Goodbye April!

It’s another successful and memorable month for me. This month has been filled with challenges, memories and experiences that gave me inspiration to continue the path that I’d chosen. During this period, I can feel how I became more mature in handling things even if it will negatively affect me. I learned to trust His plans for me rather than resisting on things that I can’t control. That’s how I found peace in my heart, and upon doing that, I can see how’s my perspective changed right away. I realized that we have limited to do something that we love. We can not see our own future, but to use our present life efficiently is the best way to avoid regrets. I just don’t to waste any single time doing unworthy things. For me, I want to live like I will die tomorrow.
“If you let Him control your life, you will gain peace in your heart.” – Lea Pearl
In this fourth month of the year, I keep discovering more of myself. Every single month counts a lot of progress in all aspects of my life. Have you ever found joy even though you’re alone? That’s what I found this year and it really amaze how I was able to focus on things that I enjoy even I’m alone. I realized that there’s a lot of way to be happy on your own, and for me, I already found it. I know that I’m still in the long process of developing myself, but as I can see the changes around me, all I can say is that it was really worth of every sacrifices. Doing this blog, reminds me of how I started and now it helps me to be focus on the targets that I set for myself.
Even though the future is still not clear for me, I believe that whatever I do now will reflect to my life in the right time. Every mistake and failure count as an experience that will help me to be stronger. During this period, I need to continuously assess myself and don’t let my efforts be put into waste. For me to be able to reach all of my goals this year, I really need to make sure that I’m gaining progress every single month. Now that I have remaining eight more months to work on the rest of my goals, I’ll make it sure that I’ll be consistent on what I’d started.
“Impossible is just a word thrown around by small men who find it easier to live in the world they’ve been given than to explore the power they have to change it. Impossible is not a fact. It’s an opinion. Impossible is potential. Impossible is temporary. Impossible is nothing.” – Muhammad Ali
What a wonderful month indeed. I hope that in the future when I look back in this particular month, it will give me happiness and pride for my progress. I wanted to feel that kind of nostalgia every time I look back on what I did in the past. Rather than regrets, I hope that I’ll be proud of my old self. These blogs about my goals will be with me throughout this journey. This will be my life story that I will forever be grateful for.
“In making goals, assessment and feedback will greatly help you in motivating yourself more.” – Lea Pearl
Before assessing everything, let’s make a review on things that I planned for the month of April by checking out my previous blog about it:
Now that you have an idea on what this blog will be all about, let’s now check my progress and accomplishments for the month of April!

In this month of April, I succeeded all the plans that I set for myself. After allocating more time for my growth, I develop a lot of things involving myself. I gained a lot of realizations, I became more inspired, and I feel more dedicated to pursue more. Truly that investing in yourself is the initial part in making your life change. From character development, fixing bad habits, indulging in productive activities, all makes it up for you change your own self. Regardless of the age, time, place or whatever it is, the only way for you to change something is if you are willing to work for it. Acceptance of yourself (both negative and positive), and making efforts to change something that you can, is the initial part for you to really make a change.
“See challenges as an opportunity to grow. It shouldn’t be taken as something that will inhibit you to achieve your goals.” – Lea Pearl
For the month of April, these are the three things that I set for myself. It comprises with things I need to work on for my own self, places I need to go and lastly the workout routine I’ll be focusing on. Now, let’s see its status and check if I achieved it.
In this month, I successfully achieved this habit that I’d been worried for so long. I was able to conclude that when I encountered a situation that really tested my confidence. This happened when someone told ill things about me. I was expecting that I will feel bad about it but I was amaze that I took that situation professionally. I didn’t feel any negative things about it and approach it constructively. That’s when the time I realized that I finally found peace in my heart. Mind and soul. I didn’t let that situation bring me down and use it as a motivation to be better.
Finally, after so many attempts I successfully become the person that I’d been admiring to be for so long. Here I realized that indeed challenger will test your beliefs but it will teach you great things that can change your life. I know that I have a lot of things to work on for myself, but overcoming this bad habit became a big stepping stone for me to fix things that I need to do for myself.

In this month, me and my partner successfully celebrate his birthday with a staycation and buffet date. This day is very memorable not only because we celebrated his birthday but also, we had a chance to talked a lot about our future together. We’d been together for three years and four months, during those time I really feel secured and confident about him. I can see how he’ll be a great person since the time we started our careers. We met when we are just a newbie in the industry, as we spend time together, our careers grow at the same time. Now, I’m grateful that we’re both one step away from supervisory role that we’d been aiming.
This special day reminds me on how we started. Literally “we started at the bottom and now we’re here”! I know that we still have long way to go, there’s a lot of challenges along the way, but regardless of that, both of us will choose to stay.

Cheers to more growth and adventures!
One of the great things that happened in this month is when I became consistent in doing my workout. Compare to the other months where laziness consumes me, this month I made it sure that I’ll do it five times a week. I really pushed myself because I wanted to develop a habit wherein, I can allocate a certain time of the day solely for myself. Since I have more time this month, I wanted to pushed myself in developing myself to choose to be productive rather than wasting it in unnecessary things. This is only the first step and I’ll make it sure that next month, I will continue this habit.
You can check below my workout progress for the month of March and April:
“Continue to challenge yourself, that’s the only way to break your limits!”– Lea Pearl

In my blog April Financial Review, I shared my plans and status of my finances. There you will find all the details about my finances in that particular month. To sum up everything, I achieved all the things that I planned for the month and at the same time made up a new budget plan for the next month. Since I did good in this month, I only have few adjustments for the next budget that I’ll follow. Looking back in these four months of doing financial review, I can see how I progress compare to I was before. I became more dedicated to set goals and achieve it. As long as I will continue what I started, 2022 will surely become one of the best years of my life.
Here below are the progress and status of my finances as of April:
- [SECURED] 1st Insurance. Long term savings intended for emergency and health concerns situation. Will be settled on May.
- [ON-GOING] 2nd Insurance + Investment. Long term savings fund intended for business and kid’s insurance. Will be settled on June.
- [SECURED] SSS. Long term savings fund intended for retirement purposes. Will be settled on May.
- [ACHIEVED] 1st House Rental. Tenants secured!
- [ON PROCESS] 2ND House Rental. Intended for additional income stream.
“A budget is telling your money where to go instead of wondering where it went.”– Dave Ramsey
Now, here’s the status of my targets for the month of April!
I am so happy that I was able to follow the allotted amount that I planned for my savings and expenses. Even though I only have limited hang outs this month, I was still able to enjoy it since I know that I achieved my target savings. At the end of the month, I was still able to hangout so I think it’s ok. On my blog, April Financial Review, you can simply check there my progress and at the same time the tracker of my savings and expenses.
“The habit of saving is itself an education; it fosters every virtue, teaches self-denial, cultivates the sense of order, trains to forethought, and so broadens the mind.” – T.T. Munger
In this month, I successfully collected again the 2nd debt payment. After receiving it, I deposited it in my other account so that it will be ready for transfer in the mid of May. It took me time to divide and plan my budget for the next month since I wanted to make sure that I’ll address all of my obligations and at the same time allocate an amount for my leisure. Together with my partner, I was able to deposit it in two of my accounts, one is for savings and the other one is for transfer purposes.
I have two more months to collect the rest of the payments until it finished. After that, I can manage my money well for the rest of the months and address all the pending stuffs that I currently have.
Finally, an answered prayer!
We’d been waiting for so long to look for a right tenant. Although there’s a lot of queries about the place, we really find it hard to find one since we are considering a lot of things such as the number of people who will stay, capability to pay, and of course the way they approach us. After reposting, we’re all in the verge of giving up until there’s one couple who approach us about it. The day that they checked the house is the same day that they paid the down payment. As per them, they don’t want to lose the opportunity. After they got the house, we still received a lot of queries about its availability. We feel so overwhelm about it and that makes me more inspired to continue investing in real estate.
These coming three months is my time to save up for my next project this year. Together with dedication to reach all of my goals this year, I know that I can achieve it. Few more sacrifices and everything will all be worth it.

Even though I still didn’t get the things that I’m expecting for, I keep this positive outlook in life because I learned to trust Him. Not all the things can go according to what I wish, so rather than focusing on things that I can’t control, I will just continue to do my best and choose learning and growth above anything else. I believe, in time there will be someone that will appreciate all of my efforts. Rather than looking down on me, he/she will enlighten me to do my best and push me beyond my limits. I know that this period is the way how God prepares me in the blessing that I’m about to receive from him.
The month of April is all about how I choose to build my foundation in the career journey that I choose. I will continue to develop myself for the better in order to ready myself in the great gift that awaits me.
“Commit your work to the Lord, and your plans will be established. “- Proverbs 16:3“
In this month, I decided to reschedule my applications since I planned to go on vacation. After I use my vacation ticket and didn’t get the appreciation that I need, I can start applying again in different properties here in Qatar. After I received responses from other properties I applied for, I never received any response anymore from the rest. Despite of that, I don’t feel bad about it since I know that there will be something that is meant for me. I just need to patiently wait for it while doing my best at the same time. Meanwhile, here’s the current progress of my applications:
- Waldorf Astoria (Rejected)
- Banana Island Anantara (On Process)
- Marriott Canada (Rejected)
- Accor Canada (Rejected)
- Fairmont Qatar (Response Pending)
- Aman Switzerland (Response Pending)
- Qatar Airways (Response Pending)
- The Chedi Hotel, Katara (Response Pending)
“Then Jesus declared, ‘I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never go hungry, and whoever believes in me will never be thirsty.'”- John 6:35
The Good News: Jesus tells that by dedicating yourself to Him, he will provide for you. Your spiritual needs will be fulfilled, as will some of your other tangible needs.
Since I allotted an hour this month to make this goal possible, I successfully achieved one certification and now started a Diploma Course about food safety! I was really happy doing this because I feel like I’m in college again. Every single time I do online training, I always feel excited in every knowledge that I can gain just by doing it. I can see how I became well-disciplined in handling my time and allocate it in something that is more efficient. Rather than spending it in something that will not benefit me, I found a way for me to discover new things.
To give you a glimpse of the trainings I did here below are the status of it which you can find in Alison Free Online Learning website:
- Human Resources in the Food Service and Hospitality Sector-DONE
- Diploma in Food Industry Roles and Responsibilities – ON GOING
Now that I have limited time in this month of May, I need to managed well my days in order to be consistent on this. After I finish this Diploma, I will officially achieve one of my career goals!
In this particular month, my planned for myself is to be the one that their need. After doing my task and job properly, I am confident that I can be that person that the team’s need. After all, I contributed a lot since the day I started and up until this time. From enhancing our operation, doing forms that are now in use, making the most updated site location in terms of staffs concern and many more other things, I know that someone out there acknowledge it. All I need to do is to keep doing it consistently and set expectations for myself. In this month I realized that the only way for me to live happily is to everything with a genuine heart and less expectations from others.
I know that in time, I will be in the place where I am dreaming of. I just need to continue doing great while inspiring others at the same time.
“As water reflects the face, so one’s life reflects the heart.” – Proverbs 27:19
The Good News: Your life is a reflection of the ideals and faith you hold in your heart. The areas where you spend time and energy reveal what’s really important to you..

One thing that is still on process this month is our 4th travel vlog in Katara. Since I failed to take all videos that we shoot due to lack of phone storage, I decided to just work on it on the month of May. Another challenge is the selection of music that we subscribe but failed to work on after we received a temporary pause of its usage. That’s the other thing that we also need to work on in this coming month to be able to start updating our vlogs again.
Here’s the current status and progress of our vlogs:
- CINEMATIC 4K | EXPLORE QATAR: Msheireb Downtown Doha –January
- CINEMATIC 4K | EXPLORE QATAR: Aspire Park –January
- CINEMATIC 4K | EXPLORE QATAR: Souq Waqif –February
- CINEMATIC 4K | EXPLORE QATAR: Katara Cultural Village- May
After one of my posts received a lot of engagements last March, my Instagram account received a lot of engagements after that. My followers, comments, viewers and likes increased and each of my post received a minimum of 150 likes! Now that I learned how the social media works, I took that opportunity to upload quality post in order to keep the engagements going. For me to track its progress, I made a weekly update of my follower’s count. Here, I was able to know my monthly increase of followers and at the same time the average weekly follows in my account. The things that I concluded upon doing this assessment are:
- Using of hashtags can increase engagements.
- Once your post went viral, you need to be consistent in uploading so that the engagements will keep going.
- Adding the location of your Instagram post can make a big difference as well.
- The more comments your post will have, the more it will increase its engagements.
- Investing in quality updates and at the same time captions can also help in letting your followers stay.
With these conclusions above, I have a lot of things in mind that I wanted to do for this social media account. To give you a glimpse of my current progress, here’s the overall engagements that I gained this month of April.

Here below are my current updates in my Instagram account.
Even though I only have limited time this month due to the 5 hours duty that we have, I am happy that I was still able to complete the total blogs I need to published. Although around the end of the month, I was rushing to make the blogs I need to publish in the first week of May, in the end I was still able to make it. To give you a quick recap of the blogs I published in the whole month of April, you can check it below:
Here below are the things that I strictly need to do in this month. For me to ensure that I’ll make it happen, I assigned a day for me to achieved all of those. I will mark it in my journal, so that I can be reminded by it.
Making blogs has been part of my life since I was a kid, it all started in a Journal and then I decided to published everything I made last 2019. For me, this is my way to express myself especially I don’t have that big circle of friends that I can share with. This blog livingherownlife, became my digital friend that allows me to share everything that I wanted to say. Just by doing this, I always feel relax and at peace. For me, this is also my means to make memories that I can always look back in the future. This tells my story that I can share to the rest as a way to inspire and motivate them in their goals.
Another successful blogging happened in this month again. Now I will continue the rest of my journey in these coming months. Keep reading gorgeous!
Even though I experienced a sudden drop of followers in my Tiktok account, I was still able to reach this goal at the end of this month. After I uploaded all of the videos I reserved, I ended up doing an image slideshow (I learned from reels) and thankfully it gained viewers. Now, that I have plans to go out on May, I planned to make more videos that I can upload here. Together with the slideshows that I learned in reels, I hope that this coming month there will be more engagements in this account. I am also thinking to go back in making dance videos but I’m still skeptical about it. Maybe if I’ll be able to change my accommodation then I can consider making dance covers again. Let’s just see what will happen this month!
Now here are some of the Tiktok videos that I uploaded in the month of April.