8 Self Care Activities for Working Individuals

Trust me. You’ll always be busy and that’s will be your common excuse.

Now, is it really possible to accommodate other things to your daily routine if you find it hard to do more since you think you’re busy? Of course it’s POSSIBLE.

We are in the period that we put ourselves as our least priority. Guilty? Me too. We put at the back our minds the things that we deserve simply because you think it’s not worth it if you do it for yourself.

7 Things I Realized When I Became an Employee

A lot of us badly wanted to have a job. Who wouldn’t? Of course you’ll have a chance to earn your own money and at the same time spend it on the things you like. Unlike when you’re still student where you usually ask for allowance from your parents, having your own money feels like […]

Third Step: What’s next after securing your emergency fund?

In my previous blogs which tackles emergency fund, I’d shared the importance of it and also some simple tips to easily have it. Second Step: 5 simple steps to prepare your emergency fund! Sharing is Caring: How I Achieved my P60K Emergency Fund in Three Months! Now if you were able to achieve your emergency fund goal, […]

APRIL Goals Review!

Four out of twelve months is now officially done! Time really pass by so fast and I have this feeling that maybe I can’t keep up! Though I’m trying so hard to achieve my monthly goals, I still can’t help to get rid this anxious feeling building up inside of me. Well I’m pretty sure […]

We can & We will

Let’s close our eyes and enjoy the beauty of our dreams, Even if no one sees it’s already clear for us though it’s dim. The joy that it gives us and the feeling that only us can see, Can make us conclude that we can own it and tell “This is for me”. Let’s not […]

Will I ever make my dreams come true?

I’d been thinking too much lately, In this past few days worries are what keeps me. Keeping me awake late at night thinking a lot of things, That question every goals that I am dreaming. Sometimes I doubt myself that maybe it’s too much, Whatever I am aiming are more than what I can only […]

Turning Point Memories of my Life

Everyone of us for sure experienced these kind of memories wherein whenever we reminisce it, there’s a sudden feelings that comes out like it only happened just yesterday. We’re like bound to it that even that situation made us sad, we can’t help but to keep it in our lives wherever we’ll be. Life will […]

Choose to have a Growth Mindset!

This saying has been one of the well known and overused up to this day “You only lived once so live it to the fullest”. Although this is right and everyone should apply it in their daily lives, most of us overuse this statement. “Your life requires your mindful presence in order to live it. […]

Tips to Survive in Hospitality Industry (For Beginners)

Hospitality Industry has been booming since before. As time goes by, the experience became more tailored to the current generation it caters. From hotels, resort, restaurant, spa and many more sub establishment that it can offer, people will surely not end up being unemployed. But that’s the case before. Now since it’s pandemic this industry […]

If Tomorrow Never Comes

Stuck in a place where you think there’s no way out, Nobody can hear you even when you loudly shout. You continuously banging the door wanting to have a taste of freedom, But darkness hugs you and whispered “Nobody will come.” There’s no more tears left from the agonizing days you’d been, All that you […]