There’s no such thing as endless because eventually everything will end. The time you spend in your work, the people you meet, the career that you’re busy to deal with and the moments with your love ones, all are only in definite time. It’s a matter of choices which you’ll prioritize to do, and people failed to choose the right one.
I failed, big time. I’m too busy to chase my dreams without thinking what I left while doing it. The wasted time I’d spent looking for something that the society wants to put us into, are all coming down from me hitting my heart directly. I keep asking what happiness truly means, and I thought I found it by chasing my dreams. But it was all wrong. It was the society that I wanted to fit in that push me to be who I am. It shouldn’t be like this. Never be like this.
Now, people are dying and I forgot them while chasing my dreams. It was them who really makes me happy. They define the true happiness that I’d been looking for so long. I’m selfish in a way I deal with my own goal and not considering anyone else.
WE FAILED. Now I realized that position, status and career will not do anything to help you in the end. The time you’d spent building yourself are the wasted time that you should had spent with the people that really makes you happy.
Everyone are dying but people are still busy securing their job. You can feel their cries but people are busy to keep their own self safe. I can’t imagine the feeling of those families who lost their love ones while they’re shouting for help. I can’t take it.
Now people should use their profession to help the one who are in needs. Let’s just stop doing it just because it’s our job but because we really care. If we can only make them feel that we are here, that we are one in this fight. No position and status will divide us now. WE ARE ONE.