A Letter to my Future Self 

Dear Lea Pearl,

If you’re reading this and you were able to reach your goals in life, I wanted to congratulate you. This is me Lea Pearl a version of yourself in the year 2020. There are a lot of things I wanted to tell you, shall we talk about it now? Perhaps this is the right time.

This year I know that you had experienced a lot of things. From bad to good, changes from positive to negative, and a lot more things that made you questioned yourself,

“Am I doing the right thing?”

“When will I be able to reach my goals?”

“Shall I just give up the fight and runaway?”

You’d seen a lot of people reach their dreams while you feel you’re still on the same page striving to do your best. People passed by on you as they continue with their daily lives but you’re on the same room asking when you’ll be able to start again.

Six months of waiting and anxiety, that’s what consumed you this whole year.

When you thought that you’re on the right track since people around you start to believe and trust you, then one day it will just end with “I’m sorry but we don’t have any choice.” you started to asked yourself “WHY?”

You started the year with hopes and expectation that it will be better, but God gave you a sudden turned of events that challenged your faith.

Do you remember how you ended up crying all night when you realized what you’d done in the course of reaching your goals? You cried your heart out. It was when you realized that within those time, you forget about Him. Him who was there with you when you’re just starting, when you’re just praying, when you have nothing.

You started to realized how your prayers became like a repeat song wherein the lyrics are fixed.

You started not to pray by heart.

You started to forget to be thankful after all of what you’d received.

In those period where you have the most, you forget the most important One that helped you to reach it.

I still clearly remember how you asked for forgiveness after all of what you’d done. You continuously crying like there’s no tomorrow while saying the same thing over and over again.

“Please forgive me.”

Until all of a sudden your whole body became warm like someone is trying to let you know that He’s there listening to your prayers. You came to realize that you’re already forgiven. He welcomed you with warmth and embraced you like a Father who’s waiting for so long for you to come back to Him.

That day everything changed. It was like there’s a new you. You were like reborn again in way you think differently unlike before. You came to realized a lot of things you need to be grateful for and how you see challenges as a room to grow.

The sorrow and anxiety that you’d facing that day changed into something positive. You took out all the negative thoughts and start to do something that can fill your thoughts positively.

  1. You started to practice Self Care.

For that six months, you started to gain weight and it reached 56 kg, which is the highest one you’d experienced! Upon realizing it, you started to became more conscious on yourself. You started to do a morning routine that will help you to be more productive. You incorporate your days with healthy living practices such as Yoga, taking apple cider in the morning, cutting out sweets, intermittent fasting and many more. As of now you’d loss 6 kg after consistently doing it for 3 1/2 months.

2. You continue your passion in writing.

You became more active in your blog and in the course of 3 months, you were able to reach 1630 readers with a 65 blog posts. You shared a lot of your experiences, financial management ways, poems and inspirational blogs.

3. You started to reach out more to your friends.

Challenges made you stronger and realized a lot of things and one of those is to give importance to the people who’d been there for you. You started to establish broken connections from your high school/college friends, and you somehow assure them that you’re proud of what they are right now. It’s kinda fulfilling in a way that you cheer everyone up an be responded like they didn’t expect it from someone like you.

4. You managed to land a job after six months.

After waiting for so long, you’d been granted a job that you never expect on having. You’d fixed your mind that it’s time for you to go home but I think God has another plan for you. Now you’re doing very well and you’d receive a positive response from your new colleague.

5. People started to reached you out.

One thing that you never imagine this year is when people started to reach you out. You never expected that people will open up to you like you’re their last hope. You became an inspiration to those who are having break down in their lives right now, and it’s one of the fulfilling experienced that happened in this year.

Living is not only about yourself Lea. Sometimes you need to be an instrument for others to feel inspired and motivated. Like what you’d written in your year book, make this as your reminder to share your wisdom to others.

“We will all die anyway, so if ever my name won’t make it in the history, I’ll still make sure that it is worth of a story.”

Be a kind of story where everyone will feel that their battles no matter what kind of end it will be, they’ll still come out stronger. As you continue to be an instrument this year, I hope that you’ll still be on it in the future.

Once you read this, I hope that you were able to inspire more individuals, help them reach their goals and make them an inspiration to others as well.

Yes it’s been a tough year but you survived from it. Continue striving and never lose hope. The Lea Pearl in 2020 succeed from all of the trials, and now this is your time.

Make your life worth of a story for other people.

Rather than to brag, Inspire them that they can do the same.

Life is short anyway so be remembered as Lea Pearl who inspires them.

Their Success is your success.

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About Me

Hi, I am Lea Pearl

Working employee wherein blogging became my side hobby.
Creator of Living Her Own Life which aims to touch people’s heart and inspire them to achieve their own goals in life.
Writing has been my passion for almost 15 years. Last 2020, I made my very own website where I can share all of my thoughts and stories in life.

On the Blog