DIY SERIES: Cement Pots and Plants Updates!

Last September 15 was the last update regarding the DIY (Do it yourself) cement pots and plants business of our family. To trail the history back when it all started, it was simply because of the pandemic. My family tried to do something that can keep their minds busy and that’s how the “Pot’s and […]

My Only Wish

If someone ask me to go back, I’ll probably won’t, In the same place where my heart ache the most, please just don’t. A decade that I’d spent full of hope, Ten years of feelings that was never been develop. I saw that person bloom in the midst of stepping away, As he close his […]

Philippines needs help!

It was a devastating moment for all Filipinos when two typhoon came in less than two weeks. Super typhoon Goni (Rolly) and Typhoon Vamco (Ulysses) came November 1 and November 11-12 respectively. Without even giving a time to spare for those heartaches of those Filipino’s who had been affected in the first typhoon, they experience […]

To my First Boss Who Made me Cry.

I clearly remember that day, on how my lips tremble and how I forced to smile like that’s the only way to save myself from everyone’s eyes. That was my first time in my entire life to be treated that way. At first I thought that being a lady will give you some advantage in […]

Unspoken Poetry: One Sided Love

Have you ever experienced a one-sided love? A kind of love wherein you can’t say it out loud? A kind love where you choose silence over taking a risk, Due to the fact that he can’t love you back even if you insist. Have you ever experienced to act like you’re ok even you’re in […]

Sharing is Caring: How I Manage my Salary

We all have our own priorities in life. We can’t just tell someone to do a certain thing because it’s simply their own life to begin with. But one thing you can do is to share what you’re doing and it’s up to them on how will they apply it to their own lives. So […]

For those who faces career breakdown

Having thoughts of giving up? Are you having a breakdown right now because of something you’re not sure to be worth it? If you’re undecided on your career and thinking of giving up just because of what you’d experienced, here are the things you need to consider before quitting. 1. Ask yourself “Why”. Having no […]

How to start over again after Covid-19

Truly this year is the hardest moment that everyone faces. Thousand of people were laid off from their work, some experienced salary deduction and other businesses was forced to stop their operation. At first nobody really expected that the effect will be much worst than they can imagine, but one thing for sure it’s indeed […]

A Magna Cum Laude Story

“Efforts should be appreciated and not neglected.” Have you ever wonder how I got the said award and how it helped me in my employment? Does it only require intelligence? Are there any steps to know for you to have it as well? So to answer all the questions lingering in your mind, this is […]

Proper Wealth Management of People Under 30!

If you’d been practicing this kind of lifestyle now, all I can say is stop it now. What you’ll do in these years will determine 30% of your future, why? because this is the period where you’re still physically and mentally active. Others may say that “Nah! I want to have fun and this is […]