Having a degree and being able to have an experience is one way to invest in yourself. Actually, not all investment requires money like other people expected. There are abundant ways to invest in yourself and it doesn’t require a lot of efforts to do so.
Is it effective? Definitely yes.
How? Explore all the opportunities.
When? Well, you’re the only one who can decide that. Once you feel you’re ready, then go for it.
It it worth it? Please take note that continuous learning accompanies development and you’re the only one who’ll be benefited from it, no one else.
So to clear your thoughts away, let me tell you different ways for you to invest in yourself.
1. Study and get a degree.
This is the most common way to invest in yourself. Having a degree will give you an edge in the career that you’d chosen. Actually a degree won’t dictate 100% of your future, but it will strengthen your qualifications.
Choose a course that you are passionate with. Don’t let anybody choose for you, choose it on your own because you’re the one who’ll work for it. You also need to consider how stable the industry is, the demand for labor in the long run, payment should be in line with your family’s budget and how it will help you reach your goal.
2. Go for seminars!
Going on seminars is not only for the sake of requirements, but see it as an opportunity to grow and learn. Some universities offers a lot of seminars for their students and I think that’s a very nice strategy to help them be equipped and qualified in applying jobs once they graduate.
I remember joining a lot of seminars when I was in college. Since I took Culinary Arts I had joined seminars that concerns with Food, beverage and hospitality. I also had a chance to meet a lot of professionals on the field and at the same time establish connection with them. So anyone who thinks that seminars is just a requirement in school, sees it as an opportunity for you to build your foundation. Promise it won’t waste your time!
3. Look for a training that can give you certificates.
The more professional certificates you have, the more you’re capable to find a job. Mostly companies look for experience before hiring someone, so if you’re a fresh graduate with zero experience, certificates will give you an edge in applying.
There’s a lot of online training right now that can be easily applied. Some of it are free and some requires payment for you to have certificates. Hassle free right? Like what I said, there’s a lot of opportunity to grow out there, you just need to explore! Here are some sites you can check that offers online training.
- Technical Education and Skill Development Authority (TESDA)– https://www.e-tesda.gov.ph/course/
- National Library of the Philippines- http://web.nlp.gov.ph/
- Harvard University Free Online Courses- https://online-learning.harvard.edu/catalog/free
- Coursera- https://www.coursera.org/
- EdX- www.edx.org
4. Learn new skill!
Just because you graduated already, it doesn’t mean you can’t learn something more. Actually doing something other than what you’d learned will give you another inspiration to work. Just imagine, you are working for so many years in the same field and getting stuck on the same process over and over again. Sounds boring right? So if you do something out of the box, it will surely give you a drive to be more productive.
For me what I did is other than my usual nine hours work everyday, I make it a point that I’m reading something about Tea. Now I’m working on my own tea recipe that I will surely share to my blog! Other than that, I’m also doing blog and I make it sure that I’l be consistent on it. For me, blogging is like a stress reliever from my day to day work. I always find my day not complete If I don’t work on my blog topics. It was a hobby until it became a good addiction for me.
5. Establish professional connection in your industry.
As soon as I graduated, I built my connections right away. Linkedin (https://www.linkedin.com/) helped me to built a good foundation before I enter hospitality. After I built my profile and sees to it that anyone who goes to my profile will give a lasting impression, I remember connecting to different Hospitality Directors, Executive Chefs, General Manager, Professional Influencers and many more.
Just a little trivia, I was hired with the help of linkedin! Just as I graduated, I saw a post from an executive chef in Qatar that they need staffs, I emailed my CV right away then also share my linked profile and everything follows. After five months of my graduation I went abroad and had my first job in a well known company.
6. Build your profile and let them know your presence.
Once you’re done building your profile, make all of your social media accounts look professional. Make it sure that once employer check your profile, everything will not negatively impact you. Link it to one another to make it official that you owned the accounts. Remember, First impression last so be careful what you post and share online. Be mindful!
7. Do things other than your usual work.
As I stated earlier, doing the same thing will make you feel bored in the long run thus, doing other things is like taking a break from everything. If you think that you don’t have time to accommodate other things, just try to do it for one week and you’ll surely get used to it. Nothing else in mind? You can think of something that you feel regretful not trying. Some ideas are below!
- Reading Novels/Books that you’re interested to read
- Learning more about your favorite beverage or food
- Engage in some healthy practices like yoga and zumba
- Do some budget guideline for the next month/year
- Do some breathing exercises
- Turn off your mobile and just sit and relax for an hour
- Do some sketches, drawing or painting
- Dance and sing like there’s no tomorrow
- Pamper yourself (Take a long bath, do some skin care routine etc.)
- Clean and organize your room
Actually giving time to yourself is pretty simple, we just need to realize that we also need to prioritize ourselves even just for a good two hours. Just don’t think of anything else, fill you heart and mind with happiness and positive vibes.
8. Challenge yourself on the things that you’re scared of doing.
As the saying goes, “Do what scares you!”, actually this is tested effective based on my experienced. I’m usually shy and introvert person, and even in making decision, I always doubt myself. So every time I’m in doubt or scared, i’ll just close my eyes, take a breath and then go for it.
Don’t think of what will happen next because sometimes good things are well guarded by challenges. So for you to be able to have it, the important thing you need to do is to take the first step. Just the first step and the next one will be more easy for you.
This may sound weird but I think everyone needs to love their selves wholeheartedly. We usually neglect it and most of the time we put ourselves in the last to be prioritize. This is what I realized after 23 years of living, I’d spent my years living for the sake of others and not for myself. I’m lucky that I was able to realize it soon, that’s why I put myself on the top list of everything, not to be selfish but to thank myself after all that I’d been through.
So whoever reading this, this is your cue to change your mindset. This time, live your life by considering your own self in every decision and action you make. Never ever forget it. The more you prioritize yourself, the more you’ll be happy to share it to others.
Just follow this first step and I’ll prepare myself to help you for the next one.