MAY Goals Review! 

We’re almost reaching the half of the year 2021! Finally, it’s June already and a couple of months after, we’ll officially enter the BER months!

Have you ever thought of what progress you’d done from this past five months?

How I hope you’re in the process of achieving your goals same as mine.

I know there’s a lot of challenges up until this day, but let’s face it with a bright smile and trust Him that everything will be ok soon. I believe that whatever goals we have in mind, we’ll be able to achieve it if only we work for it.

Even it will take time and it seems impossible, there will be a perfect time for us to have it. Let’s just focus first on taking everything slowly but surely.

Let’s do everything one step at a time.

Photo by Fallon Michael on

For this month, let’s take a quick recap of the things that I failed to do last April.


As you can see this goal which is supposed to be effective for this year still keeps failing for the reason that we are on lockdown as per our company’s advised. Due to that reason, we can’t go out for leisure purposes.

Rather than looking in the negative side of it, what I did is to focus on what I can do to keep myself productive even I’m staying at home.

For this month of June, I planned to focus more on the following activities:

  1. Praying the holy Rosary every Thursday/Friday.
  2. Digital detox once a week.
  3. Eating more vegetables and fruits.
  4. Getting out from toxic conversation.
  5. Weekly update for my social media accounts.

Now here’s a quick run through of my goals for this year!

1. Financial Goals

My 2021 Financial Goals

For the month of May, I know that I have a lot of expenses and it’s due to the needs of my family. Almost 49.43% of my salary went to my expenses and that’s around half of it. Though I have a bigger expenses than the last month, I was still able to save the rest of it for my other funds.

  • Investment Fund- SUCCESS!

I started saving for my long-term goal when I first started working. I know that the key in investing is time so I make it sure that despite of the less salary that I have that time, I can still push myself to save for my investments.

Photo by Karolina Grabowska on

As of now I have a two investment which I think is more than enough to help me in my future. Now I just need to save for eight more years so I can start to get the benefits from it. To do everything at the same time really requires an effort and patience. Now I’m on my 4th year of savings, and all I can say is that I’m close to achieve this goal!

I’m a fan of one-time payment so I planned to secure the amount intended for my investment on July. I planned to save a one-time amount that can cover one year of payment. In this way, I won’t feel worried if any financial challenges will come up since I’m ready.

In my previous blog, the amount I need to save monthly is P8,833 or Qar665. But for me to save from the delivery charge, I’ll plan to down for the month of July 2021 which will be good for one year payment.


My business fund is my top priority fund for this year. Since I already finished saving up for my emergency and joint account funds, it’s now easy for me to save up for this fund.

I’d been pretty transparent on my goal about having my own house rentals. Actually, I’d been checking out some information regarding steps in purchasing a home and at the same time watch informative videos of real estate professionals. This is for me to know all of the important information so that I won’t feel loss if ever it won’t be successful.

Photo by Blue Bird on

Like what Mr. Warren Buffet always reminds us,

“Don’t invest on something that you don’t know.”

I’m so really into it that I’m already thinking of the house design that I want for my future business. I’d seen a lot of people purchasing farms, doing business and having their own homes and because of that I became more motivated to have my own as well.

They inspire me to do my best in everything that I do and to keep fulfilling my goals despite of the challenges in front of me.


One of the funds that I settled this year is my Emergency Fund. Like what I stated in my blogs about financial management, I’ll repeatedly emphasized the importance of having emergency fund. From the name itself, it will help you in so many ways in terms of securing your finances in any emergency you’ll face.

Photo by Karolina Grabowska on

If you are still skeptical and clueless on what savings you need to have first, all I can say is this is your cue for you to build your own emergency fund. Trust me, this will save and help you in so many ways.

If you wanted to know how I achieved my emergency fund, you can check my previous blog below!

Sharing is Caring: How I Achieved my P60K Emergency Fund in Three Months!


For this whole year, I gladly saved the amount intended for this fund. Now I can focus on my other financial goals that I also need to prioritize this year.


Since I’d spent a lot of money for emergency expenses this month of May, I was only able to save for my local bank around 12% of my salary.

Although my expenses reached around 49%, I put the rest of my salary to my business fund since it’s the top priority savings that I need to do.

In this table you can see the percentage of amounts allotted for my expenses and savings. As of this month, I can say that I’m still on track despite of the sudden expenses that I have right now.

I can say that the pandemic also helped me on focusing on the things that I need to prioritize first and inhibits me to spend money for unnecessary things. It may took me a long period of planning to come up with all of my target funds, but I can say that I’m properly managing it knowing that I’m still on track.

Who would also think that I’ll stick to a PHP1500 expenses for a month? I just tried it once and since I realized that I can do it, it became a consistent practice up until this day.

2. Personal Goals

Achieving my personal goals has been my priority in this year. I believe that I’ll be able to give my best in everything that I do if only I can take care myself properly.

I’m done being lazy and I’m rooting for a productive day as much as I can push myself. I don’t want to live in a life full of complaints and regrets because now I decided to be happy and love everything I do.

Photo by Pavel Danilyuk on

These past five months that I focused on my goals, I realized things that I can pursue at the same time. From doing online training certification, workouts, blogging and journaling and managing my finances, I was able to do it all at the same time.

It took me months of planning and big efforts for me to accomplished these things. I just feel proud about it and it feels like I came to know a new side of me.

This time, I feel more dedicated and passionate on anything that I do. I learned a lot of things such as:

  1. Choosing to be happy and positive regardless of what challenges I’m facing.
  2. Focusing more on how to develop myself.
  3. Letting myself not to fear any mistakes and think of it as an opportunity to grow.
  4. Discover more things that I can do outside my comfort zone.
  5. Influence more people around me to showcase their inner potentials.

It will be a long journey for sure, but I’ll make it sure that every step I take will be full of unforgettable memories that I can always look back.

Let’s keep motivating each other!

Whatever your dreams and goals are, I’ll be at your back cheering for you!

How I hope that everyone will do the same like what I’m doing. The only hard part is the beginning so once you surpass it, everything will be very easy for you. Trust me and it will be worth it.

Now let’s go back to my Personal goals progress.

  • Diploma in Events Management -ON PROCESS!

As of May 2021, I’d finished a total of three online training certificates and eight modules of Diploma in Events Management.

  1. Food Safety and Hygiene in the Catering Industry
  2. Hospitality Management – Health and Safety in Food Service – Revised
  3. ISO 22000:2018 – Elements of Food Safety Management System (FSMS)

Now, I’m about to finish y all the modules of Events Managements by this month. After this, I’ll start to do a one hotel brand training which I can do every time I’m off

  • Workout Plan Progress -SUCCESS!

In my last month blog, I stated that we started to have a workout routine following this plan below.

1st Workout plan (Hard Exercise)

  1. 🔥 HOT 🔥 Reduction Of Belly Fat Quickly | 27 Mins Aerobic Dance Workout | Zumba Class
  2. 1 minute plank
  3. 10 MINUTE FAT BURNING MORNING ROUTINE | Do this every day | Rowan Row
  4. FULL BODY HOLIDAY WORKOUT | No Equipment | Rowan Row

2nd Workout Plan (Soft Exercise)

  1. 🔥 HOT 🔥 Reduction Of Belly Fat Quickly | 27 Mins Aerobic Dance Workout | Zumba Class
  2. 1 minute plank
  3. 10 Minutes Meditation

Sadly, we weren’t able to follow this plan since we decided to do a High Intensity Interval Training. The workout planned that we did last month is stated below:

1st Workout Plan (Hard Exercise)

  1. 30 Min HIIT Cardio Workout
  2. 10 Min Cool Down

2nd Workout Plan (Soft Exercise)

  1. 15 Minutes Stretching/Yoga
  2. 10 Minutes Stretching for Back pain Relief
  3. 5 Minutes Meditation

The tracker that I made which I mentioned in my previous email is still in use up until this day and the summary of our progress is written below.

  • Lea Pearl Progress– 51 kg to 47 kg (Current Vital Statistics- 34-26-35)
  • Shuja’s Progress– 76 kg to 74 kg (Current Vital Statistics- 38-34-38)

We’re doing the workout plan alternately to make sure not to strain our muscles. This is also for us to take care of our mind by means of adding meditation in our usual workout routine.

By doing this workout alternately, we were able to push ourselves to become consistent. As we continue doing this as well, we realized a lot of other things that we can add in this selfcare routine.

The meditation which we just added recently made a big impact on us and it helped us in so many ways. Since we’re doing this routine after our work hours, the meditation helps us to feel more relaxed and get away from the stress.

For this month of June, we planned to do this work out plan:

1st Workout Plan (Hard Exercise)

  1. 28 Days Hiit it Hard Challenge
  2. 10 Min Cool Down

2nd Workout Plan (Soft Exercise)

  1. 20 Minutes Stretching/Yoga
  2. 10 Minutes Meditation

Same like last month, we’ll do it alternately so that we can ensure not to strain our muscles too much.

  • Meal Plan Progress -SUCCESS!

Although I already reached my target weight which is 47 kg, I still planned to stick in my meal plan but focusing more on eating vegetables and fruits.

If you want to know our meal plan, you can find the details below that you can also used!

  1. 16/8 Intermittent Fasting – 10am to 6pm (Eating Period)
  2. First Meal- One type of fruit, Boiled Egg (Only Egg Whites) and Laban
  3. Second Meal (Lunch)- Coffee, two pieces breads and, Boiled Egg (Only Egg Whites)
  4. Third Meal (Dinner)- 3 Tbsp rice and Vegetable Dish
  5. Friday- Cheat Day
  • Explore Qatar 2021 -FAILED!

Another month of failing this target! This is one of the plans that I was really looking forward this year but sadly it keeps failing due to the pandemic. I know I’m not in control of the situation right now so prevention is way better than cure especially in this period.

I just pray that everything will be ok and will be back to normal so that everyone can have a chance to discover this beautiful world.

Nevertheless, I still have eight more months to do it! May we all pray together for the end of this tough challenge that we’re all facing.

  • Weight Results -SUCCESS!

I’m really getting into this! Who would have thought that we are doing a consistent workout for almost three months already? Impossible right? Yeah I know.

Consistency really plays a big role in setting one’s goal.

From almost 56 kg up to 48 kg, who would have imagined that I’ll achieve it?

It was really a long process of squeezing my schedule just to fit an hour of workout routine, and now our body seems craving for it every single day!

I planned to stick in 47 Kg goal and focus on developing my strength. We also accompanied meditation, stretching and yoga for us to enhance our flexibility.

Photo by Tirachard Kumtanom on

3. Social Media Goals

Last month, I mentioned that I planned on focusing in sharing quality content. Since then, I’d been doing a uniform format for all of my blogs and put some widgets that can help my website to look engaging to all the visitors.

Since I had encountered challenged in mid of May, I planned to go back in track in this month. I’ll continue to enhance more of my contents so I can gather followers reaction and feedbacks.

It will surely be a long process and I’ll patiently exert efforts on making it possible.

  • WORDPRESS Insights

For the month of May, I succeeded on posting a total of seven blogs which reached my monthly target. You can check the blogs I made for this month below:

  1. April Goals Review- Life Journey
  2. Third Step: What’s next after securing your emergency fund?– Live to Inspire
  3. They Will Never Understand– Unspoken Poetry
  4. 7 Things I Realized when I Became an Employee- Life Journey
  5. 8 Self Care Activities for Working Individuals– Live to Inspire
  6. Love Untitled– Unspoken Poetry
  7. Simple Steps to get Rid of your Insecurities Live to Inspire

I know this month I’m not that active in sharing the blogs I made in other of my social media accounts. This is due to the reason when I got the second dose of the vaccine and got sick for almost a week.

Because of that, the views went low compare to the previous months. Now I need to focus this month on sharing my blogs to other of my social media accounts so I can go back on track again.

  • INSTAGRAM Insights

In this month of April, I posted Six photos and six reels which is greater than the last month updates. One of my reels also reached 5000 views and by that I found a strategy to reached more audience that can be a potential follower. Now for this coming month, I plan to make it sure that I’ll post more reels and photo updates which I can also share in my Pinterest account.

You can check my posts here by clicking this link <leapearl_14>.

  • FACEBOOK Insights

Facebook has been one of the top social media applications up until this day. Since it’s very easy to reach out and make your brand well know here, almost all businesses are setting up their pages here.

As of May 23, I have a total of 1,207 I have a total of followers which is greater than the last month which is around 1,185. Now since I mainly share blogs in my Facebook profile, I planned to post my pictures and some inspiring photos which can help me to attract more visitors and viewers.

  • PINTEREST Insights

My Pinterest is one of my social media accounts where I share different photos I used in my blogs and in Instagram as well. I found this application very effective in building my network since it’s easy to share stuffs here and linking it to my other social media accounts.

From blog titles and even all pictures I used within the blog, I can easily share it in this application. Because of this as well, I was able to gain more followers, viewers and at the same time reach more people in different parts of the world. From Asia, Europe, America, Africa, I’d been gaining views from all over the world just by sharing it here.

You can check my Pinterest account here <Lea Pearl Manongdo>


I stumbled in a one question this past month that really caught me off guard. We all know that we define things differently. Our life, approaches and thought are all entirely different. As I do these blogs about my dreams and goals in life, one person asked me,

Why are you so worried in the future?

I wasn’t aware that I seems like worried in my future based on what I blogged about. Although it’s his own opinion and I didn’t really feel off about it, I just came to realized that truly people define life differently.

Rather than the term “Worry”, I think the best thing to define everything I do is “Fun”.

I found fun in planning my future, achieving my small and big goals, being consistent and inspiring others around me to do the same.

At first, I literally find it hard to make all my goals possible. But as I encounter people with different perceptions in life, I decided to challenge myself on beating my own way of thinking.

I wanted to be the person who can touch people’s heart and give hope to the rest, because I’d been in their place before. One’s support and acknowledgement can means a lot to them. They just need somebody who will reached out without any questions.

Words are so powerful and I will choose to use it in a good way.

Photo by Polina Kovaleva on

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About Me

Hi, I am Lea Pearl

Working employee wherein blogging became my side hobby.
Creator of Living Her Own Life which aims to touch people’s heart and inspire them to achieve their own goals in life.
Writing has been my passion for almost 15 years. Last 2020, I made my very own website where I can share all of my thoughts and stories in life.

On the Blog