Hello July!

Their determination inspired me to see every opportunity present in my life. Everything may seem unclear right now, but having the right mindset like them will help me to achieved my life goals. In this month of July, I will continue what I started and make sure that I will keep developing myself more. I will also set new targets so that I can keep challenging myself to be better.

Now, let’s have a recap of goals that I need to aim for 2022!

Here below is the weekly routine that I need to follow for this month of July:

From making a yearly target down to daily routine, everything should be in line with your goals in order to see your progress. Without the right strategy and plan, there’s a chance that you’ll fail it.  The reason why these things are needed is because it will serve as a guide not to waste any single time. It will help you to be more disciplined and focus on what you really need to do. In my personal experience, these things helped me to achieved easily the things that I planned. It reminds me every single day not to waste time and keep myself on track of the things that I must do. That’s why I continued to set a daily routine for me every month so that I can ensure that I’ll be guided accordingly.

“For by grace you have been saved through faith.” – Ephesians 2:8-10

Without any further ado, let’s tackle all the goals that I have for the month of June!

By sharing this, I hope that someone out there will be inspired to do the same as well.

Let’s both make it together!

I’m now on the seventh month of my selfcare journey. Looking back on the previous months that had passed, I can’t help but to feel proud and grateful from the progress that I gained. A new Lea Pearl is indeed growing and I like this new version of me now. My confidence is slowly developing, being along don’t make me scared anymore and negativity doesn’t affect me that much compare to before. Truly, when you invest in yourself, there will be no regrets in the end. This is one of the best things I’d done in this year and because of that, I am more inspired to prioritized myself more. Even though I experienced ups and down before, but this journey is truly worth it. Without trying, I will never know how far I can go. That what’s this year taught me. Life may seem over once we face a challenge in our life, but the real thing is that, it gives us an opportunity to grow and improve ourselves.

In this month of July, myself love plans will be more on continuing what I started to be able to develop good habits. Now that I’d been succeeding in following my routine, now is the time to develop myself and be consistent on what I started. I know that the best investment is developing yourself, that’s why I want this year as my starting point to do it. As I reach 30’s soon, I need to keep developing myself and my mindset in order to derive on the right decisions that will impact my future. With these simple activities that I set for myself, I’m sure that it will greatly help me to achieve the kind of person that I wanted to become. For this month I will be focusing specifically in the following activities:

  • Mindfulness Activities (Yoga, Meditation & Breathing Exercise)
  • Journal Writing
  • Focus on inspirational things (videos, podcast etc.)
  • Journal Writing

“You do not just wake up and become the butterfly—growth is a process.” —Rupi Kaur

For the month of July, these are the things that I need to accomplish. It comprises with things I need to work on for my own self, places I need to go and lastly the workout routine I’ll be focusing on.


After a lot of months trying to fix this bad habit, finally I already address it in this month! It all started on the last two week of June and I just repeated the process. Now, I am happy that I was able to address this in a short period of time. Even though I made it happen, I still have a worry that maybe I’ll go back to my usual routine. That’s why I decided to continue tracking my activities in the morning and at night to make sure that I’ll really be consistent on this. In this month, I need to ensure that I’ll accomplish this task every single day. I need to prioritized to have minimum of eight hours sleep everyday and a productive morning routine without social media. To be able to divert my focus on y mobile and remind me of the timings, here are things that I’ll do for the month of July:

  1. Listen to Inspirational Podcast every morning.
  2. Set alarm as a reminder
  3. Post a routine which should be accessible to check every day.
  4. Put mobile phones away from bed.

With these things, I hope that it will help to address all of my concerns and finally get rid of that habit that I keep failing to do. This month will be Now or never. With the right strategies I know that I will succeed in the end!


After I successfully start doing target exercise last month, I decided to continue it in these remaining months of the year 2022. I feel that my body is already used to working out so I only feel a light body sore afterwards. In this month, I’ll be focusing more on abs ad hip dips workout. I’ll do two sets of it for four days and will be followed by yoga and stretching on the 5th day. I’ll be following workout routine from different health coach in YouTube which received a lot of views and recommendations. Once I succeed in doing this routine, I’ll continue to do it for next months that will come and also incorporate some target workouts such as arm and back. To give you an idea of the workout that I’ll be doing these months, here below are the videos that I’ll follow:

I’m happy that I was able to develop a good habit of working out. Because of this, I don’t find it hard anymore to add it in my routine because my body automatically craves for it. Without working out, my day will be sure incomplete. Hopefully once I have more budget, I will buy different workout equipment which will help me to become more motivated. I hope that it will happen next year!


Now that I become consistent doing my workout, I need now to focus on my meal intake. For this month, I decided to cut down my carbs and sugar intake. I actually started cutting down carbs last June and I can say that I successfully reduce it so I just need to continue it this month. The thing that will be challenging on my part only is to how I cut down sugar. I find it hard to say no with sweets and because of this, I’m consuming a lot of it these past months. Actually, it helps me to lighten up my mood at work that’s why I usually eat more during that period. To be able to make this happen, I need to strictly stop myself on my unhealthy cravings as much as possible. I think it’s ok if it’s once in a while but everything should be in moderation.

I’d been wanting to have a healthy lifestyle since before and the only way to make it possible is to start it now. Not only from doing workout, I need to start minding my food intake. I need to make sure that every thing I eat is pack with nutrients and I shall stay away from fast food and processed food. By next year I will make a list of food and beverage that I’m not allowed to have. I planned to have a total withdrawal of it and I will incorporate healthy and nutritious foods.

I shared on my blog “June 2022 Financial Review” about all of my financial priorities for this month of July. The original plan is I need to settle the 2nd insurance one year payment, but due to the change on my vacation, I moved it on October and readjust my budget just in case I need to pay for my flight ticket. I know that changes are inevitable, gladly, I’m following a budget which helps me to be on track. With few adjustments, I was able to address the changes that took place last June. In this month of July, I prepared a two budget for me to ready my finances for whatever results with my ticket will be. The most important thing that I must do this month is to finalized my budget for my vacation, plans for this year and stick to the budget that I made for this month.

Here below are the current updates of my finances as of JUNE:

  1. [ON-GOING] 1st Insurance. Long term savings intended for emergency and health concerns situation. DONE!
  2. [ON-GOING] 2nd Insurance + Investment.  Long term savings fund intended for business and kid’s insurance. Month of settlement will be moved to October.
  3. [ON-GOING] SSS.  L.  Long term savings fund intended for retirement purposes. DONE!
  4. [ACHIEVED] 1st House Rental. Intended for additional income stream. First income will be intended for SSS Payment. DONE!
  5. [ON PROCESS] 2ND House Rental. Intended for additional income stream. Month of settlement will be on July.

I still have few more months to achieved all of my financial goals this year. As along as I achieved all of those, I believe that the next year will be a better one for me. I planned to increased my own expenses so that I can somehow enjoy the little things that I’d been sacrificing this year. In God’s name, I know that it will happen. For the mean time, I just need to focus first in these remaining months and see to it that I’ll be successful before this year end.

“Patience is not the ability to wait, but the ability to keep a good attitude while waiting.”


In this month, I’m pretty sure that I’ll be having a lot of expenses, from groceries, skincare, leisure, ticket rebook and booking (tentative). Because of that, I prepared to budget cash flow just in case I’ll be the one who will shoulder my ticket. Despite of all these expenses, my budget is ready for it and everything is recorded. As long as I won’t overspend on something, everything will be according to my plan. The only thing that I need to make sure this month is to not overspend. As long as I’ll accomplish this, I’ll be able to be on track of my plans which I also state on my cash flow projection this year. This will require efforts in my part so in these remaining months of this year, I need to be very discipline in every choice I will make.

For this particular month, here’s the budget that I made and the financial priorities that I must do which I also stated on my June 2022 Financial Review:

Here’s the glimpse of my financial plan for the whole year which I also based my monthly budget plan!

“Financial peace isn’t the acquisition of stuff. It’s learning to live on less than you make, so you can give money back and have money to invest. You can’t win until you do this. “ — Dave Ramsey


Now is the time! This will be my next big project this year and I hope that my new budget can fit for it. Since my flight ticket is still yet to confirm who will pay for it, I adjusted my budget just in case I’ll be the one who’ll shoulder it. From P125,000.00 budget, I reduced it to P75,000.00. I told it to my parents and they think that they can manage that. Now the only thing that will be address on that house are the ones that needs immediate solution such as leaks, paint, doors and bathroom issues. Since we also have a future plan on that house, we just decided to make a minor renovation on it for the mean time. In total, we have three rental houses that my family owns. One is already renovated which generates P6,000.00 monthly, the second one is already rented which generates P3,000.00 and the last is the one that we planned to renovate in this month of July.

As agreed with my parents, as soon as we start our family, they will grant us those three rental houses for each of us. By means of this, I can secure worth P6,000.00 rental amount which can help me address all my existing financial obligation which cost a total of 7,616.67. As soon as I secure another rental house under my name in the year 2025, I can finally be free from all of my obligation and can start to invest more in real estate. Hopefully, we can get a tenant right away once we’re done renovating it.

“Real estate is an imperishable asset, ever increasing in value. It is the most solid security that human ingenuity has devised. It is the basis of all security and about the only indestructible security.”Russell Sage, American Financier and Politician


Before the end of June, I adjusted my budget and also specified my expenses for vacation. It’s not yet done and I need to adjust some of it in this month of July. In updating my budget plan, I need to consider a lot of things. By making it more specific, I believe that it will serve as my guide on things that I’m only allowed to spend. Other than that, I need to make sure that my priorities will be first address before my leisure plans. Given the short period that I have on my vacation, I need to make sure that everything is plan out from the days, schedule, task, things I need to buy and a lot more other thing. By finalizing everything before my vacation, I will have a guide that will help me to know the task I have every day. By also having this, it will help me to track the things that I’d done already and at the same time the budget for each task that I’m only allowed to spend.

I decided to stick to a budget of P100,000.00 for this whole month of September. So, by means of planning, it will help me to manage this budget that I set. I believe that it’s more than enough already since I also based it from my last vacation which I spent around P80,000.00 and only for around 45 Days. I just need to think the most important task that I need to do there so this vacation will be worth it.


After the changes that took place last month, I need to update and change some of my financial plans. I already started it last month, but now, I need to finalize everything. With this new and updated timeline, it will help me to come up with specific plans and strategies for me to be able to achieve the things that I set for myself. For me, having a deadline is a best strategy for us to really work on whatever targets that we set for ourselves. Without a timeline, chances are we can waste a lot of time. We can also loss our focus because we have this thing on our mind that there’s no specific time for us to do a certain task. We will end up procrastinating on it and little did we know, we already wasted a lot of time. Having a deadline has been my practice since before. Because of it, I was able to acquire multiple investment within six years of working. Every year I have it on my journal, but this year I officially started doing it digitally. This will help me to easily oversee my finances and goals for the year.

So, in this particular month, I need to finalized everything for this year and at the same time, make a projected cash flow for the next year. As soon as I finished everything this month, I will slowly make my financial targets for the next year.

“By Failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail.” – Benjamin Franklin

Within these two months before my vacation, I need to set up things that I must do so that I can save time once I come back. Everything that I do now will require another adjustment. It will be very challenging for sure to be in another environment but rather than being scared about it, I feel more excited for it. Getting to know more people and being alone in a new place drives me to exceed my own limitations. Every time I have a step up in my career, I’d seen how I improve also as an individual. I came to know a lot of professionals; I was able to learned a lot of things and also achieved a lot of blessings. With these experiences, I realized the importance of challenging yourself rather to stay on our comfort zone. Without stepping out of my own limitation, I will not for sure realized the things that I can do more. Gladly, I was able to have the right mindset in dealing with my fears. For me, if that choice makes me scared or uneasy to do, then that’s the right one that I should take.

We will never know our capabilities if we will not challenge ourselves. Trust me, breaking out from your own comfort zone, will start a big change in your life. If you’re looking for a sign, then this will be it. I know that everyone can do it. You’re the only one who’s limiting yourself.

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.”- Proverbs 3:56


Last month, I made a list of companies which I think offers a better opportunity. I still didn’t complete it so this month I need to secure at least 15 companies that I’ll apply once I come back. In making the list, I need to consider the company background, employee feedbacks, accommodation and benefits that they offer. Now that I want to look for a retirement job, I need to be very careful on selecting the job that I will do next. I don’t want to end up with regrets just because of irrational decision. As much as possible, I need to make calculative decision before I finalized everything. Like what I’m doing right now, I need to continuously do it so I can select the best one that is fit for me. I know that God will always have a better plan and I trust whatever opportunity that He will give to me.

Now, I just need to stick to my principles and continue what I started. I know that I’m doing great but I also need to be very careful in handling decision. I am not young anymore and whatever I’ll do today will surely reflect in the future. With the right planning, I can come up with the right decision. This will be NOW or NEVER. I should grab every opportunity presents right now and should not let it be wasted just I because I’m scared of trying. For me, as long as I reached the budget that I set for the next year, all my concerns will be soon address. Especially now that I start investing in real estate, I need to have a big source of income in order to acquire assets faster. If ever my plans won’t work out, it won’t mean that I will stop trying. I trust God’s plan for me and any failure won’t make me stop.

I need to be comfortable in the uncomfortable.


In applying, of course I need have all the requirements ready and updated. To save time, I planned to update my CV and my professional website this month. Everything should be set and prepared before I go for vacation so by means of that, it will help me to allocate my time in applying. In terms of updating, it should consist all of the requirements needed such as:

  1. CV
  2. Resume
  3. Cover Letter
  4. Employment Certificates
  5. Training/Seminars Certificates

All of these things shall be completed in this month of July. The earlier I will do this, the more time I can give in updating other career plans that I have for this month. For sure this will be a very busy month for me so I need to manage my time well so that I can do all the targets that I set for this month.


After I finally decided to look for a job after my vacation, I now need to carefully plan out my timeline so that I can make sure that I’m working on it. I initially plan to have a nine months timeline wherein after that, I need to secure a job already. That nine month is the maximum period that I need to get an opportunity, but in the case that I receive one good offer, I’ll get it right away. Together with my other plans such as following the list of opportunities from big companies, I believe that I can get a nice offer wherein I won’t look for any job anymore. For me, the top three consideration that I need to prioritized are growth, security and benefits. Now that my goals is growing as well, I need to have a job which can support it so that I can achieve my goals as early as possible. I need to set all the plans before I’ll go for vacation so that I can apply right away once I come back.

Here below are things that I will be considering which I also shared in my June 2022 Goals blog:

  1. At least 4000 qar Basic Salary
  2. Single Room Entitlement
  3. Transportation and Food Provided
  4. One Way ticket every year or Yearly Ticket (Best Option)
  5. Opportunity for Promotion
  6. Business Travel Opportunity
  7. Opportunity to have Car Allowance


In this month, I am happy that I was able to start something on our Katara vlog. Even though that I still haven’t finished it, I still feel proud in this progress. For the month of July, I’ll be focusing on this so we can finally upload it. Also, I will start to make a try out of how to make daily short vlogs. This will be ideal now that my Instagram is growing and at the same time, I can upload it on my TikTok account. I will be reviewing some of the famous self-care vlogs so that I can have an idea on how to do it once I have my own YouTube account.

Due to my upcoming vacation, it is still tentative if I can hang out again since my budget is tight. Nevertheless, I think that we can also shoot some videos during our vacation so as of now we will just be focusing first on what we have.

  1. CINEMATIC 4K | EXPLORE QATAR: Msheireb Downtown Doha –January
  2. CINEMATIC 4K | EXPLORE QATAR: Aspire Park –January
  3. CINEMATIC 4K | EXPLORE QATAR: Souq Waqif –February
  4. CINEMATIC 4K | EXPLORE QATAR: Katara Cultural Village- June/July

You can check out the uploaded travel vlog in our YouTube Channel below:

Being an influencer and at the same time an employee is really a challenging thing to do. I need to put a lot of effort in balancing things so that both won’t be affected. In these upcoming months, I will slowly incorporate strategies that will help me to be consistent. The things that I have in mind right now are:

  1. Do short vlogs.
  2. Try out YouTube Shorts.
  3. Learn to do cinematic vlogs.


From the progress I did last month, I will start to really put efforts in making quality post, stories and reels. I will really work hard as a real blogger/influencer right now so I need to be very careful on every post that I will do. In this month, I will review some of the influencers who focuses on self-love so that I will have an insight on how they post and also can learn from them. I know that I still have a long way to go, I need to learn more in this platform to be able to influence more people around me. This process will take time but within this period I will slowly work on making quality content. I will also be consistently posting photos, stories and reels so I can keep my engagements going. If everything will be according to my projected engagements flow, I can reach 10k followers on or before September.

With the progress that I’m receiving right now, I hope that this will be the opportunity that I’d been looking forward to since before. I hope that this will be my chance to influence more people and be an inspiration to everyone. With the use of this platform as well, I hope and pray that it will help me on my future endeavor. Through this, I’d seen how I became more confident about myself. I feel like, I am learning to take care and love myself more through this. I know that everything comes with a responsibility and given this opportunity, I will be very cautious in everything I do and at the same time take this chance professionally.

In this particular month, my target is to gain 8000 followers or a minimum of 1000 additional followers.

Here below are my current updates in my Instagram account.


Now that I slowly improved my partner’s profile, I’ll be doing more quality content in these upcoming months and at the same time, promote it on his other social media accounts. I will also start setting up target followers every month so I can be more motivated to post. Other than that, I will also incorporate more strategies such us feature, hashtags and collaboration to other social media accounts. Hopefully in these upcoming months, one of my post will be put in the explore page so I can start from there.

His current followers right now is 888 and my target is to at reach 950 followers this month.


After I made a calendar of schedule for my blog, I became more eager to make it compare to before. Now I decided to make a calendar schedule every month so that I will be reminded of the post that I need to work on. In this month of July, I will be uploading a total of six blogs so that I can slowly plan out how will I handle my blog during my vacation. Within these two months, I will surely be very busy due to my upcoming vacation. Due to this, I need to stick to my schedule so I can successfully achieve my target number of blogs for this month. Below are the blogs that I’ll be doing this month:

  1. June 2022 Goals Review – Life Journey
  2. July 2022 Goals– Life Journey
  3. Be Limitless– Unspoken Poetry
  4. Simple & Effective Ways in Budgeting– Live to Inspire
  5. July 2022 Recap– Life Journey
  6. July 2022 Financial Review– Life Journey

Like what I did last month, I’ll do everything in advance so I won’t waste the efforts I did last May. Now, here below the things that I also must do in order to reach out more readers:

  1. 6-7 Blogs
  2. Share it in Instagram post & Stories
  3. Published it in Facebook – PRIORITY!
  4. Share it in Pinterest CONSISTENTLY PRIORITY!
  5. Share some in LinkedIn (Live to Inspire)


As I experienced decrease of followers last month, I decided to focus first in making quality content rather than setting up followers’ target. I realized that it doesn’t help me to motivate myself rather it pressured me to reach those targets. So, starting in this month, I will just see this platform as my means to keep my memories without expecting anything. Since my other social media platforms is doing well, I will just focus on it and slowly built myself here. Through quality I know that I will eventually grow here. I will just take things slowly and surely. For the meantime, I will just first make quality post and store it, so once I know that it’s the ideal time to upload it, I will be more consistent on it.

For this month, my specific goal is to upload the rest of my edits here and also look for some inspiration that will serve as my guide to make quality content.

In this another month that God gave me, I will look forward to this as an opportunity for me to grow. All the plans that I set for this month will be my guide towards the person I wanted to become.

It’s been a long journey for me and with these months of planning, I’d seen my progress and success. Little by little, I can feel how I became more mature and at the same time improved my decision-making skills. I know that I still have a lot of things to learn from this journey that I’d chosen and little by little I will be able to discover myself more.

June passed by so fast but with these experiences I gained, I can finally bid goodbye to this month. Thank you for a very wonderful month that you made me experienced!

“In the day of prosperity be joyful, and in the day of adversity consider: God has made the one as well as the other, so that man may not find out anything that will be after him.”

The Good News: There are happy periods of life and difficult periods of life, but God is the creator of both. Keep Him at the center of your good and bad days.” – ECCLESIASTES 7:14

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About Me

Hi, I am Lea Pearl

Working employee wherein blogging became my side hobby.
Creator of Living Her Own Life which aims to touch people’s heart and inspire them to achieve their own goals in life.
Writing has been my passion for almost 15 years. Last 2020, I made my very own website where I can share all of my thoughts and stories in life.

On the Blog