I remember those times you showed me how you care,
And i know the feeling is mutual as we play the game with fair.
When we ran away holding each others hand,
My heart beats a thousand faster as we ran.
When you sat beside me singing with your guitar,
I silently hoping that we will still go far,
When you stayed with me throughout the night.
Saying you’ll never leave me as we see the sun’s light .
I keep waiting for your next move,
but you get tired all of a sudden and I ended up being removed.
It was always you who I really hope for,
And until now I can’t help myself to say you are worth waiting for.
Now I can’t see myself moving on without you,
I hopelessly praying that soon you’ll love me too.
Even though I already said it a thousand times that I’m hating myself for nothing,
Even though I always hold back but still ended up crying.
Even though you completely move on and live your life to the fullest,
I will always be in that same place when our feelings is on test.
I will always be the girl who always reminisce our simple moments,
I will always be hoping that something will happen even we’re not meant.
I don’t know when will I stop and will get tired of this feeling,
I don’t know when will I stop myself from caring.
Who knows maybe soon i can freely fly like a dove,
And I can proudly say that GOOD BYE FOR REAL MY FIRST LOVE.