EXPLORE QATAR: Katara Cultural Village

Welcome to one of the best destination here in Qatar which aims to share different rich cultures around the world while sharing their own way of life.

10 Things you can do for yourself this year

For sure there’s a lot of things that happened in this year for every single one of us. Despite of the changes cause by the pandemic, let’s try to maximize whatever we can do in this upcoming year. Let’s get rid of our excuses and aim for a productive day as we reach our dreams and goals in life.
These simple things can impact one’s life in so many ways. In the end, the action will always start from you. So, will you go on with what your usual habits, or let this year be the start of a better you?

October 2021 Goals Review!

A lot of things happen in this month. My days are filled with a lot of activities that had helped me to became more active. I learned to focus on good things and prevent myself in dwelling in my own negative thoughts. Although there’s some challenges happened, I was able to surpass it in the end. As I continue to spend the rest of the months for this year, I will push myself to achieve all the goals that I’d planned.

Ideal Morning Habits to Maximize your Day

As we all grow up, we should also start to engage in active lifestyle. The more active we are, the more we can strengthen our immune system. Especially for those working individuals whom are prone to work related stress, this is very ideal to start with. It will help us in so many ways and it can also improve different aspects in our lifestyle.

6 Different Ways on How I Create a Life that I Love

For sure everyone defines an ideal life in different ways. Since this is a personal matter which can only be decided by us, I think that we should all consider having a life that we wanted for us to feel more productive. We should always look forward on what the day will bring and keep that excitement consistently.

Every single day is a rare chance for us to be a better version of ourselves. May we all continue to strive to reach our goals and at the same time inspire others to do the same. The perfect time to do it is right now. Win over your excuses and do something today that can benefit you forever.

Deserved End

Promise yourself that the new you will never give up,
Promise yourself that there will no one who’ll dare you to stop.
Because this time you gained back the freedom that was taken,
And now is the right time to achieve your deserve end.

SAVE TO BE SAFE: Steps to Prepare your Retirement Plan

One thing that one must prioritized once they get a job is to secure their retirement. Not everyone of us would prefer to work until they grow old. One major reason is that our physical health deteriorates at the same time. Our physical task will be limited as we all grow older, because of that, […]


After this I promise not to hope anymore,
I’ll close my eyes and you can leave at the count of four.
I promise to be ok and you’ll see me regain my smile again?
Because this time I realized that loving you just made me Insane.

September 2021 Goals Review!

There are three more months before we officially end this year. As we start this new month, I hope and pray that each and everyone of us will achieve their goals for this year. I know that 2020 has been a challenging year for us. Nobody expected that it will turn out like this and up until this day some are still looking for hope.
Despite on experiencing all of that, may we all find courage to live with it and continue our journey. May all of these challenges serve as a basis to be a better individual that will not cowered in fear and will continuously stand up no matter how many times we fall. Let’s cheer up and help each other so we can all surpass this trial that we’re all facing.
We have three more months to do something great this year. Let’s grab this chance to be a better version of our own selves while being a blessing to the rest.


There’s a lot of ways to improve yourself and one of it is by walking. It’s a simple task but with a lot of benefits that you should really consider. Don’t let yourself succumb in stress and any negative feelings.  Indulge it in different activities that will help yourself stay fit and healthy in all aspects. Always remember that the more you are focus on doing something healthy, the more you will feel ecstatic to add it in your usual daily routine.