This month of August has been a very meaningful month for me. I was able to set another goal, plan a lot of things and experience memorable moments with the best people around me. Since we were also allowed to go out, this also helped me in pursuing my travel goals for this year.
As of this month, I’m very proud that I still stick to my routines and plans that helped me to be productive every single day. I was able to accomplish my workout routines, meal plans and daily schedules easily since I’d been very consistent on this since before.
I never been so productive like this since before, and I feel so proud that somehow, I was able to do it in this year. I learned the importance of taking care of oneself and put it as a priority. I also feel so happy that I somehow influence the people around me to the same as well. Now, some of them started to have their workout routines and healthy diet meal plan.
Isn’t amazing?
As I continue to achieve my plans and goals in life, this blog will give you the glimpse of my progress and the status of it. This will be my means to share to you what I’d been feeling throughout his journey and hopefully will inspire you to do the same.
Financial Goals
My 2021 Financial Goals

For the month of August, mostly I spent my expense budget for my personal needs. I’d spent it specifically on my travels and groceries which results to overbudget. Regardless of spending more than what I planned; I will try to adjust my budget for next month so I can make sure that I’ll be able to save more.
Here’s the illustration below on where my money goes in this month:

Investment/Insurance Fund- SUCCESS!
One thing that I also need to settle for this year is my SSS premiums. I planned to settle a one-year payment so that I can be at ease on worrying about due dates and stuffs. Thankfully I downloaded the SSS applications which help to see my current premiums and update my payments. All I need to do is to pay it until December 2021 so I can start to be consistent for next year.
Looking back in the year that I just started, I can’t help but feel happy that I somehow made a progress in this goal. Those days of worrying about my future slowly vanished as I see what I achieved today. It may take few more years to complete everything I have right now, I’ll see to it that I won’t give up on this.
As of now, here’s the current status of my long-term savings funds:

Last month, I made a detailed plan of my business goal which is House Rental. From the amounts needed, designs and target dates, all are now complete and waiting for it to be accomplished. Excitement will be understatement of what I feel right now. It may not yet happen but my will to make it in reality is present within me. It will be a long process for sure and all I can say is that the journey will all be worth it in the end.
It was last month when I mentioned that I need to save up again since I used mostly my emergency fund due to my family needs. For this month, I’m glad that I successfully save some to fill up this fund again. All I need to do is to stick on my budget and make sure that I won’t spend huge amount for unnecessary things.

August Saving & Expenses Summary
As of now, the amount in my local bank account is mostly my business fund. Since this month I started to save for my emergency fund, I will probably finish building it this year and hopefully can save more for my own.

In this table you can see the summary of amounts I save and spent for the month of July. As of this month, I can say that my savings are all doing well and my emergency fund helped me to make it possible.
Personal Goals
In this month, I’d been very consistent in doing my ideal routine so that I can make sure that I managed my time well. From taking care of myself, doing online trainings, following my workout and low-calorie diet, all are still in their right track. As I see to it that I’ll be more productive this year, I always plan my days and make a priority list of important thig that I must do. This helps me to finish all my task and have more time for myself.

To give you a summary of the things I wanted to prioritize in this month, here are some illustrations that you can simply do as well and incorporate in your daily routine.

Now let’s go back to my personal goals progress.
Diploma in Operations Management -On Process!
As of August 2021, I’d officially finished four training and one diploma certifications! Isn’t it amazing? The list of the training are stated below:
- Food Safety and Hygiene in the Catering Industry
- Hospitality Management – Health and Safety in Food Service – Revised
- ISO 22000:2018 – Elements of Food Safety Management System (FSMS)
- Diploma in Events Management
- Micros Opera- Reservation
As of now, I’m currently working on Diploma in Operations Management. I think that this will be very ideal for me especially that I’m rooting to a managerial role in the future. Hopefully, I’ll be able to finish it next month so that I can add it officially on my resume.
My current progress now is stated below:
- MODULE 1: Introduction to Operations Management DONE!
- MODULE 2: Operations Management and Decision Making DONE!
- MODULE 3: Managing Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) DONE!
Workout Plan Progress -SUCCESS!
For this month of August, I started to do light cardio exercise accompanied by walking since I already reached my target weight. Since I just wanted to maintain my current weight right now, I don’t want to overdo everything and just keep things consistently.
To give you a glimpse of what I did this August, here’s the workout plan that I did six times a week.

Now for this month of September, I planned to focus on cardio, yoga, walking and stretching alternately.
1st Workout Plan (Hard Exercise)
20-30 Min HIIT/Cardio Exercise
10 Min Cool Down
2nd Workout Plan (Soft Exercise)
By doing workout consistently, I became more confident in myself. I found an outlet of stress and increase my self-esteem. Now I believe that doing something consistently for six months will give you big progress, but you just need to be disciplined enough to stick to your plan.
I also feel happy since when I started uploading my workout journey in my social media accounts, I noticed that some of my friends started to do their own home workouts as well. I feel so proud and happy for them that they found an inspiration to do something for their selves. I will continue to inspire more and motivate people around me to make their goals possible.
Meal Plan Progress -SUCCESS!
In this month, my sister introduced me the low-calorie diet meal plan. It was last week of July when I tried it, and now, I’d been consistent in keeping tabs of whatever I eat. It was really hard at first knowing I should not exceed the required daily calorie counts, but as I continue doing it, my body got used to it and I can see my own progress physically.
This helps me a lot in controlling my eating habits. I can also see how I divert myself in eating more healthy foods rather than what I used to prefer which are oily and greasy foods.
Together with my work out and this meal plan, I can clearly see the changes that my body undergoes. I feel so light and healthy at the same time.
Below is my meal plan for the first four months:
- 16/8 Intermittent Fasting – 10am to 6pm (Eating Period)
- First Meal- One type of fruit, Boiled Egg (Only Egg Whites) and Laban
- Second Meal (Lunch)- Coffee, two pieces breads and, Boiled Egg (Only Egg Whites)
- Third Meal (Dinner)- 3 Tbsp rice and Vegetable Dish
- Friday- Cheat Day
Below is my updated meal plan in this coming month:
Recommended Daily Intake
- Breakfast (9:00)- Boiled Egg/Fruits
- Lunch (12:00)- Coffee, One Piece bread
- Snack (15:00)- Banana
- Dinner (before 19:00)- I cup rice and Vegetable /Meat Dish
- Friday- Cheat Day
Daily Average Intake: 788 KCAL
Since I reached my target weight already, I just wanted to maintain it and focus on developing my muscles. I’ll keep a record of my measurements as I do arm and hip dips workout this month so I’ll be able to know if it’s effective enough.
Explore Qatar 2021 -SUCCESS!
One thing that made this month very especial is when me and my boyfriend finally met. We spend our time taking photos and video in one of the best places in Qatar which is Msheireb Downtown Doha. Since we are not yet that professional photographer like others, we spend most of our time taking pictures and shooting videos just to meet what we want. In the end my boyfriend planned to go back again the place and shoot more videos of the scenery.
I’ll be posting in this blog next month our experience in this place together with the pictures we took.

Social Media Insights

All my social media accounts are doing great in this month. From the blog updates which I finished halfway of the month, the updates in my Pinterest accounts, and the positive response of my photo update on my Facebook, all contributes to all of my social media engagements. As I became more active in social media platforms, I somehow feel more confident in expressing myself and at the same time share things that I used to feel skeptical to do so. I learned to be genuinely true to what I share and not to feel ashamed of my flaws.
One thing also that made me feel more inspired in this month is when me and my boyfriend decided to have our own Facebook Page and Youtube account where we can share our travel journey and stories here in Qatar. It will serve us like our memories while we are working away from our home. It was just like a sudden idea that came up to us and now we’re on the process of making it happen.
Now to give you a glimpse of my social media activities, here are the updates of each:
WordPress Insights
For the month of August, I succeeded on posting a total of seven blogs which reached my monthly target. Since I also started doing illustrations for my blogs, it helps me to boost up its views by means of linking it to my Pinterest account. The blogs I made this month are the following:
- July Goals Review- Life Journey
- Played by Destiny- Unspoken Poetry
- Simple Self Care Ideas at Home- Live to Inspire
- LOCKDOWN DIARIES: Things I did & Realized- Life Journey
- For you, I will– Unspoken Poetry
- HEALTHY MEAL: Breakfast Muesli– Cravings Satisfied
- Things you need to do in your 30’s- Live to Inspire
This month as well I continued my home-made recipes blog. I planned to focus on healthy meal options for those people who are in diet like me. Since I also have plan on starting a travel blog, it requires me a lot of effort to blog everything at the same time. I just hope that I can cope up and still be active regardless of the challenges that I’ll face in this.
Instagram Insights
As of now, I need to be more active in posting update in this social media account. Since I also find it hard to make time for editing and stuffs, I need to double my effort to make it happen. The updates I did for this month are the following:

As of Aug 28, the total content interactions is 384 with a total 10 increase of followers. All I need to to is to stick on my planned number of updates and focus on content engagements so I can increase my followers.
You can check my posts and reels by clicking this link <leapearl_14>.
Facebook Insights
My Facebook account has been one of my platforms in sharing my blogs. By doing that I was able to gain readers and extend my network. For this month, I can see that I’m losing followers. Since I just started posting photo update, I know it will take time for me to have more interactions out of that. Since I’m still halfway of this month, I planned to share more photo updates to increase engagements.
As of August 18, the total followers I have is 1194 with three uploaded posts from my blog and one photo update.
Last month when I planned to have my own Facebook page which is a link to my blog, but now since me and my boyfriend decided to cooperate in doing a vlog, we agreed on having our own Facebook page where we can share our vlogs and travel stories. I will also publish my blogs in that page together with the illustration I made. I still have time to prepare for it so I hope that it will be successful.
Pinterest Insights
It was last month when I decided to have new account in my Pinterest, but within that period I hit 1000 monthly viewers! It was really unexpected and because of that I feel more motivated to share updates in this account. Although I find it hard to edit pictures and at the same time update my blog, I pray that I’ll be able to cope up with it so I’ll be consistent. Especially now that we’re planning to have YouTube vlogs, it will be a very busy yet productive period for me.
You can check my Pinterest account here <Lea Pearl Manongdo>
YouTube Channel Update
Finally! After a long discussion and sharing of opinions, we decided to have our own travel vlog! Since my partner already bought action camera, gimbal, tripod and stuffs we come up in making travel videos in any places that we go. We planned to practice first in our first stop which is Musherib Downtown Doha and take note of better things that we can add.
I’ll be updating in this blog the updates and status until we officially publish videos from it. Although it will be a plus points that it will hit viewers, we see this opportunity to discover beautiful places within Qatar and have an unforgettable memory with each other.
Who knows? Let’s see what happen next!