Truly this year is the hardest moment that everyone faces. Thousand of people were laid off from their work, some experienced salary deduction and other businesses was forced to stop their operation. At first nobody really expected that the effect will be much worst than they can imagine, but one thing for sure it’s indeed hard to go back on track again.
In this period a lot of people lose their hope, and it seems like there will be no better days anymore. Their life literally stops and people don’t know where, when and how to start again. I’d been there and I experienced the same fate like mostly had.
I was also laid off during this pandemic, and at that point I cried my heart out. I can’t explain what I’d felt that time and my first worry is my plans that will surely ruin because of this. For the first month I wasted my time doing nothing. The fact that I was jobless still haven’t affected me at that moment, but when more months passed, my anxiety slowly build up. I was stuck in a place where I don’t know what door to open. As I see others progress, here I am still don’t know what to do. That moment made me realize a lot of things.
Where, when and how to start are those questions lingers in my mind, but without knowing that the answers are within me. The moment I realized that it’s not yet over for me, I start to aim for progress. For me any progress will do even if it’s small one, because this time it’s a battle of my own self.
Will I continue to be stuck in the same place?
Will I prepare myself to take a few steps before taking a leap?
The very first thing I did is to clear up my mind from all the negativity and insecurities. Those are the first things that everyone shall rid of. If you’ll live with it, you will probably feel scared every time you decide to try things. It will inhibit you to know your capabilities and let regrets live in you.
After clearing up my mind, I started to build my plans. Now this time, my plans are changed to something better. You need to consider broader aspect wherein you must include yourself as top priority. Decide to live a life where you won’t take for granted your own self and you need to always ask these three things:
- Are you ok?
- Is there something wrong?
- Are you happy?
I practice self-care every single day. I don’t want to end up doing the same thing before, thus doing it everyday will make me get use to it. For me I made a morning routine that comprises of things that will benefit myself. Actually it took me a lot of days before I became consistent to this, because any change is really hard at first. Taking care of oneself are the least thing that people do which is not right. Remember, building the foundation is the very first thing you need to do to prepare yourself for bigger things that awaits you.
Other than doing a morning routine, I also made a tracking record of my activity in the whole day. I always made sure that I sleep at the right time, do my morning routine everyday, follow my intermittent fasting time, and make sure that I’m spending less time using mobile.
As I see my activities everyday, I slowly accommodate things that I planned to be consistent on it, which is blogging. I’d been a fan of writing since before, and my journals since high school until now are my evidence. Now I plan to share my experiences and inspire others as well. For others, they don’t need to consider this not unless they have the passion to do it. Think of anything that will make you feel better and be consistent on doing it. You won’t be able to see the changes soon, thus you need to be stick to it for it to happen.
Be lowkey and let them wonder. Some usually used on sharing their lifestyle, well it’s a sense of freedom and a good outlet as well but keeping it low key won’t cost you that much. Since you experienced some sort of challenges in your life right now, starting again by prioritizing your well being will be a good thing to do first. Focus on yourself and let the world wonder. It will not only give you time but also space to breath. Spending time alone will let you realize a lot of things just like what I did.
In that period, I also reach out to my friends whom I wasn’t able to talk for a very long time. You know when we get busy, we tend to forget the people who’d been with us in our journey. We usually end up communicating only on their birthday’s and other important holidays, which is understandable somehow. But this time, take the initiative to ask their well beings, and you’ll found a lot of things really had changed. Their stories and progress will let you feel inspired and be genuinely happy. It will help you both to reconnect again and at the same time be motivated from each other’s experiences.
Never lose hope. If you’re stuck in a place for so long, over thinking and anxiety will surely come to you. if that moment comes, push yourself to believe that it’s not yet the end. Get rid of the bad thoughts and make a stand that it will never happen to you. Make a list of your goals that will make you more motivated. Don’t limit yourself, just think of what you really aspire because it will surely bring you positive thoughts.
Last but not the least is to make everything work. Don’t let your plans settle in a piece of paper. Don’t let your positive thoughts be present only for the mean time. Don’t let your aspiration settle only as your dreams. Don’t let the time you spent building yourself be put into waste. As you regain the fire within you, start to make an actions for everything you’d planned.
The world may give you some tough times now but it doesn’t mean everything is over for you. It may seems it took away your hope, but the important thing is to come out stronger and better individual. As you find your strength again, this time silently work for your dreams and see challenges as a room to grow and develop. And if you end up surpassing this challenge that you face…
Let the world wonder how you made everything possible.