Things I Realized After my Vacation

We all experienced getting more inspired after we’d done something again after a long time. For me, this vacation gave a lot of insights that made me feel more motivated in life. With all of these realizations, I will make use of it as my driving force towards the future that I am aiming.

I will not settle for less until I’ll make it happen!

You Are Worthy

You will fall and rise as you make your own story,
But you don’t need to worry because it’s a part of life which experience by many.
Focus on yourself and set aside other’s destructions,
Just continue to exceed all of your limitations.

You don’t need to validate your existence from the rest,
Show to yourself its own importance ang give always your best.
In this world, don’t let anyone destroy you own value,
Because your own existence shows the most genuine you.

Plan Ahead

It will be a roller coaster ride of emotions for you.
Learn to enjoy the whole journey and keep memorable memories too.
Be an example to many by extending your hands to the rest,
Never give up in but choose to stand firm in every life’s test.

By knowing what you want, you can have a clear destination,
By planning ahead, you can improve your own situation.
Don’t for anyone but choose to start it on your own,
Because time is limited and we should let our goals be known.

Her Adventures

Tomorrow will be another opportunity for you to be better,
Like how she discovers her happiness you can still find your forever.
A kind of forever that will give you peace and make your heart leap,
Something that will always be worth for you to keep.

For her, adventures give someone a sense of accomplishment,
A pause for everything and a reminder to value the present.
A breath of fresh air after a long and restless years,
The perfect time to reflect and thank yourself for winning over its fears.

To Give Up

Never hold back yourself for the things that you’re aiming,
Never let anyone tell you that whatever you do are nothing,
Never focus on negativity but rather divert into something more worthy,
Never lose hope and let your courage and strength within you be free.

Decide first on what really matters to your life,
Decide first without thinking of someone else’s lie,
Decide first while considering more of the good things that will happen,
You need to decide first before thinking that it’s already end.

Her Fate

She heals all the wounds while reminding her the mistakes that she’d done,
This time, she’ll do it in the right way and will not choose to run.
She will not rely to someone and let her own self be her own teammate,
She will focus on challenges which she before failed to anticipate.

From all what she’d been through she chose to fight back again,
But this time she has courage and faith even if there’s still pain.
It is still not over as long because there’s no such thing as late,
And now is the perfect time to change again her own fate.

August 2022 Goals Review

The last month before my vacation has finally ended. To assess everything that I’d done in this period, I can conclude it as another successful month for me. Although it was a very busy month, I am happy that I was still able to do the task that I have to do, from career, personal, financial and digital accounts, all of it were addressed according to my plans.

August 2022 Financial Review

A lot of things happened in this month due to my upcoming vacation. Because of this, I also spent a lot in preparation of my requirements and treats for my family. Nevertheless, it all went according to my plans so I’m still happy about it.

Another reason that made me feel so grateful this month is when I started to make specific plans for myself. This step greatly helped me to be inspired and motivated to all the things that I planned for myself. Although some may see it like I’m over planning things, what important for me is I’m progressing every single day.

August 2022 Recap

“We all have different path to take.”

A lot of positive changes happened in this month of August. This month gave me new inspirations, taught me to become more passionate and lastly made me realized the opportunities that I can still do.

July & August 2022 Workout Progress

To summarized my workout journey from July to August, I’m happy that once again, I successfully achieved all the targets that I set for myself. I was able to develop a good habit right now which make me feel that my day is incomplete without doing any physical activities. The whole experience was really fun so even though it was really hard at first, I was able to enjoy it until the end.