It’s a Long Difficult Road
It’s a long difficult road they said, But here she is continue to walks unafraid. Stares are everywhere and whispers are all present, But she chose to move forward and be silent. Her calloused feet seems like about to give up, She healed it up but continue to walk on top. A lot of hidden […]
MARCH Goals Review!
Third month of the year 2021 is now officially done! Everything were like put in a fast forward mode and even me I can’t imagined that the days all went fast. March has been a great month for me and all that thanks to new plans that I was able to do. Looking back from […]
You Can Never be Someone Else
“Anger, resentment and jealousy doesn’t change the heart of others– it only changes yours.” ― Shannon Alder, 300 Questions to Ask Your Parents Before It’s Too Late We are all born differently, from how we looks, how we think and how we perceive life. We can born in the same place, same time and same bloodline but […]
7 Easy Tips to Boost your Career Profile
It’s been a year since the pandemic started and It affected a lot of people in many ways. A lot of people were laid offs from their jobs, some students was forced to adapt in online learning, families all over the country hurriedly applied for internet and bought gadgets for their kids study and many […]
“Can you just please stop dreaming the impossible?”
“I will tell you again and again that you’re not gonna make it!” “Can you just please stop dreaming the impossible?” “One day you’ll realized that once you failed you’ll gonna see it!” “I want to tell you the truth, I’m sorry but you’re just incapable.” To grow up in this world is surely very […]
A look Inside my 2021 Journal
Since when I was kid, I’m already a very sentimental person. Whatever I can keep as a memories whether a simple rock, my haircut, movie tickets, flowers and many more things, I’ll surely secure it safe in my memory box. I think it all began on my 12th birthday when I was still in elementary.Now […]
My Biggest Insecurity is Her
Writing has been part of my life since I was a kid. It has been an outlet of my hidden feelings that I can’t say and express. It was like a best friend of mine who will always choose to listen to all of my stories and heartaches. A cup of coffee and my journal […]
DIY SERIES: Cement Pots and Plants March Update!
It’s been awhile since we started this home business. As of now, we continuously sell cement pots and plants but unlike before where we focus mostly in cement pots, we put more efforts now in selling plants. You can check my first blogs about this business here: DIY SERIES: Plants for Sale DIY SERIES: Cement […]
10 Things I Realized While Growing Up
We all have our own dreams, goals and plans in life. Daydreaming in a place where you’d been wanting to go and hearing the birds chirping while your feet is getting wet every time the beach waves hit you. Have you ever felt ecstatic just thinking of an ideal life that you’d been wanting to […]
Sharing is Caring: How I Achieved my P60K Emergency Fund in Three Months!
In my previous blog First Step: 8 Ways to Invest in Yourself I guided everyone on their first step in attaining their career goals. Study and get a degree. Go for seminars! Look for a training that can give you certificates. Learn new skill! Establish professional connection in your industry. Build your profile and let them […]