phone/laptop, now, ever single day of my life is so productive. There’s no really hour wasted upon doing a routine. To give you an insight on how many times I successfully did my workout, here’s the summary of my schedule in this month of May:

I’m so happy that I never missed a day this month. I successfully achieved all the task in my routine despite of the limited time that I had that month. Although there are some delays and adjustment in some days, I still ensure that I’ll finished all of my task. I believe that during this time, I already develop a good habit of sticking to my goals. I also observed how I feel so excited to welcome the day because I know it will be a productive one. I became so active now and this helped me to accommodate new things in my routine. For me, I need to keep this hype in order not to break this new good habit. As much as I can discover more activities that will help me, I need to add it up in my routine next time. I believe that this is the right time to challenge myself more and develop the things that I can do at this moment.
Unlike in the first months of this year when I have someone to do the workouts I planned, I started to do everything alone now. At first, I thought that I will eventually fail but the opposite happened. I now learned to enjoy doing things alone. I realized that once we learned not to rely on someone else, we become stronger as an individual. As I become used to that situation, I feel how I became more eager and motivated to do a certain task. I don’t seek now someone to do something that I love, and I think that’s what we called courage. It takes a lot of guts for someone to do things alone and because of that, I’m very proud of myself that I was able to learn that as early as 20’s.
In my previous workout blogs, I shared the different activities that I planned to do in the rest of the months. The list is comprised of different kind of workout and mindfulness activities. You can check it below:
- Jogging
- Jump Rope
- Circuit Training
- Zumba
- Power Walk
- Jumping Jacks
- Squats
- HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training)
Mindfulness Activities
- Yoga
- Meditation
- Breathing Exercise
- Stretching
- Positive Self Talk Time
- Journal Updates
- Blogging
- Aromatherapy
In this particular month, the activities I did are Cardio, yoga and meditation. I source all the activities in YouTube and I did it alternately 5 times a week in the whole month of May. You can check these videos below:
This workout is really intense yet exciting. Every time I do this work out, I am drenched with my sweat and I feel so happy afterwards. I also observe how my sleep became better upon doing this activity. I believe that it’s because of the intensity of it that makes me feel so tired afterwards. I do this work out around 17:30 as soon as I reached home from work. In order not to waste time, I will see to it that I will change to my workout clothes right away. I do this on our living area because I have much space there compare to my room, so despite of my flat mates seeing me doing it alone, I learned not to feel shy about it. To tell you honestly, I feel more motivated to do it in front of them.
I fell in love in this activity as soon as I did it. Every time I do this work out, I always feel so relax. It literally cast out all my stress and negative thoughts. After I tried one yoga routine of Adrienne, I fell in love to her routines. Especially for me who’s not that flexible, her routine is the best for me. I planned to continue doing workout and yoga routines together in these remaining months of the year. Now that I develop a good habit, I will continue to be consistent on this so that my effort won’t be wasted.
“I know that if I set my mind to something, even if people are saying I can’t do it, I will achieve it.” – David Beckham
June Work Out Progress
For this month of June, I added breathing exercises and meditation in my routine. After doing the HIIT and Cardio workout in the last couple of months, I decided to do target exercises now. I believe that this is the right time for me to work on this since I already achieved my ideal weight which is 48kg. The workout that I did in this month focuses on my upper and lower body. I found a short but challenging routine by Madfit and also added a yoga routine after that. During this whole month, I observed how I became active and also minimized my cellphone used. By following the routine I planned for this month, I was able to manage my time efficiently. I also achieved all of workout targets for this month all because of it. There are days that I also feel lazy so during those times, I really pushed myself to finished all my task thinking that If I will fail, then my good habits are gone. It indeed takes the right attitude, determination and focus to be able to change your habits.
I’d seen a lot of people who suffers in being consistent. I’d been there before and until now, I still feel the same. To fight those urges around us, it’s really impossible not unless you’re decided to change it wholeheartedly. Another important thing that I also realized from this experience is the importance of keeping your plans to yourself. It is very hard for someone to meet everyone’s expectation, so as soon as you tell your plans, everyone around you will keep their hopes up. By keeping everything to yourself, you won’t worry about what other people’s say about it. Let the results talk for you and its way better to silently work for your goals so no one can put negativity on what you manifest.
To assess all my efforts in this month of June, I can conclude that I successfully followed my routine and at the same time achieve my goals in this month. To give you a glimpse of the routine that I did, here below is the illustration of it:

Compare to the last month’s routine, we can see a slight difference from the timings that I set in this June. This is due to the experiences I had last month wherein there’s a lot of delays happened. In this routine, I adjusted some of my schedules in order not to be in a rush. I also incorporated two selfcare activities every day (Workout and yoga) so I can maximize the time I allocate for it. To give you an insight on how many times I successfully did my workout, here’s the summary of my schedule in this month of June:

Like what happened last May, I successfully followed my routine in this whole month. I never missed any of my workout and task which made me feel so happy. Every time I marked my journal, I can’t help but smile because I know that I had a very productive day. I feel so fulfilled every time I succeeded on the task that I need to do. Other than that, I became more eager to focus on myself rather than my environment. Even though some considered me lonely since I’m usually alone, for me I am more fulfilled and happier despite of that situation.
Before, I’d been thinking about living an ideal life and here I am slowly working on it. I may not experience yet all of the things that I’d been dreaming before, but I know that in the future I will get there. I just need to focus first on what’s happening in the present in order not to live with regrets. With these activities that I’m doing right now, my future self will surely thank me for that. I can feel that I am slowly living my life to the fullest. Few years from now, I will be in a place where I’d been aiming for so long. The peace of mind that I crave will find me in the right time. The sacrifices and activities that I’d been doing are considered as a step towards my ultimate goal. Like what I usually see in YouTube workout videos, I will also have the same life like them wherein they put first their own selves above anything else. Hopefully I will be able to be influenced by them in terms of taking care of my own self and choosing healthy lifestyle.
To share you a glimpse of my ideal life is, here are some ideas that I have in mind which I considered as my ultimate goal:
- A time for myself every single day.
- To live entirely on my own.
- Living without regrets.
- Financially secured and capable to spend money for myself.
- Gained a lot of investment.
- Starting to work on my own business.
- Travel to different European countries.
- Starting to work on my own dream house.
Going back to my workout progress in this month of June, the activities I did are Upper Body Workout, Lower Body Workout, yoga and meditation. I source all the activities in YouTube and I did it alternately 5 times a week in the whole month of June. You can check these videos below:
This short workout seems simple at first. But as soon as I did it, it was indeed hard to do it for the first time. I also experienced body ache afterwards and I’m literally sweating just by doing this. Gladly the yoga afterwards helps me to ease the muscle tension bought by this workout. Although this workout is hard, I feel so relax and fulfilled afterwards. I feel like in that short minute of workout is really worth it because I can feel how my heart rate increase.
Like the first workout, this short minute routine is also a bomb! I remember doing it for the first time, I experienced cramps on my left butt and it was really painful! The experienced is so funny because I remember how I walked like a grandma that time when I experienced cramps. It was actually my first time to experienced cramps on my butt and it was really uncomfortable and painful unlike the common cramps. Like the first workout, I do yoga afterwards to help my breathing be back to normal.
After the short yet intense workout, this is the yoga routine that I did for the whole month of June. To do a yoga after a hard workout is really an ideal thing to do because it helps me to ease the tension on my muscles and the same time improves my breathing. I can also feel that I became more flexible compare to I was before that’s why I decided to add this activity on my routine.
These 10 minutes guided meditation is the routine that I do every Monday, together with a one yoga routine, this specific day is entirely for stress relief and breathing exercises. Since I’m still a beginner in doing meditation, I still need a guide in order to do it properly. Once my body get used to it, I will try to do longer meditation routine.
“The vision of a champion is bent over, drenched in sweat, at the point of exhaustion, when nobody else is looking.” – Mia Hamm