You’ll only live once so live it passionately. Always go outside the box because once you dream without aiming any goals, it will only just be a dream. You need to move with progress at the same time. Discipline and consistency are the key to pursue anything that you’re aiming, lady. Fail a lot of […]


The first Nordic Restaurant in Qatar! Inspired by “friluftsliv” a scandinavion philosophy of reconnecting with nature, the associates pave the way of doing a one of a kind service and presentation to embrace its identity. From food presentation like using of stones and shells from Zekreet beach in Qatar, they really made a breakthrough by […]

What’s wrong with her?

It was a fine morning when the rain just start to pour down. And there she is, sitting beside the window looking lost. She’s physically fine but she’s hollow inside. She keeps asking herself “is it alright?”, “Am I really fine?”, “What’s wrong with me?” She’s lonely. Nobody knows her. She was fine on her […]

The thought of being alone for the rest of my life.

It wasn’t about the past nor the experiences I’d been through that turns me to be an individual who seeks comfort by being alone. I’d already planned on how my future will be once I grow up. I always see myself alone and never imagine being with someone else. Simply because I was filled with […]

Mindset of High Achievers

Warren Buffet, Jack Ma, and Denzel Washington’s life advice that change my way of life. Pull someone else up. Reach it. Move with progress. You need to suffer before you grow. You need to go through the motions. For you to be able to achieve goals you need to have the Discipline and Consistency. Hard […]

Lesson 1

Now I had realized that I’d been worrying too much in every people says about me. The talk backs and the insecurities that had been formed for being a private person, came like a landslide aiming at me. It has been like that before and seems like nothing change when it comes to what they’d […]

How insecurities can kill someone

No matter how hard you reached what you have today, there will always be someone who will bring you down just because they failed to do the same. They will see you as if it’s impossible for you to obtain something for the reason that they wasn’t able to do it. And despite of the […]


She may sounds jolly, and she may look happy. But deep inside her, she’s hollow and lonely. Once the crowd go on their own way, Her tears will roll down the whole day. Her mask will slowly fades as soon the day ends, And as the darkness hug her emptiness will be soon send. Her […]

The Journey Begins

Thanks for joining me! Good company in a journey makes the way seem shorter. — Izaak Walton

What is the purpose of life?

Why there’s a thing called life if all of us will die anyway in the end? Other are fighting for the luxury life that they wanted, while others are just surviving each day for just a couple of dollars. Others are competing with each other just to be on top, while others are simply contented […]