Third month of the year 2021 is now officially done! Everything were like put in a fast forward mode and even me I can’t imagined that the days all went fast. March has been a great month for me and all that thanks to new plans that I was able to do.
Looking back from my February Goals Review, the following are the things that I failed to do.
Failing some of my plans doesn’t really made me feel bad about it. Well I think living in a mantra that “There’s no room for success if you never failed.” really helped me a lot in coping up with these failures.
In this month, I also realized a lot of things that gave me a better outlook in this life. This month was never perfect, there’s a lot of downfalls, challenges and problems that I faced but these only made me stronger.
“Strength does not come from winning. Your struggles develop your strengths. When you go through hardships and decide not to surrender, that is strength.”
– Arnold Schwarzenegger
Now, for us to know my progress for this month of March, let’s do a quick run through of My 2021 goals.

For the month of march, there are some sudden expenses that I had and it results to some changes in my budget guidelines. For us to understand it well, the below table is the my supposed budget every month that I strictly need to follow.

So here’s the review of each of my funds and the expenses I had for month of March!
For me to be able to settle the allotted money for my investment fund that will secure my two years payment, I planned to send a lump-sum amount of it on July in my assigned local bank.
This is for me to have it secured as early as possible so I can focus also in other funds that I need to achieve. Now, I’m glad that I’m still able to keep my investment fund safe for this month and all I need to do is to transfer it by July.
To secure two years payment is really hard, so what I did is since there’s still balance from my previous savings, all I need to is to simply provide the rest of the amount needed.
The table below shows the rough savings I need to achieve for me to succeed in my 2020 goal for my Investment Fund.

It’s really tough to do and I need to squeeze out my money but I know my future self will thank me for this. It’s a matter of pushing myself right now even though it’s really hard!
One thing that made me so excited is once I know I achieve my fund for my future business. I’d been mentioning all of my plans that I consider for my business and just thinking of it, it made me so giddy!
Top 5 Passive Income I’m Considering
I’m happy that I achieved the amount I need to save for my business fund. One thing that made me feel more excited is because of the messages I received from my colleagues wherein they’re very helpful in giving me some business ideas.
Special mention is my former colleague and a great friend Mr. Maron Aguillar whom has been one of my inspiration. He shared to me a lot of things that can make me feel more motivated to pursue and reach my dreams. I actually even mentioned the things he shared in my previous blog titled,
7 Easy Tips to Boost your Career Profile
One thing that made this Month very memorable for me is when I achieved my target Emergency fund! This is one of the things that I am really proud to achieve since I know I can start to focus now more on my other funds.
If you want to check out on how I was able to achieve it, you can check my blog below!
Sharing is Caring: How I Achieved my P60K Emergency Fund in Three Months!
For anyone who’s currently reading this, I hope you can somehow realized the importance of having this fund. This is very essential especially for those breadwinners of the family. Like I always say, you don’t need to have a big salary for you to achieve this. The right budgeting and consistency is the key!
In this month of March one thing that I settled to achieve is my joint account fund. Since this is the least amount that I need to settle, I made it a point that I can do it as early as possible in this year.
Gladly I achieve on allocating the amount in this month of March so I can simply focus on my other savings fund.
I mentioned above that I somehow made more expenses in this month, it results for the amount intended for my local back to be affected. It’s fine but I know somehow for the next month I need to squeeze my budget for me to make sure that my budget allocations are intact.
The table below is the summary of my savings and expenses for the month of March.

As you can see, the table shows an increase of expenses compare to the previous months. This is due to unplanned expenses which are out of the budget. Now I need to push myself on filling those amounts for the next month!
One thing that made me conclude that this month is one of the best is when I started to put into actions my additional plan which is the 1 hour work-out (six times a day). I was also able to motivate one of my flatmate to do it with me and we really took it so seriously!

Going back to what I mentioned in my February Goals Review, this plan helped me a lot in so many ways. Every time I felt like demotivated, all I need to do is to read all of these. It became my guide to always look forward to be positive regardless of the negative factors that may affect me everyday.
Now the thins stated below are the ones that I accomplished and at the same time the ones that I failed to do.
One of my target for this year is to gained more certificates and training. Since I’d been wanting to focus on my self growth, I also made it sure that it will consist of physical, mental, emotional and spiritual aspect.
In the past three months I can clearly see my progress in all those aspects. Consistency has been one of the driving force for me to make it happen. To do it all at the same time really requires a lot of efforts but believing in yourself will make everything simple.
I also do think that since I’d been doing it already, I think I got used to it and aiming for progress are little bit easy for me now. I am also happy in a way that I influenced some people around me to do the same.
Hospitality Management – Health and Safety in Food Service – Revised
For this month, the certificate the I gained is about Health and food safety. As of March 2021, I gained a total of three certificates about Hospitality and Food Safety.
Now I planned to focus on administrative training for the next month. This is for me to strengthen my knowledge in doing clerical works.
Last March 14, me and my colleague started to plan a we workout plan for both of us. This plan is for us to be physically active and choose to have healthy foods in our diet. We decided to follow a consistent plan for two weeks before we change it to another workout routine.
We do our workout every 5:40 pm to 6:40 pm (60 Minutes). This is very ideal because this time is few minutes after we arrived from our work shifts which is 9:00 am to 5:00 pm.
Now to share with you our workout plan, here’s the list below! You can also try it in your home so we can all do it together. Nice Idea right?
- 30 Minutes Zumba (Exercise To Lose Weight FAST || Zumba Class)
- 10 Minutes (Plank, Mountain Climbers, Squats, Abs Excercise)
- 10 Minutes Jogging
- 10 Minutes Yoga
For us to make sure that we’ll have a good result, we also planned to have a strict meal guidelines. So when we started the workout plan we also started doing this meal plan. You can check our meal guidelines below:
- 7:00-10:00 – Apple Cider Vinegar diluted in warm water, Warm Water and Laban
- 10:00 -12:00 – Boiled Egg/ Light Meal (no rice)
- 13:00 -15:00 – Boiled Egg/ Vegetables/ Fruits/ Lunch (no rice)
- 17:40 -18:40 – Work out
- 19:00 – 20:00 – Dinner (maximum of three tbsp. rice)
Upon following this for the first two days, we experienced hunger pangs every now and then. Our muscles are sore as well but eventually our body adapt to it.
After doing this for one week, we can also feel the lightness of our body and we feel more energetic compare before.
Since we are still in a lockdown, one the things that I failed to do is the Explore Qatar 2021 plan ever month. Being in a lockdown for a long run actually affected me in so many ways. Gladly we were able to come up in different activities that will help us somehow to have a productive day.
Anyhow, this plan will soon happen. Regardless on when it will be, I still believe that everything will be ok soon. All I need to do is to focus on something that can make me feel happy and not to think about our situation right now.
After doing the workout routine and meal plan for two weeks, it helped me to achieve my weight target for this month. It doesn’t only helped me to feel energized but also to be physically healthy!
For us to track our progress, we also made a tracker of our workout days consisting the timings, workout routine, weight measurements and even our vital statistics!
Just to show you how serious we are, you can check our tracker below!

As of now, my wordpress blog is doing great, from the number of views and visit, I can clearly see the progress and consistency of it every month. I feel ecstatic since I once again achieved to post a total of eight blogs which are the following:
- February Goals Review
- Sharing is Caring: How I Achieved my P60K Emergency Fund in Three Months!
- DIY SERIES: Cement Pots and Plants March Update!
- My Biggest Insecurity is Her
- A look Inside my 2021 Journal
- It’s a Long Difficult Road
- “Can you just stop dreaming the impossible?”
- 7 Easy Tips to Boost you Career Profile
I’m also feel thankful for everyone who continuously commenting and sending me inspirational message for me to keep on blogging. Since I somehow able to reach out and inspired some people, rest assured that I’ll keep doing it.
This blog will be my life story wherever I’ll be.
For this month, I uploaded a total of six posts for my Instagram account. Since I’d been wanting to be more active here, I think I still lacked time to update it more.
You can check the picture I’d uploaded in my instagram with this -> (leapearl_14)
Despite of the few increase of my followers, I’, still looking forward that I can gain more for the next month. All I need to do is to keep updating and let’s see what will happen next!
Since Facebook has been one of the linked accounts for my blogs, It helped me a lot to reached out and gain more readers. For the whole month of March, I uploaded my seven blogs here.
Now for the next month, I planned to upload pictures of mine as well to update some of my albums which wasn’t touched for almost three months!
In my facebook account as well, I received an increase of followers. I know it was also thanks to my blogs which I put on public. Now all I need to do is to keep updating!
For my pinterest account, I’d been gaining more followers and that is all because of the photos I linked from my blogs. As of now, I’d been receiving a lot of pin of my photos of from my DIY SERIES.
Until now, I can see how the pictures reached out different places around the world, from Asia to Europe, a lot of people were very interested in the Cement Pots and Plants blog I did.
Now, I feel very happy because making my account in pinterest gave me am outlet for me to reached out to more people.
Truly this month came like a sudden swift of the wind. I didn’t realized it was over until I made this blog. It was kind of a busy month for me but I can see that it became more productive. I made some mistakes and failures but I somehow get up and started again with a smile on my face.
I also realized a lot of things that made me feel more excited to face the day. From the workouts, meal plans, online training, writing in my journal, meditation and many more other things, it made me feel so grateful for each day that had passed.
“Life is like riding a bicycle, to keep your balance, you must keep moving.”
-Albert Einstein
I just feel more complete right now. If they said that we need to live our life to the fullest, I can say that I’m officially living my life to the fullest right now.
Doing all of these things made me feel so happy that regrets won’t make any space from my life right now. To be an inspiration and to be an example for some people meant a lot from me.
And this is life should be. A kind of feeling wherein you have you own inner peace and you never fear the challenges that awaits you because you are ready to face it heads on.
You’re one of the best months of my life! Thank you God for all of this realizations and experiences that you’d given to me.