My 2022 Life Goals Review 

Before the year 2022 started, I made a target goal specifically for my personal growth, career, finances, spiritual connection and for my family. After all the things that I’d been through during the pandemic, it made me realized how valuable time is. That’s why as soon as I found a job, I carefully planned out my life and double my efforts in order for me to bounce back once again. Compare to the past years, I can say that I became more eager this year to achieve my targets. From planning my yearly goals, I made a target each month from that so I can ensure that I can achieve everything at the end of the year. Although everything is carefully planned out before the year start, there are still things that happened out of that plan. Even though there’s a lot of things happened, I am happy that I can conclude this year as a successful one.  Who would’ve imagined that I will achieve the things that I have right now within a year of planning it? The Lea Pearl who’s just planning last December 2021, will surely be proud with all of these blessings in front of her. I’m thankful and grateful from all the effort that I put in this year. The path is not that easy to take on, there are times that I feel pity in some situation that I keep stopping myself to experience things which can compromise my goals. I keep telling myself that there will be a perfect time for everything but for now, I need to sacrifice it for the sake of my own dreams. I believe that there’s no easy path to success, so whenever I’m in situation when I need to think of what should I prioritized, I just tell to myself that in time I can do everything that I want so I just need to be patient for now.

The whole year has been one of the best moments of my life. I can say that I officially entered the adult life because my plans are getting bigger as time goes by. I came to realize the things that matters right now and what I can do today to make my future better. As I shared my journey in this blog, I’d seen how I drastically improved myself. There’s a lot more different now compare to when I’m still starting. For now, I just feel so thankful and grateful for all the blessings that I hand and the same time I am now more eager to plan and achieve more goals. I believe that this is just only the beginning of everything. Years by now, I need to b in a position wherein all my efforts will be worth it. I will keep doing what I started and be consistent on it no matter what happen.

To give you an idea of what I planned for the year 2021, here’s the illustration of it and also my blog about it:

To be able to know how I made it happen, you can also check my monthly goals review below:

One thing that I realized upon assessing what happened the whole year, I observed how action plays an integral part in making our goals happen. A plan will just stay as it is but our own effort is the one that will keep it going. The moment po our life will redirect to our goals, the way we think will also change. That’s what happen to me in this year. I feel like I became a new and better version of myself. I became emotionally & mentally healthy in a way that I am ok even I’m alone. What important for me right now is the quality of time I have for myself and at the same time a genuine people beside me. Unlike before when I usually rely from people, I came to realized that along the way, we need to be independent enough to handle everything on our own. I learned to accept myself wholeheartedly and because of that, I became stronger than before. This mindset is what I want also to share to my dear friends. I hope that they will realize to love their own self first rather than seeking it from others. We need to be complete on our own and that’s what really matters nowadays. We need to be financially secured, mentally prepared and emotionally stronger in order to face all the challenges that will come to our life.

To give you a glimpse of all my goals, it focuses on the following aspect:

1. Personal Development. this aspect, I made it sure that the year 2022, I’ll be able to improve myself mentally. For that to happen, I made a list of targets which will help me to achieve it. For me, learning is a continuous task and it should not stop once we graduated from college. We have a lot of means to learn nowadays and that’s what I wanted to maximized this year. I decided to make use of the opportunities present and make it sure that by the end of the year, I can somehow develop my weaknesses

2. Finances. To be able to achieve my goals, I need to carefully track my cash flow. This year I started to take note all of my expense and savings so that I can see the portions that I can adjust. I also divide everything according to my target this year so I can ensure that I’ll be able to reach it before the end of the year. Other than that, I also made a monthly financial tracker which I can use to see as a basis for my records.

3. Travel Goals. Not only for my personal wants, I made a travel goal or mostly I called leisure goals in this year for me to be able to at least enjoy the present. In the past years, I’d seen how I neglected myself for my future. Now, I wanted to have a well balance life wherein I can still make memories while working for my goals.

4. Health & Fitness. This year I had chance to maximize my time given that I only have eight hours job every week. Given this opportunity, I decided to incorporate physical activities that will help me to improved my health and at the same time develop a good habit of taking care of myself.

5. Career Target. Just because I’m secured right now, it doesn’t mean that it can last long. That’s why I decided to at least be ready anytime so that I can take right away the opportunities present. At this age, there are still a lot of chances for me to grow and that’s what I keep telling to myself for the whole year.

6. Spiritual aspect. A well-balanced life should include every aspect of my life. That’s why this year I made it sure that I can be closer to God by means of praying.

7. Family and Loved Ones Goals. My family deserves a lot of things after all that we’d been through. I believe that as I grow as an individual, I can now start to provide things and experiences for them to be happy. I believe that this is the right time for me to give back and give them the life that they deserve.

With the successful outcome of this plan, I decided to do it again for the next year. I will double my efforts and at the same go beyond my limitation. As much as I can be the best version of myself, I will do it in this coming year. I hope that as this chapter close, a new and memorable chapter will open for me. May this upcoming year be filled by blessings and adventures for everyone of us. Before that, let’s have a brief report of how I achieved my goals and the challenges I encountered this year.

To be able to achieve the ideal self that I’d been dreaming to be, I need to work on improving what’s within. As I carefully assess what I am lacking out, I found out that I need to first prioritized how I think in order for me to step up in my next goals. In this year, I focus more on building my confidence. To be able to do that, I need to equipped myself with learnings, knowledge and experiences. That’s how I came up with targets that I think would greatly help me before the year ends. As you can see in the illustration above, there are some tasks that I failed to do. Despite of this, I planned to pursue it for the next year so I can finally achieve all of those. Now, here ‘s a review of each target:

1. Take Management Diplomas. To be able to build foundation for my career, I need to get something that will support me with it. Since I observed that I have more time unlike in my previous job, I took that opportunity to look for free online courses which is connected to my industry. In this year, I made a target of at least take two certifications online. The first course that I took was last April and the next one was taken last May. Within two months, I am happy that I finally achieved these targets. What I did is that, I take one hour of my day off to focus in finishing one chapter of the training. I keep repeating the same process until I officially finished my targets. Here are the courses that I did this year 2022:

  • Human Resources in the Food Service and Hospitality Sector- Alison – Empower Yourself
  • Diploma in Food Industry Roles and Responsibilities – Alison – Empower Yourself

2. Food Safety Certification.  Last year 2021, I’d been focusing in doing food safety courses. I completed three courses which I think is more than enough to have. That’s why I focus more on doing Diploma courses or high-level trainings so that I can have a strong foundation if ever I plan to apply. Since I’d been in the industry for quite some time, I think that I need to focus on things that can support my growth in this path. I believe that I need to make use of the time right now to learn more and do something for my career. To give you an idea, here are the food safety courses that I took last 2021:

  • Hospitality Management – Health and Safety in Food Service – Revised – Alison – Empower Yourself
  • ISO 22000:2018 – Elements of Food Safety Management System (FSMS) – Alison – Empower Yourself
  • Food Safety and Hygiene in the Catering Industry- Alison – Empower Yourself

3. Read a book. Sadly, this is one of the goals that I failed to do. Due to the limited budget I have because of the big investments that I took this year, I wasn’t able to secure at least one book to read. This actually makes me sad because I’d been looking forward to read a lot of books that my friends recommend to me. Despite of that, I still don’t lose hope that I’ll be able to achieve it next year. I will include it for next year’s plan and make it sure that I will have time for this goal. Like what most successful person do, I believe that through reading, we can all be able to attain knowledge which could help us to be more equip.

4. Develop Communication Skills. One thing that greatly changed this year is the way I communicate with others. Compare to I was before; I can say that I improved so much and that I think is because of the couple of years I’d spent with my dear friend Shuuja. Since we both don’t share the same nationality and we always use English to communicate with each other, it became a practice for me every single day. We both grow a lot within the time that we shared together. I’m so thankful that we both realized what we wanted to be and at the same time cheer each other’s up on our personal goals. Because of her, I was able to became more confident in communicating my thoughts to others personally and professionally. Another thing that I made me progress a lot this year is through blogging. Since it has been a practice for me to publish post every now and then, it became easy for me to write down my thoughts using other language. To be able to keep it going, I will start to practice on my own and the same time learn through reading books.

5. Attend Seminars/Expo. Another goal that I failed to do is to attend seminars/expo. Last year, I was able to attend one which is the hospitality convention. Now, I missed the opportunity this year because of my own availability. Due to my schedule and at the same time the tight budget that I have, I only have a limited to access to other things which is out of the budget. Despite of that, I will try to incorporate activities in this coming year to suffice the task that I failed to do.

This year, I took a major decision to invest big amount of money in an investment. I believe that this is the time to make a big step for my finances and focus on generating passive income. It took me a thorough research before I came up with this plan. Since this is the first time that I will invest most of my savings, I need to be very wise in making decision. I can say that this 2022 is one the hectic year for my finances. Not only I made a big investment, I also had my vacation and made an advance payment for all of my long-term investment. Now that I’m planning to start investing in real estate, I need to manage well my finances like wat I did in this year. In this illustration below, you can see that there are some tasks that I didn’t reach the target. Despite of that, I can still conclude that it all went well and I effectively implement my budget for this year. To give you review of each, here below are the following inputs on what I did for each goal:

1. Start 2 House Rental Business. Before the year 2022 started, my first plan is to invest in foreclosed properties. Upon assessing everything, I thought that it would be ideal to first used the existing properties that we have and improved it so we can maximize our profits. Other than that reason, I also thought that it would really help my family to have a stable income which would help us in a long term. As of now, we have three properties which we put as rental. The one that we decided to renovate is the first one that we got when my parents got married. Since it has been more than two decades, we decided to fully renovate it this year. My initial investment for this was P270,000.00 and the over all cost incurred was P330,362.00. The other house that we renovated is the second house which we live when we were in high school. Unlike the first one, we only decided to have a minor renovation for this because we are planning to renovate it as a four-door apartment in the year 2026. For this second house, I invested P75,000.00 and the overall cost is around P85,000.00. By the end of October, I finally achieved this goal and made a passive income for our whole family which amounts P12,000.00 monthly.

2. Strengthen Emergency Fund to 10,000 Qar. Even though that I didn’t reach this amount that I planned for this year, I’m still happy that I was able save up an amount of 3,000.00 QAR for my emergency fund. I believe that I still have a chance to work on it for the next year after I find a better job for me.  I also hope that I won’t be able to use this fund so I can double this amount which can make me feel more secured.

3. Secure Advance Payment that will cover until 2023. One thing that I am really proud of is when I was able to secure and advance payment for all of my investment and insurance funds (AIA, BPI AIA, SSS and Pag-Ibig). Not only for this year 2022, I was also able to secure a payment for it until the year 2024. Once I find a job, I plan to make an advance payment for all of it until the year 2025. By doing this, I can entirely focus on investing in real estate and at the same time my emergency fund. At first, I didn’t imagine that I’ll be able to make it since I had my vacation last September. It is actually out of budget that’s why I’m quite worried that I will fail this. By means of properly managing my money, I found a way to finally achieve this. As of now, I funded a one-year advance payment for all of my investments.

4. P100,000 Target amount for Joint Account. This year, I was able to secure an amount which cost P40,000.00 for our joint account fund. Since we were scammed last year, we went back again to zero and we need to save up again starting this year. Rather than looking back to what happened, we just chose to learned from the whole experience and focus on our future plans. For the next year, I will save up again for this fund so that by the year 2025, we can finally have our dream wedding.

5.5,000 Qar Minimum amounts in Local Bank. Since I decided to make an advance settlement for all of my investment and insurances, I failed to secure this amount in my local bank account. Now, as I watched financial videos online, I’m planning to have new digital accounts online which yields higher interest than the normal bank. There I will put my funds separately so that I can assure that it will grow more compare to other savings account.

One thing that made this year very special is when I started to explore places during my free time. My partner actually the one who pushed me to at least enjoy the things around me and not just focus on my goals. There I realized that I need to also treasure the time that I have right now by making unforgettable memories and adventures with my loved ones. That’s why this year, I really live the best out of anything that I can do. Because of that, I was able to express myself well in my social media accounts which helped me to achieved around 10000+ followers within a year. I think that this is just the beginning of everything. With this new found happiness, I will continue to explore more places around the world and make a lot of unforgettable experiences with my loved ones. For the whole year, here are the things that I achieved in terms of travel & Leisure.

1. Take a Staycation. Every time me and my partner get an opportunity to be together, we started to look for adventures within Qatar which we can have quality time with each other. Unlike before wherein we just eat somewhere, this time, we decided to experience new things which is also within the budget. Given the situation that we are not allowed to have an overnight outside because of our curfew, we just settle on having daytime activities. That for us is more than enough to make memories with each other. We usually do it every other month so we can have a time to save up for it.

2. Attend a Sport Events. Even though I didn’t get a ticket from any FIFA match in Qatar, we were still able to enjoy watching it in different locations in which they provide a live viewing for other football fans. As soon as the month of November started, there’s a lot of activities took place in every part of Qatar. I can see how they really made an effort to cater the visitors around the world. This event became one of the best experienced that happened to me in this country. Within more than six years that I’d been here, I slowly fell in love to their culture and tradition. That’s why, I started to know more about this country so I can share how beautiful it is. I will continue to look for memorable experiences that I can do here so when the time comes that I need to leave, I will be filled with memories that I can treasure for the rest of my life.

3. Go to a Theme Park. At first, I was really thinking to go to a theme park here in Qatar, but as the months passed, I failed to visit one due to its high cost. I was already losing hope but little did I know is that I will be able to achieve this goal in my country. It is not really a theme park but it’s an adventure park which we visited when we were in Davao. There I experienced the sky swing ride standing 95 feet off the ground. I did it together with my brother and it was really unplanned because we both don’t feel well. My mom and sister also enjoyed the sky cycle ride which is somehow ideal for adults. It was really a fun experience which completed my year. Every time I checked our videos, I always feel the same emotion when we were there. I realized that this kind of memories are the ones that can makes us really happy every time we look back on it.

4. Experience Water Adventures. During my Surigao, Davao and Bacolod tour, I was able to experienced different water adventures. We had an Island tour, visited Taclobo sanctuary, enjoyed the natural hot spring of mambukal and a lot more. During that 30 days’ vacation, it was really a one of a kind experienced for all of us. Not only I was able to achieved my goals, my loved ones also made a lot of memories that they will surely remember for the rest of their lives. Now, I feel so determined to look for more adventures that we can all enjoy. I hope and pray that I will get a better opportunity so that I can make all of my plans happened.

5. Travel Local/Overseas. This year has been packed with a lot of adventures. I was able to visit a lot of places in Qatar & Philippines which made this year very special. I am also happy because I was able to experienced it together with my loved ones. I found peace while discovering new places that I never visited before. Now, I get it when they say travelling makes someone a storyteller. The whole experience is unexplainable. The emotions that I felt during those times are beyond what I can comprehend. It gave me new insights and inspiration for me to pursue my goals in the future. Now, I will keep exploring new places and I will surely share it in this blog.

Being healthy has never been my concern before. Before, fast food makes me excited just by thinking of it. Now, I don’t feel the same thing anymore. Rather than eating process food, I would rather go in a restaurant which I think serves healthy and fresh ones. Because of this habits that I gained this year, it helped me to let go all of the bad ones. I may still work on it day by day in order to fully commit myself to this goal, but I am pretty sure that I’ll be able to make it happen soon. I actually have a lot of things in mind, but I wanted to take things slow by focusing on what I can do now. Little by little, I can achieve my plans like enrolling in a workout session and try other physical activities. Since this year became a big step for me towards the ideal life that I want to have, I am confident that I can do more for the next years that will come. Here below are the experiences that I want to share before achieving these targets:

1. Eat Healthy!  Who would’ve imagined that I will start eating the foods that I usually don’t eat before? Even my mom is shock when she knew about it and all I can say is thanks to my determination in aiming a healthy lifestyle. This is really a mind changing period for me. I think that it’s because of adulting and I knew very well that I’m getting older day by day.  To be able to keep fit and healthy, I need to take care of my daily consumption by means of eating healthy items rather than what I used to. Now, I also make sure that I eat fresh vegetables or 1-2 pieces of fruit every single day. I think that this will be a great start for me to totally change my eating habits. After I successfully done it this year, I will stick to what I used to and continue it by incorporating more nutritious meal.

2. Maintain Ideal Weight 47-50kg. This year, I realized that having a specific goal will help me to achieve it sooner. Now that I reached my ideal weight, I decided to just maintain it by continuing the healthy activities that I started this year. In this upcoming year, I will just focus on building my stamina and engage more in other outdoor activities. The applications that I used this year made a big impact in achieving this target. Some of it are:

  • Fat Secret – Calorie Intake Count
  • Better Me- Daily exercise
  • YouTube- Cardio & HIIT exercises

3. Prepare Healthy Meals. Even though I can’t still prepare healthy meals since our kitchen is mostly used by my flat mates, I was still able to change my eating habits. This year, I added fresh green salads and fruits in my daily meal. At the same time, I lessen my carbs intake by having one meal rice only at 16:00. As I consistently do my workout, I realized that I also need to improved my eating habits in order to achieve best results. The consultation that I had this year helped me to know the things that I lacked which I badly need to focus on. Now, I learned to eat the foods that I never tasted since before and also minimized my fast food & soft drinks cravings. Other than that, I also started the 16/8 fasting period and it greatly helped me to control my dinner intake. Rather than eating in bulk, I learned to eat portion size foods and my unhealthy cravings is now lessen compare to the past years.

4. 30 Minutes to 1 Hour Workout (3 Times a Week). It was just last March 2021 when me and my colleague started our workout journey. So even though we are now separated, we both still continued doing it because it already became a part of our day. So, in this whole year, I was able to be consistent in doing it from three to five times per week. Even though I’m doing it by myself, I always find joy every time I do workouts. Being alone didn’t stop me from improving my health and with months of efforts, I was able to achieve my goal to live a healthy lifestyle. What I did for the whole year are, Cardio, HIIT, Target Exercises, Jogging and Jumping Rope. When I started this journey, I also started to hear different positive response from the people around me. Because of that, I feel more inspired to continue what I’m doing hoping that it can inspire them to do the same.

5. Yoga/Meditation before going to sleep. As part of my self-love routine this year, one thing that I develop is the habit of clearing my mind before I sleep. Since stress is inevitable especially if you’re an employee, I found it very important to have our time for ourselves. We need to make use of that moment to let go all of our worries and just be on the present. After doing this for so long, it helped me to improved my focus on the next day and have a quality sleep at the same time. What I usually do it to have a yoga after workout and a 10-15 minutes meditation before I sleep. For the meditation, I look for nature sounds on YouTube and listen to it while doing breathing exercise. At first, I found this activity boring until my bogy got used to it now, this activity makes my day complete.

For my career, I’d been following a path which I’d been practicing for so long. For me, the maximum years that I can stay in a company is two years if ever I will feel that there’s no growth chances for me. As a lady, I know that we only have limited time to pursue our dreams especially if we start to have our own family. Even though we still have a chance to continue our career, it will still be hard to manage our time between family and work. That’s why, I always have in mind that I need to keep going not until I feel that it’s time to settle down. At 26, I believe that this is not the right time for me to be in my comfort zone. I know that there’s still a lot of opportunities out there and all I need to do is to make a move. As I wait on my career to reach its peak, I also started to prepare myself to look for other opportunities. I need to carefully manage the time in order not to waste any of it. Since I’ll be 27 next year, I need to at least secure another job which will help me to achieve my plans and goals for 2023. Now here are my targets this 2022 and what I experience upon achieving it:

1. Promotion.  One thing that I failed to secure is the promotion. Despite of that, I believe that it’s a sign for me that there will be a better opportunity somewhere. I believe that my own skills and experiences deserves a better place in which I can look forward for growth. It took me a thorough assessment for me to decide if I can still wait for it or just pursue other options. As I reached my two years, I can now look for other options that can be suitable for my experience. Even though I didn’t get this opportunity, I still think positively by means of seeing it as a sign for me to go. Together with my partner, he helped me to decide what’s better for me and not to feel bad if things don’t go according to my plan. Rather than seeing it as negative situation, I just learned to divert into something that will help me to be more motivated. I still believe that even though I won’t be able to get it this year, there are still years for me to work for it. Like what mostly people say, “Good things comes for those who patiently waits.”

2.Salary Increase. Even though I didn’t get the promotion that I’d been looking forward this year, I’m still happy that our company made a decision to increase the salary of their staffs on a yearly basis. As I reached two years in the same company, I was able to experience salary increase (two times) even just a little. The increase helped me to adjust well my budget and save more for my business funds. Through my effective budgeting skills, I was able to reach my main targets this year which is to renovate our two-house rental which gave us now a steady source of income. I just hope that I’ll be given a chance to get a better job next year so I can save more for my goals. For now, I’ll just make use of the remaining days to look for other opportunities fit for my experience. That will be my sole focus for the remaining days of this year 2022.

3. Update CV/Professional Websites. As I reached two years in my current company and as I assess if there’s any chance of getting promoted, I also started to prepare all the things that I needed in doing applications. Around mid of 2022, prepared my CV, cover letter, certificates, resumes and files needed in applying. Other than that, I also made a schedule of applications together with the target companies that I need to focus first. Here’s the breakdown of it:

  • October– my focus is to apply overseas specifically in Singapore, Hongkong, Australia, New Zealand and USA. Target properties are luxury hotels, private and Hospitality main companies, and also the government based in Qatar.
  • November– my focus is to apply in different hotel brands overseas and in Qatar namely Marriott, Accor, Four Season, Shangri La, Kempinski, Mandarin Oriental etc.
  • December– my focus is to apply in other job sites such as linkedin, caterer global, indeed etc.

In these months, you can see how packed it is with tasks that I need to do. Since I also decided to take chances overseas, I need to double my effort to forward my resume in other properties. Together with efforts and prayers I am looking forward that there will be an opportunity for me that will come in the right time.

4. New working environment. As of now, there’s still no progress on a new environment that they’d been planning from the first period of this year. I’m actually looking forward to it but I found out that it makes me feel disappoint over time. That’s why I stop looking forward to it and just focus on the things that I can do. For me, if ever there’s no chance to be in a new environment where I can still hope that I can grow, then I will just look for other place which offers it. I learned not to dwell in things that I can’t control because it will just make me feel bad in the end. As I look for other opportunities out there, I am pretty sure that I will find my own environment in the right time.

With all the blessings that me and my family received this year, all I can to thank God for it is by praying and by being an inspiration to others. It has been a hard yet meaningful journey for all of us. That ups and downs that we experience in life are the evidences of how great our God is. He really built us up to become a better version of ourselves. In the past years, we’d seen how our life changes through our own decisions in life. Even though we were separated by our own goals, He granted us a lot of blessings which helped us to continue what we started. For me, by praying the holy rosary is my means to have a personal time with the Creator. This is my time to be at ease and just focus on him. I realized that 30 minutes of our time with him is more than enough to let go of our worries and find our own peace. I may have lack in some ways but I know my faith stronger now is stronger than it was before. Through him and our efforts to change our life, we can now feel the impact of it on our daily life. Faith can literally move mountains. As a believer, I will continue to be a good example and inspiration to others. As I achieve my own goals, I will use that opportunity to share blessings to others.

Success for me is when all of my family members are happy and contented from all the blessings that we are receiving. As I achieve my own goals, I’m also looking forward to the success of my whole family in their own chosen field. As time goes by, I’d seen the changes that took place in our life. I can say that we are all doing well despite of the hardships that we encountered in the past. This year marked another big step for each and every one of us. As I start to make big investment, my sister also finished her master’s degree and my brother successfully done his exam. Our efforts and sacrifices this year truly gave us a positive change in our life. I can feel how my parents are so proud of our success and that really inspire us to do our best in these coming years. We all know that it’s too early to celebrate but we have faith on ourselves that we will continue to strive hard to meet our ultimate goals in life. There may be some targets that I failed to reach this year, but in God’s perfect time, I’m confident that I’ll eventually achieve it. Without further ado, here are the targets that I set for this year for my family and my overall feedback for that experience:

1. Buy Couple Band Ring for Parents.  Because of the big investment that I made this year, I failed to secure a couple band for my parents which has been their dream. The back story of it is that, my parents sacrificed their wedding ring in order to pay our tuition fees during our college years. Because of that, it has been my target to give back to them their sign of love that they sacrificed for the three of us. Even though I didn’t achieve it this year, I still have it my mind that eventually I can make this goal happen.Despite of failing, I’m still happy that I can still give them something this year which will help them in a long run. After my father lost his job, I think that I made a right decision to invest my savings into something that will financially aid them. Together with my other siblings, we will slowly plan out things for our future to be better.

2. Renovate 2 House Rental. Despite of releasing big amount of money this year, I still feel happy on the outcome of this decision. Now before the year ends, we successfully secured two house rentals which gives us a steady monthly income of P15,000.00 together with our 3rd rental. Every time I think about it, I feel so proud that my hard work has been paid off. Now, I realized that there’s no such thing as impossible if you are really committed to what you want to have. Within two years that I stayed in a company where I really started from scratch due to the pandemic, it became my inspiration to save for something that will financially help us other than our monthly salary. My experiences drive me to be so eager in this target and within that period, I was able to finally secured it. As I made this big step, I became more inspired to invest more in real estate. Now, I planned to have a yearly investment in real estate and put it on a rental basis. By doing this at 26, it would help me to have a passive income stream in the future. Eventually, I will have an option to retire early and just focus on building my family.

3. Treat them for a Staycation. During my vacation, we were all able to have different tours which helped me to achieved this target. We visited a lot of places such as Davao, Baguio, La Union and Amadeo. During those times, we were able to enjoy ourselves and talk about each other’s life. Other than these places, they were able to enjoy their staycation during my mom’s birthday. My sister planned it very well and because of that they were able to celebrate it with a lot of fun and new experiences. Once I got a chance to have more means to spend for our leisure, I will surely treat them again for a staycation this upcoming year.

4. Have a date in a Fancy Restaurant. Compare to before when we used to eat in fast-food, we can now afford to somehow eat in restaurants. For the whole year, my whole family has been enjoying their time eating in different buffet restaurants within our area. My mom and dad usually go on random dates and eat their favorites snacks. Just by looking at them, it reminds me how different it is compared before. During my vacation, we treat them in a buffet restaurant located in Manila Hotel and also in Cabalen which my dad likes. There’s a lot more fun dining experienced that happened in the whole year. Even though I only have one month to spend with them, their happiness is more than enough for me. In this coming year, their food explorations will surely continue and we will all look forward on that.

This year 2022 is indeed one of the best years of my life. Not only because I reached a lot of my goals but I’d also seen how I drastically change. Looking back to all what happened in this year, I feel proud and grateful for all the outcomes of my sacrifices. There are times that I almost wanted to give up but gladly I chose to strive until I succeed. This period gave new insights, motivation, ideas and plans which I will incorporate for the next year. I will never forget all the adventures that I experienced this year which gave me a new perspective in life.

Now, I promise to continue what I started this year. This time, I’ll try to go beyond my limitation, and take every opportunity that I see. I will be more fearless and will not let any negativity stop me from attaining what I’d been hoping to have. Together with prayers, I will make this upcoming year another best year of my life.

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Hi, I am Lea Pearl

Working employee wherein blogging became my side hobby.
Creator of Living Her Own Life which aims to touch people’s heart and inspire them to achieve their own goals in life.
Writing has been my passion for almost 15 years. Last 2020, I made my very own website where I can share all of my thoughts and stories in life.

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