There are moments that I questioned all the negative things going on around me.
I just feel like it is unfair that I keep doing my best but results seems to go away from me.
I tried to be patient but my insecurity slowly grows as well.
And in the end, I keep thinking that another failure will come even no one tell.
When everyone keeps moving forward, I think about when it will be my turn.
Or there is really nothing to expect and just settle on what I learned.
Maybe it is not yet the right time and there will be something more worth of the wait.
Something that is beyond my expectation and will eventually change my fate.
As I plan my day and stick to be consistent regardless of what will happen.
I learned to keep moving forward and not to think of the end.
Until I realized that I’m actually doing great as I become stronger day by day.
And when I looked back, I eventually saw my progress even along my way.
I started to see the beauty every single day and became more inspired to do my best.
Because I know that it is another opportunity for me to go after on every life’s test.
It is a way for me to grow and be someone that I’d been aiming to be.
A version of myself that can inspire others to be the person that they want to see.
Once you put your effort and heart on something that you really want to achieve,
All of the hardships you’ll be going through will surely be bless with something far from what you imagined.
Something that God prepared for you when you are in that period of doubting his plans,
A beautiful gift that will change your life and will tell you that “You can.”.
I chose not to stop despite of a lot of “NO” that I received.
I realized that it is a redirection of something bigger that will affect on how I live.
Trusting my destiny while working on my inner self will be the best thing I can do,
In order for me to fulfill my part towards the goals that I’d been wanting too.
The truth is we are the one who can only limit ourselves no one else.
No one can dictate us what to do because we own this life regardless of any test.
We should learn to keep moving forward and use every failure as a learning ground,
For us to be competent enough to handle challenges that will be present around.
Going beyond is taking a risk on something that we are not sure of winning.
But all I can say it is a win win situation whatever results we’ll gain after risking.
It is a wonderful journey that we will surely learn a lot from all the experiences,
Something that will eventually change our existence.