God created season for us to be able to adapt in any kind of changes.
This is God’s unique way for us to carry on even there are changes every now and then.
Autumn is for sacrifices. Every leaves that became dried, every flower that stopped to bloom, serve as a sacrifices that we once experience. Every part of you will break once you let something in your life. At first you’ll hurt and cry but in the end you’ll realize that all of those sacrifices will be your inspiration to go on.
Winter serves as a sign for unity. In a cold breeze, we always find each others back to lean on. The heat on us make our self warm. Being together with someone you love will be your key to survive with all those pain and heartaches.
Summer is for fun and bonding. After the long break, God let ourselves to experience fun. We travel new places together with our love ones, we laugh and we keep so many amazing experiences in this season.
Spring is for hope. After the long winter season, God show us how things around us grow again. This means that even a long moments of being in the dark side of your life, there will be a time that you will go higher, better and brighter.
God is really cool right? We just need to realize it on our own, that all things He made helps us to be a better human being.