Last September 15 was the last update regarding the DIY (Do it yourself) cement pots and plants business of our family. To trail the history back when it all started, it was simply because of the pandemic. My family tried to do something that can keep their minds busy and that’s how the “Pot’s and Plants” business of my family begin.
This pandemic really gave a lot of innovative ideas to everyone just to drive away their boredom. Many people keep having interest in plants right now that even came up with a certain name for someone to be certified. In our country Philippines we called it “Plantito and Plantita”. Whoever loves plants or owned a lot of it will be deserving to this so-called title. Sound funny right?
Have you ever think of how our home looks right now? Here are some glimpse of it.

Going back to our business, as of now, they establish repeat customers that continuously grow as time goes by. Since it’s only a home business, it wasn’t that time consuming for my family to make production. It was like a hobby where as long as they have time to do some cement pots, then they’ll do it with no pressure.
For my parents it was like a stress reliever for them especially in this tough times. They were able to keep themselves busy and happy at the same time. They were able to come up on something to do out of their usual work everyday.
Here are some of the pictures of our valued customers:

Have you ever imagine that we were able to deliver it in some other places as well? How interesting right?

Since they’d been used to make cement pots, they came up in different varieties of designs. From sizes, to mix and match of colors, making a package out of it, motifs (Ice Cream, Blackpink & Christmas), and we received a positive response to all of it.
Pastel Colors Cement Pots
(Ice Cream Series)
White based match with one color
(Fiery Series)

Dual Color Mix

One of the thing that made it boost in the market is the sales strategy of my sister. She came up with all the ideas of names, image editing, communication in social media pages and many more. Well it was a team’s effort and I’m thankful that the response exceeds it.
Until now, we weren’t able to realize that something is possible despite of this tough period. I remember my Mom said that it provides us added financial support knowing that we’re facing some sort of budget shortage.
It’s been three months since we started, and we can say that this business is successful. We really don’t expect a lot of returns but in these three months it exceeds our expected sales. Consistency and Innovative ideas is the key to have it. So whoever reading this, this is the perfect time to bring out the “Plantita” and “Plantito” in you!
Cheers to my parents who didn’t give up in this challenging year!
You can check out my first blogs on how this small business started.