In this first day of the year, I planned my daily routine which I need to do consistently. I wanted to go back in my workout routine to strengthen my stamina and at the same time finally achieved my ideal vital statistics. I planned to make a monthly blog about it as well so that I can track my progress and assess the areas I need to develop. I will name it as, “2022 Workout Journey”. For my daily routine, I did a weekly guideline that I also put in my room so that it will remind me about the activities I have.

For me to ensure that I will do my workout consistently I planned to do a set of exercise that I need to accomplished 3-4 times a week. It will be 30-40 minutes workout which I will do as soon as I reach home from work. With this plan, I’m pretty sure that my day will be jampack of activities. It will be tiring at first but I know that it will greatly help me to achieve a healthy lifestyle. In this January the workout routine that I will do is stated below:



In this day, I also decided to manage well my blogs by planning the topics that I need to covered monthly. In the previous year, my target is to achieve 80 blogs (which I’d done) but for this year I planned to do more personal blogs which is concern in my goals progress and experiences. Rather than focusing in the number of blogs I need to accomplish, I decided to work on the quality of every blog I will share. “Quality over Quantity.”. One thing that I need to work on also is to do at least an advance works so that I won’t be compromised to update if ever there will be a challenge. The only way for me to do this is to really focus on it but at the same time taking care of its quality. To give me a guide for this year, I made a certain topic that I need to covered, there are the following:

  1. Monthly Goals Review
  2. Monthly Workout Routine Progress
  3. Monthly Financial Tracker
  4. Monthly Social Media Insights
  5. Travel/Cooking Blog
  6. Unspoken Poetry (Inspirational/Romance)
  7. Financial/Self-care Tips

With this guide, I will have an idea what blogs I need to do every month that I can also do in advance. Doing also a format for the goals, finances and workout progress will help me to save time in updating. I also need to put efforts in making quality illustrations that I will share in my Pinterest account. It’s quite a busy year indeed for me and I can feel this doubt if I’ll be able to do the task that I’m planning for this year. I need to overcome these idle thoughts and make use of my time productively. Hopefully the weekly routine will help me to manage my task so I can accomplish all of my goals for this year.


One thing that I also planned in this day is to have my own lazy day where I will just have a total rest without doing anything. This will be the day for me to do lazy stuffs such as watching movies or drama, eat foods that I like and be on my bed almost all the day. With the productive weekdays that I have, of course I deserve to have that one day off. For me to at least have an idea what to do on that day, I made a list of things that I can do. I officially start this plan in this January 2022 as part of my selfcare regime for this year.

Not because I named this day as my “Lazy Day”, it didn’t literally pertain to being lazy at all. This is just for me to regain my strength and also have a chance to relax my mind, body and soul. I believe that it is very important for everyone to have this kind of day most especially for the working individuals. I know that stress will always be present in our life, so it’s ok to have that one day where we can focus only to ourselves and nothing else. We should not feel bad on taking a pause for a while. Life goes on and all of us deserve that so called rest. Let’s take this year as a good start by giving ourselves a pause that it deserves.


Another thing that made this day a busy yet productive day for me is when I decluttered most of my things. Since I really want to have a positive start of the year, I wanted to begin it with arranging my stuffs. AS much as possible I want to have a space for me to really feel relax and at ease. With a lot of stuffs that I have right now, I surely need to pack up things that I rarely used. I also rearranged my room so that it will be ideal according to what I really prefer. Actually, it’s a big challenge for to arrange stuffs since I’m residing with a roommate, so adjusting stuffs needs their opinions as well. I just hope that someday I can have my own space where I can solely have. Who knows, maybe it will be this year?

Mostly the things that I declutter are my clothes, bags, shoes, books, make up and journals. Since I also got new set of clothes which was given to me my family, I removed the rarely used one and planned to send it back home by this year. It took me hours to do it but it was really worth is since I was able to achieved my ideal set-up.

After decluttering my stuffs, I listed down the unhealthy habits that I need to work on for this year. Not only the things that I have right now, I also need to declutter the habits of mine. For me the first step will is awareness and at the same time acknowledgement. After listing it down, I need to assess my current situation before I work on with the corrective action. Some of the habit that I listed down are stated below:

It may look less but I wanted to focus in these five things for this year. Rather than working for everything at the same time, taking one step at a time will be more ideal so that I can really overcome these habits. I think that everyone should also do this for this year. Let’s all get rid the bad habits that we have one step at a time. For this year, let’s work on something slowly and with no pressure. Let’s work on it every single day and be consistent on it.


For me, to be able to achieve the ideal lifestyle that I’m planning for this year, I need to have a good change in my life. I know that change requires efforts, consistency and I should plan according to what is attainable in the present situation that I’m in. Any change that we’re planning will never be achievable if we don’t push ourself enough for us to work on it. As the first day of this year officially end, one thing that I promise to myself is to make all of my plans work. Every single day will count and I should not lose my focus on my goals.

For me to motivate myself, I looked on a three mantra that will be my source of inspiration for this year. These mantras will be my guide if ever I’m in the verge of giving up.

Another day passed by this year. With all the things that I went through this day, I decided that this year will be full of blessings and happiness for me. The things that I sacrificed will slowly show its way to me. I should not feel down since I’m just starting. I should not let the fire within me die down.

2022 will be my year!

It will be a busy year in all aspects of my life but I will not choose to give up in any challenges that this year will bring. He’ll be with me and I trust His plans for me. I just need to do my part so I can slowly achieve my goals. Even it will take time, one thing for sure is that I will never give up.

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About Me

Hi, I am Lea Pearl

Working employee wherein blogging became my side hobby.
Creator of Living Her Own Life which aims to touch people’s heart and inspire them to achieve their own goals in life.
Writing has been my passion for almost 15 years. Last 2020, I made my very own website where I can share all of my thoughts and stories in life.

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