I know we are all on the same boat adjusting our lives due to these sudden changes bought by the Pandemic. We never realized that in just a year, our life went 360. Some of us experienced being terminated from work, some are still striving to look for a job, some are left with no choice but to stick to their work afraid of taking risk that they may end up unemployed, and the rest are still on the same page still skeptical what to do next.
The anxiety and depression are present until now, and I’m not exempted from it. After six months of being unemployed, I was hired but the company authorized us that we’re in a lockdown. Meaning we’re only allowed to go in our workplace and be back in our accommodation for safety purposes. That went for almost a year and imagine how all of us cope up in that sudden situation. For the first months It’s ok but as time goes by, the feeling of anxiety is slowly making its way to ourselves.
Since I somehow felt that kind of anxiety when I was unemployed, I think of something that will divert my mind not to feel more depress about the situation. I told myself that I’m done with it, so rather than thinking of our situation that time, I look for something that will make me feel better. And that’s what I wanted to share in this blog. I wanted others to look for something that may help them to cope up in this common situation that everyone is in right now.
So, without further ado, here are the things that help me to cope up during almost one year of lockdown:
Things I did During almost a Year of Lockdown

Last March 2021, I started my home workout together with my colleague. We both have the same goal which is to live a healthy lifestyle so we decided to start it as soon as we arrive home.
It became a part of our daily routine until now and by doing it consistently, we started to incorporate healthy lifestyle activities such as minding our daily calories intake, focusing on fresh ingredients rather than the processed one, and of course ensure to consume more vegetables and fruits on a daily basis.
Discipline and consistency plays a big role in making all this possible. If we let our laziness wins over us in the course of doing this, for sure we will failed it from the very start. I also realized that whatever you do do, you need to be committed to it. A lot of people around you may do things that will inhibit you to do it, so you really need to stick to your decision and make it happen.
Doing this during lockdown helped me to spend my time productively. It gave me a reason to look forward in my every day life and also to influence people around me to have a healthy lifestyle.

This is one of the best things happened during lockdown. It just started from a hobby and now it became a part of my life. I learned to love sharing inspiration to others and enlighten them on things that I realized in my life.
Now, I officially published almost a hundred of blogs from September 2020 up to this day. From poems, financial management and my own life stories I never thought that it will somehow reach out to some people around the world. As days goes by, I have a lot of things in my mind that I plan to add in this blog. Though it really requires a LOT of efforts and time, I know my future self will thank me for doing this blog.
This will serve as my own life story as I continue my journey towards my goals in life.

We can not push ourselves to be ok and happy all the time. Of course, there will always be a day wherein we feel low and lazy to do our task and in worst case scenario it becomes a habit. So, to prevent myself on doing something that will stop me on being productive, I discovered some inspirational podcast that help me to be more inspired and motivated.
It became a morning habit and a part of my daily routine. As I start listening to this, I slowly divert myself to look positively in every day that comes. I realized to be more grateful and see the day as a good opportunity to work slowly on my goals.
All I know is by listening to inspirational podcast, it helps me in so many ways specially to realize a lot of things in life.

Prayers will always be the best choice for anyone who’s experiencing downfalls in their lives. You can never go wrong doing this. This what helps me to cope up with my own battle and made me see good things in life.
I learned to appreciate myself, the people around me, all the blessings I received, each day that had passed and many more other things which I failed to see before.
I became HAPPIER.
This made me feel complete and more dedicated to reach my goals. I started not to fear whatever challenge I’ll face in the future. I feel like I have someone behind me who will always be there through ups and down and will never fail to protect me.

During the pandemic, one thing that made me realized is the importance of having good finances. You always need to be financially ready so that whatever challenge you’ll face, you’ll be confident enough. You need to be financially secured and focus on increasing your cash flow so if ever one streams of income will fail you, the rest will still be there to support you.
Since I already secured my future finances for retirement and my soon to be family, I decided to build up multiple sources of income that will help me to achieve my goals sooner. This will only be possible if I’ll stick to my budget and make sure that I won’t exceed on my expenses.
It will still be a long journey to accomplish it but I’ll surely make it happen!
Things I Realized During a Year of Lockdown

“Everything happens for a reason. You need to trust the process.”
Like this famous saying goes, everyone should realize that things may happen for us to realized something. We often dwell on our feelings and forget to look farther for us to see the whole picture. It’s ok for us to give space on what we feel but if we linger to it longer, we’ll find ourselves stuck to it.
The beauty of life is for us to accept everything on it. All the ups and downs, challenges and mistake are part of it that we should all experience for us to come out stronger. As I lost my job and stuck in a lockdown, I was able to surpass the sadness and see a bright future ahead of me. I was able to accept what happened and continue my life looking forward positively.

Being ready is not all about in just one aspect of yourself. As much as you can, do something that will make you feel secured no matter what happen in your life. From taking care of yourself externally and internally, your finances, and many more other things that may change in a course of time, you need to have a strong and stable support for you to surpass any challenges that you’ll face.
Invest on the things that will help you in a long run rather than those things that will give you temporary happiness. Although you can still give yourself a credit for your success, it’s more ideal that that credit will be beneficial for you in a long period of time.

Oftentimes, we failed to think of other’s feeling thinking that everything we say and do will always be ok for them. We tend to compare other’s problems to us that makes their feelings invalid. It’s very sad because we usually say more, than to listen in their worries.
As I experienced being so down of all the things that happened during the pandemic, I reflected on my past and think of what I’d done.
I was guilty not to listen on others feeling.
I was guilty not to make them feel that their emotions are valid.
I was guilty to compare my own experiences to their own.
Upon realizing all of that, I decided to be a better person in the future. I wanted to be the person whom they’ll be telling their worries and stories. I will make them feel that someone will listen to them and will not judge nor compare his/her situation.

“Never live selfishly.”
“A true successful person hopes for others success.”
We will have the same end which is death, so for me, we should spend the time that God gave to us to the extent. We should not just focus on our goals but help others to reach their own dreams in life as well. We need to be genuinely happy for them and get rid of our jealousy.
Life is too short to live selfishly. Their happiness will be your happiness. Rather than collecting physical things that you can’t bring with you as soon as you died, the memories with them will always be worth of any expensive stuffs.
Live your life to the fullest by being a blessing to everyone.