Hello August!
I am very excited to experience this month because this is the last one before my vacation. I actually have a lot of things to do this month due to the processing of our vacation requirements. Unlike before wherein you can just simply go on just by having your ticket, there’s a lot more of requirements that we need to obtain first and it’s all because of the pandemic. Other than that, you also need to pay some of government taxes before they can issue the certificate and also register online for your rapid test schedule upon arrival in the Philippines. Just by thinking all of that process that we need to undergo, it really makes me feel burden about it. It’s so complicated nowadays and that makes me feel don’t want to go on vacation. Due to all of these sudden processes brought by the pandemic, a lot of Filipino’s need to undergo on that long process and no one is exempted from it. Gladly, I have someone to do it together so I feel more reassured compare doing it all alone. Despite of that, I believe that this process will surely be worth it because after almost four years, I can meet again my family, relatives and friends. It’s been a while since I went home so this time, I really wanted to make it very memorable. All of my plans and schedule are now fixed and settled. Even the budget I have for those 30 days are all ready and well manage. Compare to my previous vacation, this one will be jampacked with a lot of activities and task. My sister and I planned it very well so that we can all enjoy our days there. I will be making another blog about my vacation plan soon so make sure to check it out.
Now that we are on the eight months of this year, I need to make it sure that I will still be consistent even though I will go for vacation. I will also take that opportunity to learn more workout skills from my father so that I can do it here once I come back from my vacation. One thing that makes me so excited also to come home is this will be the first time that I’ll be visiting my partner’s home and meet his family. After almost four years of being together, this will be the first I’ll be going in Bacolod to finally get to know his family. That makes my vacation very memorable because of it. For the meantime, I need to settle all the things that I must do before I go for vacation. Since I’d been planning everything a few months before, I can rest assured that this month will be only intended for the processing of papers. I also need to plan ahead my blogs for that month so I can ensure that at least this blog will still be updated. I need to carry out all of my plans one step at a time so that everything will go well according to my plan. To assess everything that’s currently going on to my life, I can feel that I’m on track of what I wanted to be since before. I was able to execute all the plans that I set for myself and at the same time achieved my goals. Going back to the past months, I’d seen how my life progress just by sticking to my new principle in life in which I learned this year. I am very and grateful on the things that happened to my life. This makes me feel that all of my sacrifices and efforts are worth it because with all these blessings that I received right now, it made me realized that every bit of efforts you put into your work will be granted in the right time.
“We all have dreams. But in order to make dreams come into reality, it takes an awful lot of determination, dedication, self-discipline, and effort.” – Jesse Owens
Everyone of us has a dream that we’d been wanted to pursue, but not all of us are eager to make sacrifices in order to make it happen. I’d met a lot of people in my journey and I really learned through their experiences in life. There are some who keep striving to live their life with no certain plans of their future, some are starting to take risk at a young age, and some are going with the flow and just living with no pressure. Growing up, I learned to have big dreams which seems impossible to achieve for most of people. For me to be able to prove them wrong, I wanted to break that barrier which limit myself to make it happen. I believe that all things in life went through a long process and it is our own choice if we go for it and stay away from it. In order to make that happen, I started to set a goal for myself because in that way, I can take small progress. Even though it is small nor big progress, it is still an advancement for me and I should not be driven with the result but my determination to root for a change. Like how I did in the past months, this month will be another period for me to set goals, make plan for it, then achieve it. I don’t have any time to waste and I should just focus on things that matters to my life.
Now, let’s have a recap of goals that I need to aim for 2022!

For the month of August, here below is the daily routine that I made which will help me to make this month productive:

Every plan that we make requires efforts to make it work. The only one who can do it is our own selves. We should not expect someone to do something for us but rather push ourselves to create a passionate mindset. Like what I’m doing, I create a lifestyle in which I focuses more on growth and opportunity. Once we start with mindset, our mind will slowly incorporate a lot of ideas which will help us to achieve something that we wanted. That’s the first step that I did in this year, and if ever I didn’t fix first how I think, then probably I will not be in the same position that I am right now. One thing that also makes me feel inspired to continue is for the reason that I found my confidence develop as soon as I focused on myself. Although I’m still affected of the negativity around me sometime, I learned to divert my thoughts into positive things that will help me. That for me is a big milestone because I know myself pretty well. I’m very sensitive person before and I’m happy that this year I finally overcome that attitude.
“For by grace you have been saved through faith.” – Ephesians 2:8-10
So without any further ado, let’s tackle all the goals that I have for the month of August!
By sharing this, I hope that someone out there will be inspired to do the same as well.
Let’s both make it together!

Just because I am busy this month, it doesn’t mean that I will neglect myself. I will still continue to set goals and make plans so that I won’t break the habit that I’d been consistently doing. Now that I’d seen how my confidence progress, I feel more motivated and inspired to do a lot of activities concerning myself. I have a lot of things in my mind right now but I don’t want to feel overwhelm about it. So for now, I will just take things little by little every month so that in the end of this year 2022, I can tell myself that I did a good job. I’m doing pretty good job in the past months and because I was able to develop good habit which I found very challenging to do so in the past. The habits that I was able to develop this year became my driving force to became consistent on my plans. I feel happy every time I know that I am making progress every single day because it just shows how I really work on my plans.
In this month of August, myself love plans will be almost the same like in the previous months. The only change that I added in this plan is the Doctor’s advice regarding my health. After gaining in depth understanding about my body’s situation, it really helped me to know what activities is ideal for my body. I am thankful that I decided to have proper consultation because I’d been relying on self-medication since before. This time, I wanted to make it right and start to take care of myself internally and externally. To give you an idea on the activities that I want to focus this month, here are the following:
- Mindfulness Activities (Yoga, Meditation & Breathing Exercise)
- Cardio and Lower Body Workout
- Business Ideas
- Journal Writing
“If you are always trying to be normal, you will never know how amazing you can be.” – Dr. Maya Angelou
For the month of August, these are the things that I need to accomplish. It comprises with things I need to work on for my own self, places I need to go and lastly the workout routine I’ll be focusing on.
I know that everyone of us is facing the same problem every single day. It is hard for us to focus on something especially if we are easily affected by our surroundings. I am not an exemption on that and knowing that I’m not patient enough, I tend to be affected with negative situations. Now that I wanted to focus on the positive side of things, I believe that addressing this concern will help me to have a good start in fixing my mindset. Growing up, I always have a low self-esteem. Due to the comparison that I’d been experiencing before, I develop this kind of attitude wherein I let my insecurities win all the time. As soon as my insecurities win, I let my mind focus on believing all the negative things I heard about myself. That’s why I still have doubts on myself up until this day and in the point that even hearing compliments about me feels like surreal. In this month, I want to learn how to divert my thoughts especially if it involves myself. I actually started it before but I still didn’t fully overcome this negative habit. That’s why in this month, I thoroughly searched some activities that I can do to address this issue which are:
- Start making a healthy morning ritual (Stretching, Breathing exercises or Yoga).
- Practice Daily Gratitude
- Have a healthy breakfast
- Waking up the same time.
- Identify the source of negative thoughts and address it right away.
- Replace negative thoughts by diverting it in any productive activity such as workout, dancing singing etc.
- If you’re feeling down, scared, angry etc. pause for a moment.
- Practice a strictly No Complain day.
I may still have a long way to go to address this habit but with these activities mentioned above, I hope that I can make progress in this month. I know that rectifying something which has been a practice for so long, requires time and efforts to do so. After I succeeded addressing some of my behaviors, I believe that I can be able to do this task as well.
Now that I’d seen my body’s progress, I decided to continue working out by incorporating a new set of routine this month which will address target muscles that I want to develop. Since I only have one more month to achieve my target body before my vacation, I need to double my efforts this time. I think that I will be more productive this time now that one of my flat mate allowed us to borrow her workout items. It has been one of my targets next year because I feel like those things will motivate me to workout. Due to my tight budget this year, I just decided to borrow first from her until I can buy one for me. So back to my planned workout this month, I will be doing cardio and lower body exercises which I will be doing alternately. Like what I did last month, I will prepare two sets of routine which will be comprises of two workouts each that will last for 30-40 minutes.
Here are the workouts that I’ll be doing in this month of August:
After I put myself first, everything instantly makes sense. I became very cautious on my lifestyle and slowly address the things that will makes me a better individual. Without starting it this year, for sure that I will still with al lot of unhealthy habits which will just push me to my limits. I am happy and grateful that I finally realized the things that matters and important on my health. I am also happy that I can be able to inspire others to do the same and choose a healthy lifestyle as early as possible. One thing for sure is that I will continue what I started and will be more motivated to learn new activities concerning my self.
After I had my consultation with a professional in the health field, I realized the things that I did which is actually not good for my body. After I had answers and clear picture of the status of my body, I assess things that will help me to improve myself internally. That’s how I came up with a list of items which my body needs to have so I can be reminded of it every single day. During my consultation, I really took down notes of things that the Doctor’s said to me and asked questions which will help me to apply on my daily life. To remind myself of the things that I must to, here are the list that I made and printed out:
- Take breakfast regularly
- Don’t skip meals
- Eat more fruits, vegetables and red meats
- Start taking vitamins/supplements
- Stop eating fast.
- Less sweets more on raw greens
- Have a consistent medical consultation.
- Drink more water
- Red Meats
- Vegetables
- Vitamin C Rich Fruits
- Fish
- Liver
- Fortified items
- Beans
- Nuts and seeds
Now that I know what to do, I promise to take of myself more and will not neglect it. I also learned that prevention is really better than cure so medical consultation is necessary to do. It should not be feared because that is the only way for you to address issues on our body.

In terms of my finances, I shared it everything on my blog “July 2022 Financial Review” in which I tackled all of my progress, plans and budget in this month. As of now, I am happy that I’m still on track of my plans and the same time achieved my main target this year which is to renovate our two-house rental. The only challenge that I’m still having right now is to get a carpenter who will renovate the second house. Since the rainy season in the Philippines is now starting, it’s really a challenge to find one now that everyone is trying to renovate their own homes. Gladly I planned to have an interval of months in which I can start to organize my finances. By the end of this year, I need to fix my local banks so that I can start managing my finances well. Rather than putting it in one bank account, dividing everything will help me to ensure that I meet all of my targets every month. I have a total of five months to do everything and I hope that I can achieve all of my plans before the year ends. One thing that I need to make sure is that everything should be according to my plans, consistent tracking is a must and making a monthly assessment of my finances should be my top priority.
Here below are the current updates of my finances as of first week of August:
- [ON-GOING] 1st Insurance. Long term savings intended for emergency and health concerns situation. DONE!
- [ON-GOING] 2nd Insurance + Investment. Long term savings fund intended for business and kid’s insurance. Month of settlement will be moved to October.
- [ON-GOING] SSS. Long term savings fund intended for retirement purposes. DONE!
- [ACHIEVED] 1st House Rental. Intended for additional income stream. First income will be intended for SSS Payment. DONE!
- [ON PROCESS] 2ND House Rental. Intended for additional income stream. Budget sent!
As you can see on the above-mentioned updates, I only have one pending task to do before I wrap up this year successfully. Thinking back on the past months that I’d been tracking my finances, I realized that having a report of everything is a must in order for me to know the status and make targets. Without doing it in this year, I perhaps will not achieve these milestones and all of my plans will just stay as it is. It requires efforts to do so but I’m glad that I started it this year. Now, I am confident to make big goals because with the right planning and efforts like what I did this year, I can eventually make it happen. This time, I trust and believe in myself more than my past self.
“To achieve what 1% of the worlds population has (Financial Freedom), you must be willing to do what only 1% dare to do..hard work and perseverance of highest order.” ― Manoj Arora, From the Rat Race to Financial Freedom
Like in the past month, this month will have more expenses due to my upcoming vacation on September. In this budget, it includes my vacation treats for my family, vacation requirements and other more expenses that may incur due to that reason. As long as I can follow my budget, I won’t be able to compromise the rest of my plans. All I need to do this month is to stick to it and should not make any unnecessary expenses. Even though I will be having my vacation, I planned not to used all my money so that I can still have means to spend once I will be back to work. This will be the third time that I’ll be going on vacation and I wanted to manage it very well. I wanted to prove to everyone that it is not about how big your budget is but how you manage your resources to be able to balance everything. For me, I feel like it will be a challenging part, yet I feel motivated to prove that I can spend it very well rather than asking myself in the end where my money goes. It is common experience of the people I know and I want to break that stigma. This time I will prove them all wrong.
For this particular month, here’s the budget that I made and the financial priorities that I must do which I also stated on my Aug 2022 Financial Review:

Here’s the glimpse of my financial plan for the whole year which I also based my monthly budget plan!

“Don’t be too comfortable with employment; discover yourself and see what you can achieve for yourself” ― Sunday Adelaja
On the 2nd week of July, I successfully sent the budget for our next renovation. After that. I’d been checking the status if my parents found a carpenter that will do it. As of last week of July, they still didn’t found one due to the reason that most of them are occupied with different projects. Despite of that, we still have a constant effort to find one so we can start it as soon as possible. Now that the rainy season will now start, I’d been praying that we can hopefully start it so that we can secure an income. The other reason why I wanted to secure it as early as possible is that my brother will take an exam for him to get his new contract. Because of that, he needs to secure money for it which will range around P65,000.00. For me, having that house income will help them to assist him if ever that he will run out of money. It will also help my family to have an additional income so that they can manage their budget better than before.
Once this project finished, I will finally gain a passive income of P4,000.00 which can address my insurance payment which cost P25,000/ year and SSS insurance which cost P23,400/year. Other than that, I can also stop sending money for my family since they will have a monthly income of P8,000.00 consistently. I am happy before the year ends; I finally achieved my targets for myself which also provide an income for my family. I actually realized everything during the pandemic where I lost my job and experienced not having any income for six months. Now, my priority is to invest in different passive income which will serve as a financial security in times of challenges. Employment will only be temporary and it’s much better to invest on something that can provide consistent income.
“Real estate is an imperishable asset, ever increasing in value. It is the most solid security that human ingenuity has devised. It is the basis of all security and about the only indestructible security.”– Russell Sage, American Financier and Politician
This will be my third vacation so from my previous experience, I wanted to make sure that I will only buy the things which is necessary. Rather buying a lot of treats here in Qatar like what I used to do, I decided to just spend more in the Philippines. This is for the reason that it is more expensive to buy things here in Qatar and the only way for you to save money from buying something is when there’s sale. If I did it wrong before, I need to be practical this time. I wanted to make sure that I won’t regret something that I spent with. For this month, the only budget that I have for my vacation treats is 400 Qar which is around P6,000.00. I also made a list of items that I need to buy so that I can ensure that I won’t overspend. Since I will be buying less here, I just made a two budget for grocery which I can spend once I’ll be there.
As I age, I realized how I became more practical specially in handling my finances. Having a tracker of everything really pushed me to prioritized things and to set aside other which is unnecessary. I believe that there will be a perfect time for everything. I need to be very patient in my goals because that what I chose to focus on. I should not be affected of whatever things happening around me but rather use it as an inspiration to my life. I will get there very soon but once I reach that place, I will be happier because I know that I’m secured.
Due to the pandemic, there’s a lot of changes happened in terms of travelling. Now, health and safety protocols are imposed everywhere. Vaccine certificate is required, you should have a negative PCR result, you need to download different application and a lot more other things that you must do prior to your vacation. Unlike before wherein you only need a ticket, this time is entirely different. Actually, now is way better than before because quarantine is not required anymore for those who have completed their vaccine. This is very ideal because some of my colleagues spent almost 7 days in quarantined facilities. It became better now because they administered vaccination and only few ones are left to deal with. Since all the requirements are newly imposed, I took time to review everything so I can plan it ahead. As of last week of July, all I need to do is to request my contract, salary certificate, passport and schedule us for an appointment. Me and my partner already secured our ticket as well and assigned seat for both of us.
In this remaining days before my vacation, I need to make sure that everything will be ready so that I won’t feel stress anymore. Other than that, I also need to print out all of my plans so I can bring it at home and review it every now and then.

We all are given equal opportunities in life. Whatever position you are right now, you have the power to change it. It will not be base from your background, age and history because your eagerness will push you to make a change. For me, I’d been living in a set up wherein I give myself two years of work and there should be growth/change comes after that effort. By following that set up, it helped me to achieved all the things that I have right now. It also helped me not to be on my comfort zone because it reminds me to move forward and seek for growth. Within this almost two years in my current company, I successfully made a passive income investment and at the same time strengthen my insurance payment. I believe that my eagerness for growth is all because of that set up that I implemented as soon as I graduate. I know that time continuous passing by so fast, and I don’t want to look back on my past wherein I never did anything for my growth. Rather than to live with regrets, I will choose to work on something that I will be proud of for the rest of my life. This will be the kind of mindset that I’ll bring wherever I will be.
I want to have a kind of life story with full of adventures so I can share all of my experiences to the rest. By making the impossible possible, I believe that It will inspire others to go beyond of what they’re expecting to be in life. The world is round and so are life will sure experience being on top and in below. We all need to be courageous enough to make risk, because after all, we all seek for freedom and happiness.
“Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.”- Proverbs 3:56
After doing everything last month, I need to secure all the documents on my email for back up and security purposes. Since I will be going on vacation, I need to secure everything in this month including the rest of my files like blog, plans, trackers and many more. In terms of career, the files that I need to secure first are the following:
- CV/Resume
- Cover Letter
- Certificates
Everything is all set and all I have to do is to apply as soon as I reach home from vacation. After this, I need to prepare myself on my interview so I need to ready my outfits as well. Gladly, the price of clothes on our country is way cheaper than here so I just decided to buy it there. I can buy from thrift shop, online shops and many more other options. I actually wanted to change my wardrobe once I come home. I want to have like a Korean style and more on pastel color layouts like what I see from most influencers. Because of that, I need to take home a lot of my clothes so that I can finally change my wardrobe. Back to these documents, I will be sending it in my own email and save it on my laptop. Once done, I will be rest assured that all of my files are safe just in case there will be shifting of kitchen that will happen once I’m on vacation.
Before the month of July ends, I successfully made a list of companies that I wanted to be part with. Together with the target month of application, all of it are set and just requires few revisions and update. In this month, I need to finalize everything and add more job opportunities that I can applied so that there will be more chances. As of now I have a total of 14 company listed together with the schedule of application. For this month, I need to add at least 20 company or more. I need to be very careful on this since I need to look on a credible and secured one not only considering the salary package of it. I need to assess and review it one by one so that I will not end up with regrets. I am very dedicated now to look for opportunities for the reason that I also reached two years in the company. Growth is very important for me and with this young age that I have right now, I believe that there will be more better opportunities for me. This is not the right time for me to be on my comfort zone. I need to take chances and strive hard since I have big goals.
“Mediocrity will never do. You are capable of something better.” ― Gordon B. Hinckley
Some may ask me why I keep pushing myself to be better even though I’m already on a better position in life. I’d been living in a mantra of “Never settle for less”, as long as I believe that I can do it, no one can stop me. I prefer trying rather than doing nothing at all. I will never know what I am capable for if I will settle for mediocrity. I want more and will always want more.
Now that all of my requirements for application is all set, I need to strengthen my connections in order to know more opportunities suitable for me. For now, my target company are under government since there’s a security and at the same time the benefits are better than the private one. All of these plans will still be change not unless I will be promoted or have an increase. I just hope that before the year ends, I will have a clear view of what company I’ll be and the same time the one that I can work with until I retired. As long as I build connections, my choices will also increase. I can also have a chance to have feedbacks from the people working there and at the same time have an insight of their working environment or benefits. I wanted to be very eager this time because I am confident on my experiences, background and capability. I know that I can be more than just a kitchen admin so with the proper approach in that opportunity, I believe that I can find what’s suitable for me.
Building professional connections for me is a way to strengthen my communication skills. It is my chance to promote myself and at the same time gain a broader understanding about the industry. Linked In plays a big role on shaping my career. As soon as I started it last 2016, I’d been receiving a lot of offers and job opportunities. Not only I am benefited from it, but also by my friend and the people around me. In that platform, we are given a chance to reach out direct to the professional in the field which gives us a high chance of being accepted. I’d seen how many people grow from that platform and I wanted to make use of that opportunity.

Finally, I can upload our Katara vlog this month. After a lot of months of delay, I find a way to edit and upload it. Now we have a total of four travel vlogs here in Qatar. I planned to make more vlogs once I reached home since there will be more opportunities to travel back home. In terms of followers, our account has a total of 50 subscribers as of last week of July. As soon as we have time to do so, we will lowly incorporate more vlogs about travelling, daily life, Mukbang and not only focusing on cinematic travel. I’m actually very excited with all these ideas I have in mind. One thing for sure is that we will slowly work on it in the future.
As of now here are status of my vlogs which you can also check on our YouTube account:
- CINEMATIC 4K | EXPLORE QATAR: Msheireb Downtown Doha –January
- CINEMATIC 4K | EXPLORE QATAR: Aspire Park –January
- CINEMATIC 4K | EXPLORE QATAR: Souq Waqif –February
- CINEMATIC 4K | EXPLORE QATAR: Katara Cultural Village- August
You can check out the uploaded travel vlog in our YouTube Channel below:
Being active in social media and at the same time a full-time employee is a really challenging task to do so. I really admire those influencers who can do everything together without delays. Since I’m also doing a blog, it is quite hard for me to make time for each of it. Despite of that, I still find a way in the end of the day to keep all of it updated. Hopefully in the future, I can be a fulltime influencers so that I can just focus on it.
Who would’ve known that within five months, my account will gain almost ten times engagements, audience and followers? I only look forward for at least 500 followers increase but little did I know that something will happen afterwards. With this experience, I realized that consistent effort will always be truly granted in the end. Without starting the quality content since before, I will for sure not achieve this progress. I am grateful and yet thrilled to use this platform that I have right now. I need to be very careful in anything that I post because it may affect anyone negatively. Now, my focus will be on self-care, travel, recommendations, food and only positive things. There will be no room for negativity, and only good vibes should be shared in this platform. Other than that, I will slowly work on investing quality camera which will help me to enhance my post like what most digital creators do. This will be possible once I have the budget to do so. I will surely make it happen by next year so now, I need to look for a budget yet quality proven camera that will be suitable for me.
Once I reached a minimum of 10,000 followers, I will start to reach out to different opportunities online which will help me to maximize my platform and at the same time earn from it. I’d seen few Asian digital creators in Qatar and I want to use that opportunity to make way for my account to enter that industry. As of now, I am learning what most creators do on their account so I can use it as a reference. One thing that I also need to prepare is the budget to hang out since most of them reviews different new offers across Qatar. I’d seen a lot of digital creators in Dubai and I want to have the same quality post that they have. I know that I still need to learn a lot of things and for now, I just need to keep doing what I started.
In this coming month, my target is to reached at least 9500 followers and make more quality reels.
Here below are my current updates in my Instagram account.
On the last week of July, I started making reels on my partner’s account. Since it is easier to gain engagements there, I want to try that opportunity so that his post can be featured in explore page. I know that it requires a constant effort to be able to achieve engagements like what happened in my account. What important for me is that his account is progressing little by little. For now, I need to focus more on making quality content and set aside the target followers. Rather than being problematic about achieving followers, I think that it is easier for me to just focus first on building his page. By doing that it will attract audience, engagements and followers.
His current followers right now is 896 and my target is to increase his engagement by means of doing reels.
WORDPRESS: 6-7 BLOGS/ Prepare September Blogs
For this month, I need to double my efforts by working on in advance so I can prepare myself on the month of September and October. Since I will be out for one month, I need to plan ahead on thing that I can do so that as soon I reached home, I won’t feel pressure to publish my blogs. Before the months ends, I will be sharing my plans and see a way if I can still publish some blogs for that month. Other than that, I will also continue to make a calendar schedule for my blogs so I can be reminded of the tasks that I still need to work on. For this month, I need to publish a total of six blogs and plan ahead my blogs on the month of September. Here below are my blogs for this month:
- July 2022 Goals Review – Life Journey
- August 2022 Goals– Life Journey
- I Will Decide my own Future– Unspoken Poetry
- Vacation Plan 2022– Live to Inspire
- July & August Workout Progress– Life Journey
- August 2022 Financial Review– Life Journey
In terms of marketing my blogs, I will be sharing it on my other social media platforms so I can increase my engagements. Here below are the specific things that I’ll be doing:
- 6-7 Blogs
- Share it in Instagram post & Stories
- Published it in Facebook – PRIORITY!
- Share it in Pinterest CONSISTENTLY PRIORITY!
- Share some in LinkedIn (Live to Inspire)
Since I rarely hangout now, I seldomly post travel videos anymore. Because of that, I learned to make use of my everyday activities and make a quality post out of it. That’s how I learned to make daily vlogs & workout vlogs, but little did I know is it will gain audience which helped to increase my followers at the end of the month. Now I’m inspired to make more daily vlogs about my life and slowly incorporate activities such as cooking, yoga, workout, journal writing, day to day activities and many more. To be able to come up with quality content, I will also look for an idea in Instagram reels which I can also do on my tiktok account. Once I’ll be having my vacation, I will surely have more videos to upload here at the same time on my Instagram. Just by thinking of it really makes me excited. I hope that my vacation will be filled with a lot of memories which I can shoot and store as my digital memories.
For this month, my specific goal is to make quality content by doing daily vlogs.
@leapearl_14 How I end my day? 🏋️ #fyp #vlog #workout #tiktokqatar
♬ Power – Little Mix
@leapearl_14 Kust trying to be the best version of myself every single day💙 #fypシ #tiktokqatar
♬ Paro – Nej’