Cheers to More Blessings! 

We are about to end this year and welcome another chapter of our lives,

Now is the time to look back on the memories that keeps us alive.

With all the hardships we’d been through we deserve to have a happy ending,

So let’s close this year with a with a note to ourselves that we need to keep going.

Let’s continue what we started while enjoying every moment,

Let’s forgive and let go of the past and just enjoy the present.

We need to get rid of our bad habits and work to be better,

Just like taking the first steps towards our own happily ever after.

We fell down and made big sacrifices in this year,

We cried and loss some people that we thought will stay here.

That despite of the genuine help for them they decided to brush it off,

 And in the end no signs of thank you and just a sudden cut off.

This gave us a realization that everything is temporary,

Just like our current situation and the people that we hold dearly.

That’s how life works because it wants us to learn from high and low,

Of every situation that our journey wants us to follow.

Our own choices in life drives us to where we are today,

These are the results of our decisions that we chose every single day.

Now we need to ask ourselves if everything is all worth it?

Or we wasted again another time to avoid another defeat?

Did we make use of every single opportunity and chance present to us?

Did we do something for our goals or we choose to bypass?

Did we spend the days fulfilled because of the things we learned?

Did we go beyond our limitation or just settled on what we’d earned?

To be given a chance to live is a gift that other’s been wanting to achieve,

Keep in mind that in this society you have a certain role to live.

Don’t waste your time and think that it is ok to waste it,

Because one day you will regret every chance you failed to commit.

May this upcoming year be full of blessing for everyone,

This time let’s grab all opportunities and start with a plan.

Let’s make the next year as a period of change and success,

Let’s promise to each other that now we will choose to be stronger and fearless.

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