FEBRUARY Goals Review!
In my last blog (January Goals Review) about a review of my goals status, I was able to share some of my failure and progress. I came to know that by having this, it helped me to be more motivated and inspired in setting and achieving my goals. With the help of this review, I […]
For My Future Kids
If ever you’re reading this hopefully I achieved my dreams, Hopefully I’m in a place where I dream of having ever since. Drinking a cup of coffee as I reminisce every single thing, That happened to me when I was actively living. If ever you’re reading this I hope you are in the safe place, […]
You Kill Me to Live Again
The scars and marks are still there, Covering my body like a dress and shoes to pair. It was once a happy ever after, Without knowing the tragic ending that is waiting for her. You make her believe all the lies you made, Keeping her hopes up like your own personal maid. From the promises […]
Top 5 Passive Income I’m Considering
I think most of us are entirely dependent in our salary. I’d been like that for so long and even until now. But when I lost my job due to the pandemic and be unemployed for six months last 2020, that’s how I realized the importance of having different source of cash flow. Just imagine, […]
STARTER RECIPES 1: Stuffed Potato Bomb!
If you’re looking for a dish for your movie marathon tonight, this will be the best one for you! This is a simple recipe where almost all of the ingredients can be readily available in your kitchen. You will see a same recipe of this wherein they put bacon, gravy meat and etc., but this […]
Things I’m Grateful for at 25
“Enjoy the little things, for one day you may look back and realize they were the big things.” –Robert Brault I know that there are times we usually neglect things that are not worth to be celebrated. We always think that it’s just a petty things compare to the success of others. But one thing […]
LAW OF ATTRACTION: Let’s All Claim It!
“Minds are like flowers, they only open when the time is right.”― Stephen Richards As this saying goes by Mr, Stephen Richards, I do believe that this is real. People tend to think negatively nowadays since they usually compare their lives to others, but little did they know this is not yet their time. We all […]
JANUARY: Goals Review!
To be able to reach my goals this year, I planned to have a monthly review of it for me to be aware of my own progress. Actually, having this will help everyone to have a tracking of their plans from financial, personal and social media like what I did. It may add into your […]
Whenever You’re Ready
Whenever you’re ready breath in and breath out then close your eyes, Remember all the things around you then look above the blue skies. Bring the past behind you and let go all of the heartaches, Because this is your time to go and get rid of the fakes. Regardless of what happened learn to […]
Leaving Home
She was only twenty when she decided to leave. The familiar place she’d been before she started to read. Excitement consumed her without knowing what lies ahead, And “I can do it.” is the last sentence she said. Days passed by and months had passed, While scars on her hand became visible at last. She […]