My Vacation Plan 2022
After almost four years, I finally make an ideal vacation which is full of adventures and travels. Given the limited budget that I have, I still wanted to maximized the budget by spending it more on travel. I’m glad that my sister is a pro on that side because she’s been travelling for so long and everyone knows how many places she already visited.
I Will Decide My Own Future
This poem is all about starting all over again in one’s life. it aims to tell people that no matter how many times we fail, there will always be hope if we only choose to start everything on our own. The moment our mindset change, our life will focus on that goals and changes will surely take place.
August 2022 Goals
Hello August! I am very excited to experience this month because this is the last one before my vacation. I actually have a lot of things to do this month due to the processing of our vacation requirements. Unlike before wherein you can just simply go on just by having your ticket, there’s a lot […]
July 2022 Goals Review
This month of July gave me a lot of inspiration which push me to do my best in everything that I do. Let’s just say that I became stronger and I don’t let negative things affect my faith and belief. This is a very beautiful world to live with and with this limited time that I have here, I will make it sure that I am living my life to the fullest. I will not let negativity ruin my mood and I will always aim to look for the better in any situation. In this blogs that I am sharing, I hope that someone out there will be enlightened by it.
July 2022 Financial Review
Another inspiring month has come to an end. With all these realizations that God gave me this month, it helped me to exert more efforts to all the goals that I planned. Finally, my main target for this year which is to renovate our two house rentals now marked as DONE. Within less than two years, I was able to reach my target budget for both and before the 2022-year ends, we were able to secure tenants for it.
This will be impossible if I didn’t stick to my plans this year. I’m happy that all of my efforts and patience to stop myself in buying unnecessary things are all granted with great results.
July 2022 Recap
“Spread love everywhere you go. Let no one ever come to you without leaving happier.” -Mother Teresa Another great month ended. The routines, plans and goals that I set for the month of July are now done. I am happy that I’m on track of my goals and I achieved every target that I set […]
Simple & Effective Ways to Make a Budget
Nowadays, having a savings is very important. Given the price hike every now and then, it is very ideal to have a budget that can serves as a guide in managing your cash flow. Without it, chances are you’ll overspend and there will be no left for your savings.
Few people realized the importance of a budget. Of course, not everyone knows how to do It properly, so they just choose to manage their money by their own way. In this blog, it tackles about different ways on how to make an effective budget.
Be Limitless
This poem is all about choosing to move forward, letting go of the past and learning from all the challenges. It aims to inspire people that the only in control of our life is ourselves and we have the power to make things happen.
Hello July! We are now entering the last half of this year 2022. Every day that will pass will be part of our history and will never be back anymore. Every progress, goals, activities and plans that we did in this year will soon be part of our past. Isn’t it very sad to see […]
June 2022 Goals Review
A very beautiful month already passed. Now that I’m about to enter the seventh month of this year, I need to really focus on the goals that I’m yet to achieve. There are things that are still pending but I’m pretty sure that I can still work on it.
For this month, I am happy that it ended up as a productive period for me. I did a lot of things and at the same time developed a good habit. I will continue making a routine for the next month so I can make use of my time efficiently. All in all, this month went well and I achieved most of my goals.