“Spread love everywhere you go. Let no one ever come to you without leaving happier.” -Mother Teresa

It’s another month full of memorable experience. As I assess all the things happened within the half of this year, I can confidently tell that I’m doing a pretty good job. A lot of the goals that I set for myself are now officially done. Some are still on a work on progress but I’m pretty sure that at the end of this year, I can make it all happen. This month is pretty special because I was able to update my goals and timeline. I feel like I am more inspired and dedicated to achieve my goals in life. Every time I feel in doubt of myself, I just imagine of the things that I’d been dreaming since I was a kid. Because of that, it helped me to get back again on my feet and continue what I started. I keep telling to myself that there will be a time for everything. As I patiently wait for it, I need to keep doing my best and achieve as much as I can. I know that God’s plan will always be the best, but it doesn’t do something for myself at the same time. I need to take an action to make it happen because together with faith and hard work everything is possible.
Every time I planned my month, I feel like I’m taking a step closer to my goals in life. Although it may seem unclear right now, but I have this gut feeling that I can make it happen. I will be there in that spot where I’d been hoping to achieve since before. All of the hardship I’d been through will all be worth it in the end. No matter how many times I’ll fall down, I will never stop achieving my goals. I wanted to inspire more people and share to them that everything is possible if you commit to it. During this time, I will collect memorable memories that will encourage we to go on with my life. My recap blog will be the reminder of the great moments of my life that I will treasure forever.
“If you want something you’ve never had, you must be willing to do something you’ve never done.”- Thomas Jefferson
In this month of June, I focused more on planning my future by updating my timeline and writing every idea that I have in mind. Whether it’s business or investment opportunities, I write it down in my journal so I can have a chance to review it again. Once I got an idea, I carefully assess each of those and come up with a strategy to achieve it. I’m already 26 now, that is why I keep reminding myself that this is the right time to be fearless. I need to be very eager in everything that I wanted to accomplish in life and this month gave me chance to plan for it. Together with the routine that I made for this month, it allows me to fix my plans and set new targets for myself. As I work on this, I feel more motivated and inspired to do my best. Although everything is all just a simple plan now, my mind is already decided that I will achieve every single thing of it. I learned to see the day as an opportunity for me to do something for my goals in life. It helped me to surround myself with positive thoughts which makes me feel so excited every start of the day.
“There is only one success, to be able to spend your life in your own way.”- Christopher Morley
I never been so eager and inspired in my life unlike now. That’s why, I wanted to take this opportunity to let the fire in my heart ignite more. I will not let any opportunity be missed and at the same time, I wanted to create memories that I can always look back. Gone all the days when I always rely from someone else. I will lead my own life and I will make sure that I will work on every plan that I do. I will never stop until I get there. Within those periods, I will help others by sharing my life story to them. This blog will be the evidence of how great He is. I am praying that as I achieve my own goals, someone out there will be inspired to do the same. May we all don’t choose to give up with out goals. Every thing is just the beginning. There are still more experiences that are yet to unlock. Let’s choose to be a stronger version of ourselves.
“You must live in the present, launch yourself on every wave, find your eternity in each moment.”- Henry David Thoreau.
Now let’s see the things that happened in my life this June 2022. It will consist of both negative and positive things that I’d experienced and on how I was able to surpass it.
1. My Brother’s Birthday
My baby brother is not a baby anymore.
Time passes by so fast. I still remember back then when me and brother always fight for a toy. We always end up having a bruise because we literally fight like a pro wrestler before. It was a funny memory but look how time changed us both. I am now achieving my goals overseas, and he’s now doing the same at sea. Two kids who always fight each other before, became a professional individual in their own field now. I remember last 2018 when he shared to me how he feels so insecure before since he still didn’t get his cadetship program, and during that time he’s working in a café. He’s 20 years old back then but he still so pressured to secure a job for us. That time I assure him that everything is ok. He shouldn’t compare the opportunity that his sisters have that time, because everything has its own time. The statements that I told him are the one’s that I keep telling to myself every time I feel down. These helped me to overcome my insecurities and I was hoping that time to lift him up by those words. Those statements are the following:
“If it’s meant for you. It will be for you.”
“If you didn’t get the opportunity that you’re looking forward to have, it only means that there is a better opportunity that God is preparing for you.”
“A missed opportunity is not a failure, think that God is giving you chance to be a better version of yourself.”
“Right time will come for those who patiently wait.”
“Don’t be pressured on what is happening to your surroundings, focus on what you can do for yourself.”
Here’s the picture that we took when we had that conversation:

As I see him now making his goals possible, I feel so proud and happy that he was able to overcome that challenge. He may be on his halfway towards his goals, but by means of his determination, I know that he can make it happen. The experiences molded him to be stronger than he was before. Eventually, I know that he will be there. As he turned 25 this month, I believe that he will be more than what he can imagine. We are both miles away from home, but in the right time we can all celebrate it together. This will be our time for us to grow ad develop ourselves to be better. We will continue to cheer and support him in his future endeavor.
“The bond that links your true family is not one of blood, but of respect and joy in each other’s life.” – Richard Bach
2. Photoshoot day with May Ann
Another exciting thing that happened this month is the photoshoot I did with my cousin May Ann. In my last month’s recap, I shared that we moved our meet up on the first Friday of June since I still didn’t get my salary that time. My cousin agreed so we went last June 3. I’m very happy that day because I bought my boyfriend with me so we also took a lot of pictures of him that day. We went there around 3:30 pm but little did we know that the red lane metro, is under maintenance so we took a free bus going to Legtaifiya station. Thankfully that the tram is working so despite of the delay, we still able to maximize our time there. Our first stop there is the Marina station where we found the best location to take pictures with the iconic katara towers. Together with my cousin and boyfriend we took a lot of videos, pictures and tiktok around the area. It was really fun because laughing on each other’s pictures. Although it’s around 4:30 in the afternoon, the weather is fine compare to the previous weeks wherein there’s a sandstorm and the temperature hits 40°C+.
Here are the pictures that we took on that station: MARINA

We took a lot of pictures there so we decided to change clothes on the next station which is that Yacht Club. In that station, our destination is the Ink Café which is located in the Food Arena. As soon as we arrived in the station, we hurriedly look for it since it’s getting darker already and we started to feel hungry at that moment. Luckily, we were able to locate it so we had our order right away and took a lot of pictures. We took a short rest there before we went to our last stop which is the Place Vendome. If I’ll compare other coffee shops, they’re quite expensive. As far as I can remember, the cheapest item that you can order is an orange juice which cost 20 rials. The drink that we order are three mojitos but it cost us a total of 84 rials which is close the price of a buffet dinner in shanghai garden. Despite of that, I just think that we go out once in awhile so it’s not a big deal. After we had a rest there in that café, we went to the last station which is Lusail Central where the Place Vendome is located.
Here are the pictures that we took on that station:INK CAFE

We spent there only a few minutes since we wanted to enjoy our buffet dinner. So, as soon as we get there, we took pictures and videos and watched the dancing fountain show at 7pm. After that we went back to Legtaifiya Station to catch the free bus going to DECC. I was quite disappointed that time because the lane is still under maintenance and it took as a lot of time travelling by bus. Gladly we took that time to share stories of each other. We reached City Center at 7:30 pm and we hurriedly took our dinner in Shanghai Garden. There, we shared a lot of advices from the things that we are experiencing in our life. We spent there almost two and half hours eating, chatting and laughing with each other. My boyfriend also actively shared advices and stories so the three of us really enjoyed our time there together. After our dinner, we went for a grocery and went home around 10:00 pm.
Here are the pictures that we took on that station: PLACE VENDOME AND SHANGHAI

Although the whole day is literally tiring for all of us, it was really very productive and memorable. I remember that I can’t even sleep right away since I ate a lot from our dinner. So, to sum up my sleep, I only had around three hours of rest and went to duty the next day. I know that we still have a lot of chances to do these things. I believe that this is the right time for me to find happiness in simple things like this. I will take this chance to collect a lot of memories of us here in Qatar. I pray that sooner or later that we will be in a place where we’d been hoping to achieve since before. We will all make it happen and that’s for sure.
“Live your life one breath at a time. Take a moment to dance in the rain, laugh loudly, and love with every inch of your heart.”
3. Timeline of Goals Update
Another thing that made this month special is when I update my goals and timeline. By doing this, I was able to have a clear insight of things that I must prioritized and work on. For me, having a timeline of our goals will guide us to know the things that we can do today. It helps us to think of ways and strategies on how we can make our goals possible. I remember that I’d been doing this before I started my career. Up until this day, I still do it every year and just update it. To assess my results today, I believe that the timeline greatly helped me to keep on track of my goals. I am happy in this halfway of this year, I got a chance to review it again and update some of it. I remember how I feel so excited doing this because I was able to gain an insight on what my next year would look like. From checking my goals progress this year, fixing my budget, setting targets for the next year, and making my next plans, doing this really makes me feel so happy. Like what I always shared in y blogs, I am a really fan of planning my life. I like it when everything is well managed because by doing it, it will help me to minimized mistakes and choosing wrong decisions in life.
In this particular timeline that I started this year, it comprises of my 11 years period to achieve all of my goals from personal, finances, career and social aspect of my life. What I did is to specify the targets I wanted to pursue in every aspect of my life. I made a yearly target for each until I reach the age of 36. In deciding my targets, I considered my capacity to achieve it and at the same time the chance of that plan to be successful. Of course in order to achieve a certain goal, I need to remind myself that it should be attainable given the time that I have. So in the timeline that I did, I carefully plan the goals and the year which I can achieve it. Here’s the summary of it:
- Career Plan. For my career, my ultimate goal is to be able to apply for a managerial job in my country or overseas. To be able to do that I need to look for a company where there’s growth and the benefits are good enough to compensate my business goals. My strategy is to set a two-year timeline before I jump into another higher position.
- Business Plan. The business that I have in mind is real estate. Now that I started it this year, I decided to start to purchased my own land by next year and achieve a minimum of P45,000.00 passive income monthly, before I start in a new business venture. I see this plan as a financial security once I have my own family, by having this, it will greatly help us in case of any emergency like loss of job.
- Personal Plan. I’d been dreaming to have my own apartment/space while working. To be able to achieve this I need to gain a key position in the company. I’m also dreaming oh having my own car here and really live a very independent and secured life. I know that this plan is attainable if I can work on building my credentials.
- Family Plan. For this plan, I pray that at least I will be married on the year 2025 so we can have our family on the year 2026. Of course, before this, we need to be financially secured since it will be our both responsibilities to give priority to our kids. So, for my plan, I wanted to purchase an insurance as early as my kid’s turn five years old.
I believe that everything that I planned will be achieved in the right time. As long as I’m doing something today for me to be able to achieve it, I will be eventually there. I pray that by the time that I achieved all of those, I will go back in this blog and tell myself that YOU MADE IT HAPPEN, THANK YOU.
4. Wedding Plans
In these past few weeks, I’d been seeing a lot of proposals and wedding of my friends and colleagues all over the internet. I really feel so happy for them and it made me feel so excited to dream my own wedding. Although our plan is to have our wedding after two years, I just wanted to have an insight of different supplier in their area. It actually started when my sister keeps sharing to me that plans of her wedding. There I realized that nowadays, having a wedding really requires a budget for it. Since of course, every girl out there is dream of having a very beautiful wedding, I also wanted to feel the same in the future. For me, to be able to acquire funds for it, we need to start as early as now to save up money and at the same time look for a reputable supplier. Upon reviewing every wedding on the internet there are things that I realized which will help me to come up in a decision in the future. These are:
- Look for a nice venue for the wedding. I’d seen a lot of wedding pictures which was shoot more in the wedding than the reception. So, it is a must to invest more on the wedding venue whether its church, chapel or outdoor.
- Look for a quality photographers and videographers. Special moments won’t last forever if you keep it nicely and safely. Investing in quality photos and videos will grant me an easy access of that special moment of my life. Of course, if ever I wanted to look back on that event, I prefer to see a quality and good photo. Due to this, I decided to carefully look for a excellent and value worthy supplier for this.
- Settle for mixed suppliers. Rather than taking a package, I believe that I can maximized the things that I wanted to achieved if I carefully pick my suppliers on my own. The only catch is that, I need to review it one by one in order to check the quality and if it also fit for my budget.
- Set a maximum budget. By setting a budget, I believe that it will help us both to minimized unnecessary spending. Although it’s a once in a lifetime moment for both of us, we also need to be mindful on our expenses. We need to be very practical especially in these days when almost all of the necessities are getting expensive.
During this time that I’m planning for our wedding, I slowly realized that time passes by so fast. I’m not the kid that I’m used to be before. My priorities had changed and at the same time my mindset. At this age of 26, I’m clouded of different plans for our future. These ideas that I built in my mind are the things that keeps me going in life. I wanted to achieve all of those because I wanted to prove to myself that everything I’m dreaming of will not just stay as a dream. I wanted to inspire others with my experience by being living evidence that everything is possible if you work for it. I may fail but it won’t stop me from achieving the life that I wanted for so long. Step by step. Slowly but surely. I believe that I will eventually get there.
“Aim for the sky, but move slowly, enjoying every step along the way. It is all those little steps that make the journey complete.” – Chanda Kochhar
5. Yellow Cab Date w/ Labi
It’s been a while since we had our date in Yellow Cab. Since my partner is staying quite far from my accommodation we just decided to date once in a month so that we can also save up money. In this month, we decided to had our dinner in Yellow Cab since we moved our planned staycation next month. The location of this restaurant is only a walking distance from our accommodation so after my partner reached our accommodation at 5:45 pm we just walked and arrived their pass 6:00 pm. Gladly it’s not that hot so we managed to enjoy our walk sharing a lot of stories.
As soon as we arrived there, we ordered our favorite items which is Hawaiian pizza and Chicken garlic Parmesan. While waiting, we shared stories and experiences happened in our life in the past days. Sometimes, I actually asked both of us why we don’t run out of stories because we always talk every single day. Well, compare to other couples who talks most of the day, we only reached maximum of 20 minutes of talk every day. Not that I wanted to compare it just for us to look good, we just both realized earlier that it’s very important to have our own time for ourselves. Our life shouldn’t be focus on one person and we should use our time efficiently. So as soon as our call ends, we go back to on our daily routines. As long as we replied back based on our availability, that would be enough for both of us.
Going back to the restaurant, as soon as the food arrived, we ate it right away. We finish eating around 8 in the evening and had our walked back to my accommodation. The day went pretty well for both of us because at least we have time to see each other after three weeks. Our next date will be on the last week of July so we’ll back on our daily call.