Every month teaches us new things. It makes us realize things that we are not aware of before. It gives us opportunity to be a better version of ourselves by giving 31 days to work on it. With all these things mentioned above, the only thing that we need is to do our part.

Life is short. We don’t know what will happen next but we have the power to decide what kind of future we wanted for ourselves. For me, my way is to make sure that I’m gaining progress every single month. There’s no time to waste.

After All This Time

This poem is all about a first heart break experience from a one sided love. It tells how strong a person can be after surpassing a challenging moments in his/her life.

April 2022 Goals Review

To sum up my progress in this month of April, I can say that I successfully achieved most of goals. There’s a lot of things happen in this month such as, I became consistent in my workout, I was able to finish an online training course, I reached 3000 followers in Instagram and many more great things.

With these positive things that happened this month, I am more confident and dedicated in this next month that will come. I realized that consistency and dedication play a big role in my plans and I need to make use of it.

In these coming months, I promise that it will be a great period full of learnings and experiences that will help me to develop myself more. I am ready to face every challenge that will come because I know that I’m equipped with courage that will help me to get through this.

April 2022 Financial Review

Since a kid, I’d been a fan of budgeting. Every time I received my allowance when I was a still a student, I always write a budget so that I can save some money from it. Until I graduated in college, I keep doing a budget guideline that I planned to do if ever I find a job. Could you imagine that I even plan a budget for a specific salary even without being employed yet? It’s funny but those things really helped me to get on where I am right now. The plans that I made before became my guide to choose the right decision in life. Now that I’m in the age that I need to settle down, I started investing on things that will help me in the future. In this blog that I started this year, it tells my journey on how I will achieve the goals that I set for myself. By doing this, it will help me to easily looked back on what I’d been through and at the same time inspire the people around me to do the same.

March & April 2022 Workout Progress

Here’s the summary of the successful months that I achieved my fitness goals. By means of doing everything consistently, I learned to value my own self and develop it into something that I never thought of achieving.

Now, I am better than the old me.
This year is truly one of the best periods in my life. It was the start of everything and I can feel how the things fits perfectly in their right place. I am happier than before. The new me is the result of the things I sacrificed in these past months.
This journey of mine is the reminder for everyone that everything is possible once you put your heart, mind and soul to it. There will be more goals to unlock but as early as now, I am claiming that I will achieve all of it!

“I will beat her. I will train harder. I will eat cleaner. I know her strengths. I’ve lost to her before but not this time. She is going down. I have the advantage because I know her well. She is the old me.” – Anonymous

April 2022 Recap

Some of our memories are meant to vanish. In order for me not to forget special moments in my life, this monthly recap will be a reminder of it. I will keep all these memories safe here so I can have a chance to look back on it again.

Life is short so I should not take it for granted. I need to make lasting memories that will help me to be better. My life story which I am sharing in this blog, is the journey that I choose to pursue and share to the rest.

I hope that by my blog, it will reach people’s heart and inspire them to achieve their own goals as well.

Seven Simple Goal Setting Tips!

Setting goals is one of the vital things that will determine your future? How? Because it will give you a direction which you will learn to be a better version of yourself. The constant planning and making targets will provide you an access to the life that you’re dreaming. With the right approach and method, you will surely come out successful.

You’re Worth the Wait

This blog is a poem about finding love after giving all your hopes. It aims to inspire others that there is someone out there that is meant for you no matter how long it will takes.


Hello April!
We are now in the fourth month of this year. Looking back on the first three months that had passed, I can say that I am doing pretty well. By reviewing every now and then my progress, it helped me to be more motivated and inspired. It also helped me to plan my days well so that I can make sure that there’s no time to waste. With all the things that’s currently happening in the world right now, it is very important that we help ourselves to be strong. Of course, we cannot always rely to someone. At some point in our life, we need to be strong alone

March 2022 Goals Review

Goodbye March! Finally, the four weeks of worries already ended. I believe that this month is the most critical period in this year since I literally run out of funds due to the renovation. Now that I successfully surpass it, this blog will review the status of the goals that I set for this month. […]