
you came and it wasn’t toxic, Even your presence doesn’t make me sick. Your love gives me an unknown energy, And that certainly completes me. I’m always in the verge of happiness, Our love can be defined as a perfect mess. Your eyes that shimmering in the dark sky, Makes me want to climb up […]

[Save to be Safe] Budget Strategies for Breadwinners

Are you the bread winner of the family?
For sure, it’s very hard for you to manage your finances knowing that you have a lot of priorities in your hand. Although your life circumstances made it all happen, you can still start your own savings even with a minimum amount you have.
Is it possible? Yes.

7 Best Life Advices I’ve Ever Received

25 years living in this world, I came across with a lot of people that taught me a lot of things. Some of them became my close friends and some are meant to stay temporary in my life.
Regardless of having ups and downs in my journey, their memories are still present in my heart. Their words of encouragement gave me more than enough inspiration for me to continuously strive for my goals.

For sure we all received best advices from the people we’d met along our journey. Some of it put a marked in our lives that until now helps us to keep going.

To start it, here’s the top 7 advices I received in my 25 years living.

[Save to be Safe] 5 Simple Tips to Lessen Your Expenses

Spend. Spend. Spend. Are you one of those people who usually spend more than what they save? Well, all of us had been there before. Who would not spend on the things that they like? Of course, as long as there’s a means, for sure we’ll get it any way possible. People differs on how […]

5 Activities I did to Recover from my Anxiety

Mental health has been one of the topics that has been discussed in many other platforms since this aspect became well known due to the pandemic. A lot of us experienced a sudden change of lifestyle that we won’t really imagine even in our wildest dreams. Like what others professional says, the next big challenge […]

A Selfless Love of a Mother

Unspoken Poetry She will smile despite of the pain the she bears, You will never see the ache because she’s the one that take cares. She will never get tired because she’s available 24/7, And all of her efforts make her different from all men. She will be there every time you need her, She […]

They Will Never Understand

I was there in the dark place asking for help, While everybody is staring I can’t help to pity myself. I can hear all of their judgements loud and clear, And just by their presence I can feel a tremendous fear. Al I want is someone to hear me out, All of the things I […]

MAY Goals Review!

We’re almost reaching the half of the year 2021! Finally, it’s June already and a couple of months after, we’ll officially enter the BER months! Have you ever thought of what progress you’d done from this past five months? How I hope you’re in the process of achieving your goals same as mine. I know […]

Simple Steps to get rid of your Insecurities

We are in the period where anxiety and envy is now a common thing. Regardless of age, gender and status, we are all guilty to have these kinds of feelings. We can easily be swayed by material things which we don’t have and we eventually define happiness on what others have. Why do we badly […]

Love Untitled

It all started when I asked you “Why?”, And when you responded it with a sigh. All I wanted is to free myself from your bind, But whatever I do you’ll always choose to don’t mind. I’ll be the spare that you can use every time you’re bored. Coz following you is automatically on my […]