Hello March!

Now that I have another month to work on my goals, I will take this time as chance for me to be one step closer to what I dream of and be a better version of myself. Despite of how many negatives that I will face, I will stay positive and pray for the best of all. I will trust Him with all His plans and my heart and soul will always be at peace as long as I’m with His Almighty.  

Now, let’s have a recap of goals that I need to aim for 2022!

I promise that I will make most out of this month and meet my own expectations. I will focus on positive things that will help me to achieve my goals and will not let any negativity come on my way. This will be another time for me to discover myself more, be happier that I am before and explore different places that I never been. I will let the excitement ignite in my heart continuously because by this way, I will be more consistent and dedicated on the things that I am aiming for this month. These new targets that I set will be a test of myself in order to discover my capabilities and exceeds my own limitations.

Here below is the weekly routine that I need to follow for this year which I also stated in my first blog for 2022:

Within these two months of setting a goal and assessing it, it helped me to be more aggressive in reaching my goals. It gave me an input on things that I need to work on and at the same time the red flags that I need to avoid. Like what most people say, not all will be happy on someone’s success. The more you are in line with your goals, some may choose to mock you and few of them will be genuinely inspired by it. That’s why, anyone who’s a goal getter like me, should be resilient enough not to be affected by it. Those external factors that may affect you should not be focus on, because their primary aim is for you to loss it. Stick to your plan, and carefully choose what is worth to listen on. Focus more on yourself and let others do it. They’ll surely get tired eventually.

“Do not repay evil with evil or insult with insult. On the contrary, repay evil with blessing, because to this you were called so that you may inherit a blessing.”-1 Peter 3:9

Without any further ado, let’s tackle all the goals that I have for the month of March!

By sharing this, I hope that someone out there will be inspired to do the same as well.

Let’s both make it together!

Starting this year became a time for me to rebuilt myself again. I know that I’m lacking with a lot of things especially on how I treat myself. I treated myself unfairly for so long and gladly I was able to realized it. Although it took time for me to know about it, I believe that I still have a lot of chance to work on my own self. This is the time for a gradual process of self-acceptance, building self-confidence, working on my bad habits and focusing on what’s good in all aspects of my life. Now that this is the third month of my self-care journey this 2022, I believe by consistently doing it, I’ll be successful in the end.

Doing this blog is a way for me to share that there’s no such thing as perfect. We all have flaws and negativity within us. The only difference of each and one of us, is on how we address it. Are you comfortable to just stay like that, or you will choose to be a better version of yourself? For me, I chose the latter. I believe there’s no such thing is as over if you really wanted to make a change. It’s all about taking the initiative now to change it without having any excuse. The more you think that there will always be next time, the more your time will be limited. Make most out of your day. Giving just 30 minutes for yourself is more than enough to do something productive.


For the month of March, these are the three things that I need to accomplish. It comprises with things I need to work on for my own self, places I need to go and lastly the workout routine I’ll be focusing on.


One thing that I’d been wanting to develop for myself is to lift up my confidence and get rid of my insecurities. I can say that, I’d been working on it in almost a year now, but I’m still lacking in some points. There are still times where I feel inferiority complex and don’t believe in myself. I still tend to compare myself to others and look to what I’m lacking. I know that this is very toxic and I’m getting tired of it as well. I badly wanted to work on it but I still find myself going back to my usual self. Now that this month will start, I also wanted this time to officially work on this matter. Although it may look easy to do but changing one’s character will always takes time. That’s why, even if it will take a long period for me to overcome this, I still wanted to try to gradually address it as long as I can overcome it.

For me to efficiently work on it, I set a rule for myself that I strictly need to follow. By means of this, I can at least avoid negative feelings about myself. This will also serve as a guide for me as I work on building my confidence.

  1. To prevent comparing yourself, you need to look at what you’ve already achieved.
  2. Tell to yourself as soon as you wake up all the positive things that can boost your confidence.
  3. Set goals for yourself and ensure that you’ll work on it.
  4. If you’re in the verge of feeling that you are not enough, pray.
  5. Improve physical and your metal health by engaging healthy activities like workout, yoga and meditation.
  6. Recognize what you’re good at rather than what you’re lacking.
  7. Challenge yourself every day to be better.
  8. Exceed your own expectation and not other’s expectation.
  9. Give time for yourself every day.
  10.  Focus on what you can control.

One’s attitude should not be neglected especially if it continuously affects you. As long as you became aware of thing that negatively affects you, you can start to work on it slowly but surely. You don’t need to embrace it nor tolerate it. There are things that can be fix if you’re really determined to do so. Like what will I start this month, I’m hoping that this will be your sign to change your negative attitude at the same time.

Let’s work on it together.


Another travel destination for this month that I’ll do is first, the sightseeing with my cousin in Education city, and the second one is the shooting of our 4th vlog with my boyfriend in Katara Cultural Village. This will happen on the first two weeks of March and hopefully I can share here in blog the whole experience. It’s been a couple of months since I saw my cousin that’s why, I feel more excited to meet her. For sure, we will be taking a lot of pictures again together and shoot short videos for our tiktok! Just by thinking of it, the experience will surely be worth it.

What I plan is to at least visit one to two travel destination here in Qatar in order to share it here in this blog. Since the weather is still ideal, I wanted to make use of this time to explore more places that I never been with and take aesthetic videos and pictures upon visiting it. Who knows, I will be a famous influencer in the future! Just kidding!


Now that I successfully did my workout for two months, I am pretty confident that I can achieve it this month as well. One of the reasons is that, I have someone to do it together that’s why I feel more motivated to do so. After I experienced improvement in my sleeping habits, I became more consistent in doing my workout. One thing that I became into as well, is the meditation that both of us are doing. We feel how the positive energy grows within us and how it helped us to focus in the present. After learning the proper way on how to do it, we start doing 10-15 minutes guided meditation after our workout.

Other than doing the 30 minutes workout and the 10-15 minutes guided meditation, I also jog or do jump rope around our villa because that’s my own way to destress. I really found it very effective!

Here’s the workout routine that I’ll be doing for the month of March!

Last February, we officially started the renovation of our first house rental. I spent a total of P270,000.00 for it, since it’s a major renovation. We worked on changing the roofing, bathroom, electric source, flooring and many more other things. Due to this, there are some added expenses that are out of the budget that I readied. Gladly, my mother has an extra savings and we used it for those additional items needed. Our target is by the end of this month, we can put it on rent so that my family can have a stable source of income. Even though it was my first time to invest that large sum of money, just by looking in its progress, I feel more inspired to work on my goals. I feel so proud because I can now see the fruit of my sacrifices. After almost six years working abroad, I achieved the following financial goals.

  1. [ON-GOING] 1st Insurance. Long term savings intended for emergency and health concerns situation.
  2. [ON-GOING] 2nd Insurance + Investment.  Long term savings fund intended for business and kid’s insurance.
  3. [ON-GOING] SSS.  Long term savings fund intended for retirement purposes.
  4. [ACHIEVED] 1st House Rental. Intended for additional income stream.
  5. [ON PROCESS] 2ND House Rental. Intended for additional income stream.

In my last blog about my February finances, I successfully followed all the plans that I’d set. So, in this month, I need to strictly follow as well the budget that I’d set. Now, Let’s carefully review each of my financial plans for March!


Like what I shared in my February Financial review, my budget for this month will be intended for the last phase of our renovation and my balance payment for my existing responsibilities. Since the debt collection has changed, I need to thoroughly work on it so that I can pay for my insurance and investments on time. As long as I successfully save up and finish my pending payments until July, I can gradually work again in building my emergency and local funds. Due to the sudden changes taken place, preparing a budget is really hard since I need to consider every area and scope of my finances. I just hope and pray that I’ll surpass this year and achieved all of my financial goals. As long as I achieved those, I can save more for my other responsibilities especially on my dream business.

“The habit of saving is itself an education; it fosters every virtue, teaches self-denial, cultivates the sense of order, trains to forethought, and so broadens the mind.” – T.T. Munger


One of the things that made me feel disappointed this month is the deal that I originally had with the person who borrows money from me. Last year we decided that she’ll pay me one time, but due to some adjustment on her side, it just changed. Of course, not knowing my current projects and existing insurance that needs to be paid, she just told me that she’ll pay it by portion. Due to that, I need to change again my budget forecast to accommodate her request. Gladly, I foresee everything and adjust the schedule of payments beforehand for my existing financial responsibilities and projects.  Given that experience, it really became a learning from my side that next time I need to say “No”, even if I have the means.

Hopefully there will be no more changes after this, because my budget is intact and planned. This will also be the last time that I’ll assist someone financially.


After a year of sacrifices, finally I was able to achieve one of my targets which is to have my first passive income stream. It took me long time to achieved the budget needed and within that period, I experienced hardships especially in cutting down my expenses. At my 20’s most of the people I know with the same age, enjoys their life by buying different things that makes them happy. In my case, I chose to close my eyes and stop myself on wanting things that I don’t need. To tell you honestly, it makes me sad sometimes every time I compare my situation to them. There are also things that I badly wanted to buy for myself but given the priorities I set; I always ends up saying to myself that there will be next time for it. Now that I finally make this one goal happened, I believe that eventually I can slowly provide for myself.

As this year will be very critical for my finances, I need to stay the same way like I used to in order to make it happen. Just by thinking that every sacrifice will soon be granted, all I need to do is to patiently wait for the right time and let it happen. My target in this March will be the final phase of renovation and a canvass for the second house. As long as I have an idea of the price, I can slowly work on it in these coming months until I achieve it.

Here below are the current progress of the renovation as of 1st week of March.

For the month of March, I decided to stop applying and settle first in following up in my current applications. Given the situations that happened in the world right now, It helped me to assess all my decisions and look to a broader perspective. Another that I am considering is that, I’m still yet to complete two years so it will be ideal if I’ll complete it first before deciding to work again in a new company. Although I already applied last month, I decided just to continue my application on or before August. Once I didn’t receive any feedback from those companies that I applied for, that will be the time I’ll consider again applying.

One thing that I keep praying now is at least someone will acknowledge my work and eventually raise my salary. That will be the best option I can consider given the negative things that’s happening right now. I believe that I am confident enough to be acknowledge from the things I’d done and continuously doing for the team. I know that it’s out of my control but I still trust what God planned for me. It may not be the right time for it, but I believe that eventually will be granted. All I need to do is to continue doing my best, focus on my self-growth and keep my faith to Him.

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.”- Proverbs 3:56


I mentioned in my previous blog the companies that I applied for the month of February. I believe that it is more than enough and I should not push myself that much in applying. Especially in this current war going on between Russia and Ukraine, I need to weigh things down and assess carefully every situation. I need to foresee first everything before I decide something to avoid what happened during the pandemic. As you all know, I was laid off from my job due to sudden fall of the hospitality industry. As I can see based on the things that are happening right now, there’s a chance that it may happen again given the fact that Russia plays a big role in oil and gas industry. For sure, prices of commodities will soon rise and a lot of big companies will look for something to cut off just to save up few moneys that they loss due to the economic crisis.

Due to this, I put halt on my application and settle first in checking the current applications I did. Since I already experienced being laid off, I should not let my emotions win over the reality that a lot of things may happen after this war. I just hope that everything will be ok soon, so that we can go back again from how we used to.


Since I already finished one food hygiene training last January, I will now work on doing free diploma course this month. This is as part of the career goals that I set for this year 2022. I believe that this is the right time for me to start it so I can gain more certifications before the end of the year. In the previous year, I usually have one online platform that I’d been using. This time I will try to look for more free courses from other websites in order to have multiple sources of certifications. I will choose one credible website that offers course in line with my field. Here are some of the websites that I will check for its offers in this month:

  1. Coursera
  2. EdX
  3. Udacity
  4. Coursesites
  5. Rwaq  – رواق
  6. EDRAAK – ادراك

The certifications that I will be focusing on will be more of Hospitality and food Industry which is in line with my career. By doing this, I know it will provide me credentials that will strengthen my career background. I just need to push myself and be dedicated on doing this in order for me to achieve my career goals.


As I started applying last month, I wanted to ready myself for any interview that may happen in this month. Even if there won’t be any positive response yet, I wanted to make use of this time to develop my communication skills by means of practicing. I’d seen in YouTube some practice videos for interview that provides a set of question that is commonly used by recruiters. To ensure I will have time for this, I decided to do it every time I will plan to watch movies. What will I do first, is I will watch practice videos and sample interview questions, before starting any leisure activities. 10 minutes of practice every now and then is more than enough as long I’ll be consistent on this. Here are some of the videos I checked in YouTube that will serve as my guide in this month.

  1. 8 Power Words for Your Job Interview in English
  2. 10 Common Job Interview Questions and Answers (Job Interviews in English)
  3. 5 Easy Ways to Sound More Confident with Assertive Language in English

Upon browsing in YouTube, I found a lot of channels that will surely help me in developing my communication skills. All of their videos are very informative and at the same time realistic. I’d seen as well the number of views in each of their videos and it just shows how it helped a lot of people. I believe that I will also be benefited from it as long as I’ll do this by heart.


For the month of March, we will be working for our 4th travel vlog which will be taken in Katara Cultural Village. Now that we already uploaded everything that we took, we now need to work on in shooting again videos that I think we can upload on April. Even though shooting videos will only take one day to do, editing requires time and effort. Knowing both me and my partner is working, we need to sacrifice time for it to happen. But like what we always tell to each other, we should just enjoy the moment and not to feel pressured by it. Rather than as a liability, we see this thing as our chance to make digital memories of both of us. Now, here’s the current status of our channel as of this month:

  1. CINEMATIC 4K | EXPLORE QATAR: Msheireb Downtown Doha –January
  2. CINEMATIC 4K | EXPLORE QATAR: Aspire Park –January
  3. CINEMATIC 4K | EXPLORE QATAR: Souq Waqif –February
  4. CINEMATIC 4K | EXPLORE QATAR: Katara Cultural Village- April

I also decided this month, not to set any targets since we’re just starting. Rather than being pressured by it, we will just focus on making more travel vlogs and advertise it at the same time.


After discovering reels as a way for me to gain more engagements, I planned to consistently upload aesthetic travel videos while updating quality post. I planned to make use as well different hashtags that can help me to reach more users. Based on my research, it is proven effective if you want to advertise your Instagram account. The only thing that makes me skeptical now to update is the on-going conflict between Russia and Ukraine. I don’t want to look like insensitive knowing that there’s a lot of people suffering right now in those countries. I just pray and hope that everything will be ok soon.

Here below are my current updates in my Instagram account.


Like the usual plan I have for my WordPress blog, I will continue to achieve it and follow the things that I must do for the month. Now that I experienced, I dropped of readers in this year, I really need to push myself in marketing my social media accounts especially this blog. I believe that one of the factors of the sudden drop pf readers is most of my blogs right now is concerning about my journey in reaching my goals. In the previous year, I usually have a consistent update to all of my categories, from poetry, travel blogs, life journey, financial tips and self-care ideas. Now, I am limited to few topics. That’s why I planned to work on each category without compromising the existing blogs that I set for this year.

Here below are the things that I strictly need to do in this month. For me to ensure that I’ll make it happen, I assigned a day for me to achieved all of those. I will mark it in my journal, so that I can be reminded by it.

  1. 6-7 Blogs
  2. Share it in Instagram post & Stories
  3. Published it in Facebook
  4. Share it in Pinterest
  5. Share some in LinkedIn (Live to Inspire)


As I reached almost 1000 followers, I planned to become more aggressive in updating aesthetic videos on my Tiktok. I will continue to focus on making high quality travel videos so that I can have target viewers. In order to achieve it, I need to hang out at least one time in a month and shoot as much videos as I can. I am also planning to do some mixed videos and photo effects like what I usually see in reels. I still haven’t found it effective, but I believe it will give me opportunity to advertise my Instagram. I have a lot of ideas in my mind and just by thinking of it, really makes me feel excited. Also, I won’t make this happen if I won’t give time and efforts to do it. I need to double my efforts and be dedicated to this because who knows, I can be really an influencer.

For this month, my goal is to reach 1000 followers and update a minimum of six videos. To give a glimpse of my account, here’s the top post for the month of February:

Another month came and this just shows how God gave us another chance to reach our goals in life. As the third month of this year comes, let’s take this opportunity to work on our plans, be a better version of ourselves, make memorable memories and share blessings to the rest.

We should not let this month just pass by, rather we should make most out of this chance that we were given. There will more challenges that will come on our way, but let’s just stay positive and continue to trust HIM.

In this path that I’m currently in, I will continue what I started. Despite of the ups and downs that I will encounter in this month, I will promise to stay focus.  One thing for sure is that I will make this month full of happiness, learnings and experiences.

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.”-Proverbs 3:5-6

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About Me

Hi, I am Lea Pearl

Working employee wherein blogging became my side hobby.
Creator of Living Her Own Life which aims to touch people’s heart and inspire them to achieve their own goals in life.
Writing has been my passion for almost 15 years. Last 2020, I made my very own website where I can share all of my thoughts and stories in life.

On the Blog