Fresh graduates! Here’s your start-up plan.

Have you ever wonder where to start once you graduated in college? Afraid of being jobless? Having doubts what company to choose from? Do you plan on making most out of your freedom first before taking any job? People had been there and done that since before, so here are some of the plans that […]

Things to do once you get your first job!

Most people once they graduated and found a job, they often spend more. It’s understandable since they usually hired as an entry level position and the adjustment period will just take over. Some maybe are not lucky enough to find one and end up being jobless for so long. So here’s the things that ones […]

What it takes to be a chef?

A lot of us always took for granted what a CHEF truly means. Some, well a lot of people nowadays belittle it, because according to them it’s for those who choose the easiest route. The easiest route to enter, to go on and to survive. But little did they know, everything is not always what […]

DIY SERIES: Cement Pots for Sale!

After carefully thinking of something that can align our family’s plant business, we come up with making our own cement pots. At first we tried to do it and had a survey among our repeat customer if they would love to purchase cement pots if we’ll gonna make it, and most answered positively. We started […]

DIY SERIES: Plants for Sale!

Now, from their hobby, they move forward and venture to small business. They start to sell plants on their neighborhood and they received a positive response to their customers. It may take time for the business to flourish, but one thing they know whatever happens, they’ll continue what they started. Here are some samples! Stay […]

10 Steps to live life in full bloom.

1. Regardless on what you’d achieved in life, be grateful for it.2. Whatever success of those people around you now, be happy for them.3. Despite of how slow your progress in life is, be proud of it.4. Always trust yourself and chase your dreams.5. Don’t set your limits.6. Smile and be happy always.7. Live your […]

When it’s too much

We all have our own personal prayers specifically for this moment that we have now. Others hope to end this challenges for them to go on again with their lives, others hope to go back on their work since they loss their job, others hopes to rest from the stress that they’re experiencing right now, […]


Life is never been unfair when it comes to LOVE. One must believe in forever and set aside the word PERFECT. Majority of people today always assume that forever is perfect and that results them to avoid COMMITMENT. They don’t believe in forever, maybe because of what happened to them, or the influence, or their […]

I will.

Everytime you feel that you’re alone, I will slowly intertwine our hand and give you warmth. That is my simple gesture to assure you that I’m here, Coz even if no one dares to believe you, I WILL.

To live

Sometimes you may feel like giving up and like there’s no way out. I’d felt that so many times and I told myself that everything doesn’t make sense at all. I’m living but I know what will be my end. Everyone will die anyway. I don’t want to try anymore, I just want to go […]