For You, I Will 

It was dark and it was lonely,

The place I’d been staying for years solely.

I thought there will be no end in this pain I’d been keeping,

But you came into my life and you marked that story’s ending.

I thought that I am destined to be alone,

That no matter where I’ll be I will end up in the same zone,

The same danger that I stayed for so long,

The same reason why it all went wrong.

I remember the very first time you saw me,

When all I did is to stay in my comfort zone so that you can see.

I tried to push you away thinking that you’ll eventually give up,

But you choose to stay even when everyone told you to stop.

Am I really worth of your love and care?

After all what happened how can I dare?

Despite of how many times I pushed you away,

“I’ll never give up” are the repeated word you only say.

You gave me another meaningful life that I can be genuinely happy,

You stayed by my side throughout this long journey,

You became my support whenever I fall back,

You fill up all the things that I once lack.

As we start to plan our goals and work it out,

Up’s and down will be there but will choose to standout.

We will never give up and will choose to be together,

In any challenges, I’ll be with you forever.

No matter how many times we’ll failed and fall,

Even if we repeatedly end up judge by all.

We’ll have faith on each other and silently climb to the top,

Because by now, no one can make us stop.

In the course of building myself, you found me.

In a room with thousands of locks, you’re the one who holds the key.

You’re my everything and the only one that made me heal.

No matter how hard the future is, for you I will.

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