March 2022 Financial Review

Doing this monthly review of my finances, it helped me to asses my savings capacity and manage well my expenses. Although I almost hit zero balance in my current account, I foresee already everything from the projected cash flow that I’m doing. That helped me to ready myself and at least feel less pressured/stress in that situation. One thing that I also realized is I became more dedicated in managing my finances.


Another month came and this just shows how God gave us another chance to reach our goals in life. As the third month of this year comes, let’s take this opportunity to work on our plans, be a better version of ourselves, make memorable memories and share blessings to the rest.
We should not let this month just pass by, rather we should make most out of this chance that we were given. There will more challenges that will come on our way, but let’s just stay positive and continue to trust HIM.
In this path that I’m currently in, I will continue what I started. Despite of the ups and downs that I will encounter in this month, I will promise to stay focus. One thing for sure is that I will make this month full of happiness, learnings and experiences.


A traditional market situated in the heart of Doha, district Al Souq. A perfect place to appreciate traditional Qatari Architecture that dates back at least from the period of 20th century. A one stop destination that will meet anyone’s expectation.

You will never been in Qatar if you will miss to visit this traditional place!

Beauty of the Sun

This poem is all about the challenging journey towards one’s goal. It aims to inspire individuals that despite of the hardship they’ll go through, there will always be the light in every darkness.

7 Statements That Will Help You To Keep Going

Life will never be easy, but we can still choose to enjoy our journey as we discover our goals in life. We should not fear what will happen tomorrow, rather look forward to it with joy and excitement. Isn’t it amazing that we are given a chance to choose what we can feel? It is all based from us whether we start our day with a smile on our faces, or be problematic.
With these statements above, it will greatly help someone who feels like on the verge of giving up. It will make them realized that life is not really complicated to live with. It’s a beautiful world that one should enjoy and make most out of it. With this small help which aims to give hope to others, may we all shift our mindset into positive one right at this moment.

Let’s live a beautiful life together.

March 2022 Recap

“My ultimate goal right now is to be happy.”
A lot of things happened in this month. As I write this blog, a sense of nostalgia suddenly embraces me. Isn’t it amazing how days passes by so fast? A sudden happening in our life can be a part of our past within a short period of time. With this thought in my mind, I realized how precious our time is. We won’t be here in this world for so long and that’s a fact. Now, it’s our choice if how we will spend our days in this world.

For me, I choose HAPPINESS.

February 2022 Goals Review

This blog is all about the the progress and status of my goals for the month of February 2022. Here I will share my whole experience including the difficulties that took place in my life.

February 2022 Financial Review

As I started to have a monthly review of my finances last January, it helped me a lot to assess myself especially on how I manage my finances. By means of this, I became more aware on where my money goes and at the same time come up with a plan on how to make it better. I feel like I’m managing a company which is my own self and review my monthly performance in line with my goals. I found this strategy very effective because I learned to be more cautious in spending my money. Although I was known to be a thrifty person ever since, I can say that I’m taking thing now more professional that before. At least, by means of doing this, I can manage and assess my finances well.

FEB 2022 Work Out Progress

This blog is all about my workout progress as part of my self care journey in this year 2022. In this month, the target workout I did is arm & back routines.

FEB 2022 Recap

Another month passed and here we are again welcoming another period of our life. As I look back in this month, I realized a lot of things that happened and now counted as memories. There were times that I’m not in my best and there are times where I choose to live to the fullest. It will never be perfect and that’s a fact. Despite of that, I discovered a lot of realizations that helped me to be more enlightened. I know that I still have a lot of things to learn and to experience but I think in between of those situations, it is very important to make used of what we learned from it. It will never change our life if we don’t apply it. Everything will just stay as a mere realization, if we don’t take the initiative to make changes in our life. That’s why, every time I discover something important that I know will impact my life, I always make it sure that I understand the whole thing and think on how I can practice it.