Choose to have a Growth Mindset! 

This saying has been one of the well known and overused up to this day “You only lived once so live it to the fullest”. Although this is right and everyone should apply it in their daily lives, most of us overuse this statement.

Your life requires your mindful presence in order to live it. Be here now.”

― Akiroq Brost

Like this saying of Akiroq Brost whom an inspirational writer, one of the things that we need to practice is to live our lives in the present. We should not let ourselves be consumed by our worries in the future and the regrets of our past.

This statements should made us realized the time that we were granted to use efficiently. It doesn’t tell us not to work in the present and let time dictates what will happen next. That’s one of the mindset of people nowadays that we should get rid as early as we can.

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We wanted to achieve something but find it hard to work on it. WHY?

  • We think that there will always be next time for everything so not doing something today is ok.
  • We tend to think that we’re too busy to accommodate more stuffs in our daily lives.
  • Aiming for something is simply impossible so doing some efforts are not worth it.
  • We wanted to be in our comfort zone so we choose not to take risk.
  • We fear mistakes and changes.

Actually the goals and dreams are not what keeps us on halt, but our own excuses is behind it. It’s in our nature that we tend to react first rather than thinking things thoroughly. It’s like a defense mechanism of our mind which we sometimes can’t control.

There’s no such thing as instant in this world. Even the billionaires now experienced a lot of downfalls, failure and mistakes. But you know what makes us different from each other? It is our approach. While some thinks it as an opportunity to grow, other choose to step back and miss that one chance.

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If you want something, work for it. Don’t let your excuses comes first before your actions. It’s all about taking the risk even there’s a probability of failing.

 “If you don’t try at anything, you can’t fail… it takes back bone to lead the life you want” 

Richard Yates

Ask your self,

How many times did you choose something even you’re aware of what will you face afterwards?

Did you ever take a big risk in your life?

If you’re in the situation where you choose to give up or go on, what will you do?

I’d been in these situations before and one thing that I can recommend to others is to go on with it.

If it bother’s you, choose it.

If it fears you, it’s the right choice.

If you feel skeptical to take the first step, close your eyes and take a leap.

There’s no such thing as a wrong decisions because God’s ways are always magical. He wanted us to learn something in a hard way to make sure that we’ll get something out of it. Even if there’s any circumstances wherein we thinks God is not hearing our prayers, it only means that we are not yet capable to handle what we are dreaming for.

We need to be equipped to make sure that we can mange what we wish for.

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If you think that you keep failing whatever goals you aim, you need to divert the negative feeling into positive one. How?

  • Write down all the changes and realizations you acquired throughout your journey in aiming your goals.
  • Focus in the positive growth rather than the mistakes and failures you made.
  • Write down what you feel after taking a big risk.
  • If your plan didn’t succeed, make another plan or strategy.
  • Plan for yourself and don’t let anybody dictate what you’ll do. It’s better to know their approach in the situation rather than being instructed by them.

I think it’s very important that you make your own decision about what you are. Therefore you’re responsible for your actions, so you don’t blame other people.”

Prince William

To change one’s mindset will surely take a big risk for anyone who’s accustomed already. It will be very hard for them to divert each thoughts into something far from who they are. Regardless of that, I can only tell that it’s worth it.

The more you develop yourselves into someone with a growth mindset, it will let you realized your capabilities which you’d never know. It’s like opening a door with full of locks and even it will take time for you to find the keys for each, freedom of opportunities will welcome you once you accomplish it.

Fixed Mindset vs Growth Mindset: How To Shift To A Path Of Learning And Growth

In the blog of Ms. Vinita Bansa, she mentioned way to shift from fixed minset into growth mindset. She also tackled about different self affirmations, how to promote growth mindset regardless of all ages and many more great things that everyone should know.

One thing that made me hook in her blog is her one statement which is,

“There’s power in believing that you can improve and accomplish what you set out to achieve by looking at failures and setbacks as a medium for growth. It’s being resilient in the face of challenging circumstances with unintended consequences.”

-Vinita Bansa

For her, she believes that it’s very important for everyone to acknowledge failures and setbacks as a medium for growth. Rather than giving up in those challenges, the thing that we should do is to take it as a learning experience.

One thing that we also need to consider is Time since it plays a big role in our growth. Nothing comes in an instant. We need to undergo in the process of ups and down for us to be molded by our own experience. It’s like sharpening a dull knife so it can perfectly slice any food items. The more we force ourselves into something that are not yet in it’s time, the more we’ll fail to do it. Even failing shouldn’t be considered as a loss, we still need to consider our capabilities before we take a risk.

Ask yourself…

  • Am I ready to take a big risk?
  • Did I ever do something to ready my self to face any challenge that will come to me?
  • Am I emotionally, mentally and physically ready for any failures and mistakes I’ll experience?
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You need to be a risk-taker, but you have to also make sure that you are a calculated risk-taker.”

― Pooja Agnihotri, 17 Reasons Why Businesses Fail :Unscrew Yourself From Business Failure

Do something that your future self will thank you.

Live in the moment but do something productive. You need to push yourself out of your own restriction and that’s the only way for you to have your freedom. Even if others will think your dreams are impossible, let them be. Let your success be your noise. Keep everything in your heart and use it as your motivation.

“Dream big and fail big.”

Let go of the fears that you’re keeping. Feel it and face it with courage. You can surpass anything and you’re the only one who can make it happen. Surround yourself with the right people who’ll cheer you up and will not tolerate any of your laziness.

Starting this day, promise yourself that you’ll choose to be better, to live better. Whatever you want to aim, even if it’s small or big goals, slowly work on it every single day. No matter how long it will takes for you to achieve it, the journey is all worth it.

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Don’t questioned yourself if you can do it, rather tell yourself that I CAN DO IT.

Be magnificent. Life’s short. Get out there. You can do it. Everyone can do it. Everyone.

– Andy Serkis

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