JUNE Goals review! 

This month of June has been full of blessings. A lot of things happen in this month that made me realized a lot of things. Looking back from the past six months of this year, I feel so thankful that I’m slowly reaching my goals for this year.

For this month, let’s take a quick recap of the things that I failed to do last June:


And again, this goal is still on halt due to the lockdown that was imposed by our company. Although it’s quite frustrating to think of it, I just occupied my mind in different activities that will make me feel better.

For the month of June as well, I added to my daily routine these following activities.

  1. Pray the holy Rosary every Thursday/Friday.
  2. Digital detox once a week.
  3. Eat more vegetables.
  4. Get out from toxic conversation.
  5. Weekly update for my social media accounts.

Now let’s see the status of my goals and if I were able to accomplish those activities stated above.

Financial Goals

For the month of June, I had a lot of expenses and it’s due to the needs of my family and my own expenses as well. Almost 39.60% of my salary went to my expenses but gladly we received a bonus which help me to save more than a half of my salary.

Here’s the illustration below on where my money goes in this month:

Though I have a bigger expense last month, my budget is still tight since I’m preparing my investment fund payment that I’ll settle on July.

  • Investment/Insurance Fund- SUCCESS!

For this fund, I decided to settled the whole one-year payment for my two investments on the next month. This is for me to be secured whatever financial challenges I’ll face in the future.

I’d mentioned in my last blog that having an investment/insurance fund has been one of my top priority since I started working. Since investment really requires time to grow, it is very ideal to start it earlier.

As of now I have a two investment which I think is more than enough to help me in my future. To do everything at the same time really requires an effort and patience. Looking back on how I budget my small salary as a fresh graduate, makes me feel proud that I was able to attain it.


Building a passive income is one thing I realized as I lost my job last year. By having this, it will help me to be ready if ever uncertainties will come in the future.

Since what I have in mind is a house rental business, I’m in the process of securing the target amount for that. Although it will take time for me to reach the target that I planned due to other financial priorities I still have, I can say that I’m doing pretty well knowing that I’m on the right track.

My strategy to fulfill the target amount for this fund is to secure it once I received my salary. This is the first fund I’ll settle so that I can make sure that I’ll be consistent.


Since I secured this fund last March, I was able to send money right away for an emergency. As of now 30% was decreased in this fund, and it’s ok since I still have months to fill it up again.

This is the importance of what I repeatedly emphasize which is the importance of having emergency fund. By keeping an amount solely for your emergency, it will help you not to ruin your budget.

If you wanted to know how I achieved my emergency fund, you can check my previous blog below!

Sharing is Caring: How I Achieved my P60K Emergency Fund in Three Months!


Although I’d spent a lot of money for emergency expenses this month of June, I was still able to save for my local bank around 60.4% of my salary. This is due to the additional bonus that we received from the company.

Although my expenses reached around 40% which is less than last month, most of my savings is intended for the Investment/ Insurance Fund that I’ll settle on July.

In this table you can see the summary of amounts I save and spent. As of this month, I can say that I’m still on track despite of the emergency expenses that I have right now.

Personal Goals

For this month of June, I feel very proud knowing that I can slowly see the results and progress of my self-care plans. From workouts, meal plans, managing my financials and many more other things that I started this year, I can clearly see everything right now.

My efforts are all worth it!

Last month I planned to have an additional activity that I can put to my self-care plans. These are the current progress of each:

1. Pray the holy Rosary every Thursday/Friday. ACHIEVED!

This is one of the activities that I felt very proud on starting. At first, I only planned to do it every Thursday but when I tried to complete the all the mysteries, I was able to do it starting on Wednesday up to Saturday!

By doing this activity, I came to realized how it completes you as a human being. If anyone wanted to achieve their own self-care journey, doing it mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually is the best way.

Gladly I started doing this and now it will be part of my weekly routine.

2. Digital detox once a week. ACHIEVED!

Since my work requires me to be digitally present, I find it hard at first to reduce the time I spend to it. So, what I did is rather than measuring the time, I decided not to use applications that made me spent more time with it.

After doing that, I was able to slowly focus more on other things rather than spending most of my time using my mobile. Although I still need to work on this eagerly, I can still say that I achieved this plan for this month.

3. Eat more vegetables. FAILED!

This is one of the things that I failed which I really regret not on following. Well, since we have a lot of birthday celebrations during this period, we ended up consuming the usual “fast food style” items.

Even though I failed, I still count on the next month to strictly stick to this plan.

4. Get out from toxic conversation. ACHIEVED!

Talk Less, Listen More.”

This is my mantra for this month. For me not to put fuel on a fire, talking less in a toxic conversation will help me to achieve this. What I did for this month is to lessen my interaction to some people that I know can influence me negatively. I came to realized that spending time to what is right (like doing workouts & selfcare activities) is more ideal rather than wasting it in a nonsense conversation.

I know that I still need work on it since I’m an expressive person. But I realized that there are times that silence is the best response to avoid further negativity.

5. Weekly update for my social media accounts. ACHIEVED!

In these past few months, I’d been actively posting reels and stories of my workout journey. By doing this, I was able to share my workout journey and also reached hits for my social media accounts.

Truly, working on yourself is one of a best choice that one should consider. I know that we tend to least prioritized it most of the time, and I’m so guilty on doing that. As I realized the importance of it, I was able to establish my personal goals and work hardly to achieve it.

Let’s reach our goals together!

Now let’s go back to my Personal goals progress.

  • Diploma in Events Management -DONE!

As of June 2021, I’d officially finished the whole nine modules of Diploma in Events Management in Alison (Online Certification). So up to this day, here are the certifications I gained:

  1. Food Safety and Hygiene in the Catering Industry
  2. Hospitality Management – Health and Safety in Food Service – Revised
  3. ISO 22000:2018 – Elements of Food Safety Management System (FSMS)
  4. Diploma in Events Management
  5. Micros Opera Training- ON PROCESS!

Since I already finish one diploma course, I planned to worked on Micros Training (Hotel Operation-Reservation) during my off. This is for me to be equipped in basic software for hotel operations.

As of now I was able to finish three modules which are,

  1. Introduction to Opera
  2. Profile Search
  3. Rate Query

I’ll slowly worked on the rest during my off so I will be consistent in gaining credentials as I ready myself to my target position.

  • Workout Plan Progress -SUCCESS!

For the month of June, I stated that we started to have a workout routine following this plan below.

1st Workout Plan (Hard Exercise)

  1. 28 Days Hiit it Hard Challenge
  2. 10 Min Cool Down

2nd Workout Plan (Soft Exercise)

  1. 20 Minutes Stretching/Yoga
  2. 10 Minutes Meditation

Since we started it last week of May, there are some changes that took place in the mid of June. This is due to the emergency changes in time. Regardless of that, rather than doing it alternately, I continued doing the 28 days challenged on a daily basis.

As of now I’m on my 18th day of the 28 days HIIT it Hard Challenge. During the changes that prevent me on doing the 28 days hit challenge, I replace it with 10 laps jogging so that I can still focus on cardio exercise.

28 Days HIIT it Hard Challenge- Growingannanas

For this month of July, I planned to do this work out plan:

Unlike last month, I planned to finish the 28 days HIIT harder challenge and focus on Hip Dips workout.

Doing this workout consistently, I became more confident in myself. I’m also happy that I was able to influenced people around me to take care of their own selves. Now, some of my colleagues starts to have their own workout and make their own meal plans!

  • Meal Plan Progress -SUCCESS!

Since I already reached my target weight which is 47 kg, I did some changes in my meal plan for this month.

Below is our meal plan for the first four months:

  1. 16/8 Intermittent Fasting – 10am to 6pm (Eating Period)
  2. First Meal- One type of fruit, Boiled Egg (Only Egg Whites) and Laban
  3. Second Meal (Lunch)- Coffee, two pieces breads and, Boiled Egg (Only Egg Whites)
  4. Third Meal (Dinner)- 3 Tbsp rice and Vegetable Dish
  5. Friday- Cheat Day

Below is our updated meal plan in this coming month:

  1. Breakfast (9:00)- Cereals with milk
  2. Lunch (12:00)- Coffee, two pieces bread
  3. Snack (15:00)- Laban/Banana/Boiled Egg
  4. Dinner (before 19:00)- 3 Tbsp rice and Vegetable Dish
  5. Friday- Cheat Day
  • Explore Qatar 2021 -FAILED!

Another month of failing this target! This is one of the plans that I was really looking forward this year but sadly it keeps failing due to the pandemic. I know I’m not in control of the situation right now so prevention is way better than cure especially in this period.

I just pray that everything will be ok and will be back to normal so that everyone can have a chance to discover this beautiful world.

Nevertheless, I still have eight more months to do it! May we all pray together for the end of this tough challenge that we’re all facing.

  • Weight Results -SUCCESS!

Even though I already achieved my target weight which is 47 kg, I still wanted to continue my work out for me to develop my muscles. As I start the 28 days HIIT it harder challenge, I accompanied 10 laps jogging for me to maximize my cardio workout.

This is my current weight and measurement details at the end of June:

I’ll keep doing a tracker of my weight and measurement results every month so I can easily see my progress.

Social Media Insights

Now that I planned to focus on sharing quality content, I’m still in the process of making my social media accounts posts worth of a share. From using different format for my blogs and sharing it to my other social media accounts, I planned to drive interest of netizens to my website.

My Instagram reels is currently doing great since by uploading a couple of workout videos, I was able to gain followers from it.

  • WORDPRESS Insights

For the month of June, I succeeded on posting a total of seven blogs which reached my monthly target. You can check the blogs I made for this month below:

May Goals Review- Life Journey

A Selfless Love of a Mother- Unspoken Poetry

5 Activities I did to Recover from my Anxiety– Life Journey

Save to be Safe: 5 Simple tips to Lessen Your Expenses- Live to Inspire

Intoxicated– Unspoken Poetry

7 Best life Advice I’ve ever Received– Life Journey

Save to be Safe: Budget Strategies for Breadwinners- Live to Inspire

Although the views of my blogs are getting low compared to the previous months that had passed, I planned to have my own picture layouts that I’ll put in my blogs. I will use illustrations that I’m sure it can drive readers.

I planned to apply this strategy on July starting in this blog so I can see if there will be any progress. Nevertheless, I still don’t feel bad about losing readers because I’m sure it will be along process of building a good foundation in this blog.

  • INSTAGRAM Insights

For the month of June, I wasn’t actively posting for my Instagram feeds, but for Instagram reels, I uploaded a total of six that gains almost 1000+ views. Since I started working out, I also started to film it and upload it to my social media accounts. This is for me to share my workout journey to my followers.

By starting that, I also observe that some of my friends started doing their meal plans and workout routines. They even asked me what exercise I’m doing so they can also do it in their own home. 

You can check my posts and reels by clicking this link <leapearl_14>.

  • FACEBOOK Insights

My Facebook account has been one of my platforms in sharing my blogs. By doing that I was able to gain readers and extend my network. For this month, I didn’t gain followers compared to the last month.

As of June 24, the total followers I have is 1,208 with six uploaded posts from my blog.

  • PINTEREST Insights

My Pinterest account helps me to in reaching more people around the world. By uploading the pictures, I put in my blogs and linked it to my websites, I received readers from all over the world. From Europe, Asia up to America, I never thought that my blogs can caught their interest.

 I found this application very effective in building my network since it’s easy to share stuffs here and linking it to my other social media accounts.

As I plan to make my own illustration for my blogs, I hope that it will give me a positive result in making my website well known. Although it requires efforts, I feel excited to look forward on how it will affect my blogs.


You can check my Pinterest account here <Lea Pearl Manongdo>


Doing something consistently can literally change something in your life. In my case, as I start this blog, workout and my own self-care goals really made a huge impact in this halfway of my year.

Despite of what happened last 2020, truly you can expect a good year if only you’ll work on it. I came to realized that whatever you think impossible can only be possible if you change your mindset. Like what most people say “Mindset is Everything.” And that made this year very memorable to me.

“Wishing something without doing anything is like waiting for nothing.”

As I face the rest of the months of this year, I’ll keep praying for everyone’s success in any goal that they’re striving right now. May we all be grateful with each other’s success and pray for everyone’s dreams and goals in life.

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