It’s been awhile since we started this home business. As of now, we continuously sell cement pots and plants but unlike before where we focus mostly in cement pots, we put more efforts now in selling plants.

You can check my first blogs about this business here:
My Mom and Dad has been in a quest in looking for some plants that they can propagate. Luckily, they we’re able to know some places that offers plants in a very cheap price. So for this past few months they were able to have more plants that are all up for sale!
Can you imagine how fast it was since we were just starting? It was all just for the sake of doing something out of the usual but it ended up that it was a blessing in disguised.
Although I’m not physically there to support them, I still find away to market our plants. I’d been posting some Tiktok videos, Instagram/Facebook stories and sharing it also in this blog.
Here are some of the plants they bought and were able to propagate by their selves.
Here are some plants they bought and were able to propagate by their selves.

You know in this pandemic, one thing that I realized is that we usually neglect things because we don’t know what it will bring to us. We don’t see its importance and happiness that it may bring to our lives.
This simple plants were not really appreciated before, but now it became an outlet for everyone during this hard times.
“God Almighty first planted a garden. And indeed, it is the purest of human pleasures.“
– Francis Bacon (1625) Essays ‘Of Gardens’
I’m happy that may parents have this kind of hobby that I’m pretty sure they really enjoy. As of now, they were establishing connection where they can supply these plants. Last January we were able to partner with Rhiss12 which is a computer shop located near our village main highway.
By having that connection we were able to reach out more since the location wise help us in so many ways. Just last month we had our first cash in after we put our plants and pots in their shop!
I had mentioned in my previous blogs that my parents were both living in the country side so planting has been their common practice since before. Actually in our garden, we also have fruit bearing plants and trees like Pomelo, Mangoes, Calamansi, Guava, chilli, Malunggay and many more!
Here some pictures of my Dad harvesting the fruits in our garden.

Unlike the plants that are up for sale, these fruits are not for sale. So we just usually used it or give it to our neighbors and friends. My Dad usually bring it also in his office to share it with his team.
I remember how my sister and I jokingly tell that our place looks like a forest since a lot of plants are there. At first it was only placed in our garden but now indoor plants were place even inside are home!
Can you imagine recently when our place was hit by a typhoon, my parents were both busy securing these plants inside our home like it was their own kids!
We just make fun out of it but somehow I feel happy that my parents found something productive to do out of their usual.
Here are some more pictures so you can imagine how many plants are currently in our garden right now!
Seeing this pictures made me really want to go home. I can imagine the peace it’ll bring me, in just sitting while looking at these cute plants. It has been almost two years since I last see our home and garden, so I’m really looking forward to see this personally.
This pandemic made a big impact not only for our family but also for everyone. Sharing this blog somehow want me to inspire others that there’s something good out of this situation that we are all in. We just need to look into it and not to focus on the negative side.
As our family discover the thing that can make us happy and productive, we hope that the rest will do also. May this simple blog can serve as their sign on what they we’re planning to do but still feel reluctant to start.
“There will come a time when you believe everything is finished; that will be the beginning.”
-Louis L’Amour
Make it happen. Take the first step and don’t be scared.
In this life you need to be tough so that you can realize what you’re capable of doing.
Don’t let your excuses push you back.
This action of our family during this tough times made us realized the simple things that can make us happy. Not glamorous and expensive things but only a simple plant that made us live genuinely happy.