Ideal Morning Habits to Maximize your Day 

Not all of us prefers to wake up early and be active as early as possible. Of course, who would like to cut their sleep time? NOBODY. Most of us hate morning shifts simply because we usually sleep late and to waking up early will always be a bad choice. Moreover, if a person is used to sleep late at night, they will always find it hard to change their morning habits.

The only thing that you need to do is to push yourself to start an ideal morning habit. Doing it first time will always be hard, so you must push their own selves to achieve their own ideal morning habits possible. Ask yourself,

Am I really ready for a change?

Can I achieve my own ideal morning habits?

What will I gain upon doing this?

Once you achieve the first week on doing what you’d planned, everything will eventually be very easy for you. You will find yourself in an active mode wherein once you’ll be consistent on it, your lifestyle will start to change drastically. As you read this blog, you should set your mind in making your own morning habits that you need to do consistently. Get rid of all your unhealthy activities and stop all unnecessary things that can ruin yourself. Make this day as your initial point in achieving an ideal life by first doing your very own morning habits.

To give you an idea, below are some activities that you can add to achieve your ideal day. These activities are just a simple thing that doesn’t require much efforts, all you need to do is to be passionate on starting it.

Waking up at the same time will help you to manage your time very well. Once you set a time every single day, your body clock will adjust to it right away. By consistently doing that, it will help you to create a well-managed day which can help you to finish all the task that you have.

Have you heard about Ayuverdic clock?

Ayuverdic clock is what natural sleep follows. It focusses on the ideal time to sleep, wake up and the duration as well. According to it, it is best to wake up before sunrise (6:00am) and sleep before 10 pm.

According to this as well, one should have a 2 hours gap between dinner and sleep time, making 7 pm as an ideal time to take dinner


If you decided to wake up early so you can a have a productive day, you can simply set your start time at 6:00 am and sleep before 10:00 pm which follows the Ayuverdic Clock. If you can’t manage to wake up at 6:00, you can simply adjust it based on what you prefer. The important thing here is the earlier you wake up, the more you have a chance to be productive.

Just try waking up earlier than usual then let yourself decide on what time you prefer to set your body clock.

If you’re not used in waking up early and you usually sleep late at night, for sure you find it hard to start your day early. You probably hitting the snooze button a couple of times just to have more minutes of sleep. Everybody has been there in that situation but if you have the same scenario every single day, I think this is the right time to get rid of that bad habit.

The strategy here is to sleep early so that you can avoid waking up in a bad mood.  The more you have a complete sleep (around 7-8 hours), the more you can positively start your day. So, to be able to achieve this, the things that you need to do first are the following:

Always remember that any change you want to have in your life, you need to have the dedication and passion to do it. Think of every step that you’ll take as a chance for you to be better. This simple task can be meaningful move in your life especially if you’re really decided to change everything for yourself.

With the presence of social media, anyone can be hook and even spend most of their time just browsing their accounts. Although it improves connections to others compared to the past, there are also negative effects that we can have by overusing these different platforms.

Have you ever thought of the average hours you’re in your phone browsing random things?

Have you ever thought of being inactive in your social media accounts the whole day?

Can you manage to spend less time using your mobile?

These are the questions that you should ask yourself. You need to be aware on what you’re doing before you take an action. As long as awareness is there and you identify things that can affect you negatively, you can start to make a corrective action for it. As soon as you wake up and turn off the alarm, go on right away with your daily task and prevent yourself using your mobile. The tendency here is that once you allow an access for yourself, you will find it hard to get rid of it.

So before you do it, stop yourself right away.

After a long hour of sleep, it is very important that you drink water first thing in the morning. This is will help you to rehydrate your body and at the same time ready it in the activities that you have throughout the day. Keeping a glass of water in your room will help you to remember it in the morning.

By doing this simple activity, it will help you achieve your ideal day. Once you try it a couple of times, it will be a good habit to start your day.

Start doing it today!

Doing a workout can help your body to improve your mood. This is because of endorphins made by the pituitary gland and central nervous system. It primarily helps in dealing with stress and reduce feelings of pain. You can naturally boost your endorphins by doing these healthy habits:

There’s a lot of ways to change your mood, the only catch is, you should have the strong attitude to avoid stressing yourself. You should focus more on the positive things and make way for the activities that will alleviate your mood. Doing it at first will always be hard, but once you do everything consistently, a lot of good changes will come after.

Like the common belief, Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. As the name implies “break” stands for the end of fasting period which is the duration of our sleep. As soon as you take your breakfast, your metabolism also starts. It helps to initiate your body to burn calories throughout the day. Since it replenishes the nutrients needed by your body for the day, having a healthy option meal will help you to achieved this activity.


If you are the type of person wherein you don’t have much time to prepare a healthy meal, you can simply choose the following options below that doesn’t require much time and effort to do so. You can also prepare it beforehand so that it will be handy for you the next morning you wake up.

One way to start your day positively is to listen on something that will inspire you. Nowadays, there’s a lot of podcasts which focuses on education, lifestyle, entertainment and many more. With the help of social media platforms, it became an easy access for anyone who would prefer to listen on something they wanted to. One can simply add this activity in their ideal morning routine, since it can help them to broaden their knowledge, be more inspired and improve their mood.

Some of the famous podcast that you can listen to are the following:

  1. The Mindset Mentor: Rob Dial
  2. On Purpose: Jay Shetty
  3. Happier: Gretchen Rubin
  4. TED Talks Daily
  5. Meaningful Work, Meaningful Life: Francine Beleyi

You can choose from different topics that you would prefer to listen by simply browsing their podcast uploads. The duration of their podcast varies from 10 minutes to even an hour. You can also subscribe in their podcast co you can continue wherever you were left of.

Doing a positive affirmation will help you to kick start your day positively. As long as you’re talking to yourself in a manner that it helps you, it will surely improve your mental health. In making your own affirmations, it is very important to consider the things that you lack and needs emphasis to work on. Like for example when you tend to have low self-esteem and confidence, you should choose words that will help you to overcome it.

Here are some daily affirmations that will help you based on what you need.

Like working out, you need as well consistency when it comes to positive affirmations. Anything that you planned can make a big impact as long you’ll keep doing it in a long run.

To achieve productivity, one should be determined and consistent in doing it. The right approach will help anyone to fix their own ideal morning habits. Everything starts with you! A little push to yourself can give you an opportunity to grow and discover your potentials. Get rid of all your laziness and start changing your lifestyle today!


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Hi, I am Lea Pearl

Working employee wherein blogging became my side hobby.
Creator of Living Her Own Life which aims to touch people’s heart and inspire them to achieve their own goals in life.
Writing has been my passion for almost 15 years. Last 2020, I made my very own website where I can share all of my thoughts and stories in life.

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